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Everything posted by moose

  1. do you think we will hear anythig about this in at E3. I read that there maybe some info at the Tokyo game show but i was wondering if there will be any info at this years E3.
  2. i was looking at a translation of the manga and it has a differnt ending then the current ova. I mean shin and kanzaki finally have it out and somethign about shim lsing his meneory in the end not teh ending in teh current ova about him leaving it at that.which one is correct or was i reading something in correct.
  3. My picks for ugliest TF's: 99.9% of the Armada & Energon lines amin brother , my god they have to smoken some serious crack maybe coke to be producing that stuff . how can the compnay let them get away with prodcing this crap. amazing
  4. why what happened?whats teh current policy
  5. i got a ps2 adapter and would like to hook up my internet connection to it however bellsouth and i have a usp allcatel modem and i recall reading some were that i can coonect my playstaion trough my pc by converting my computer in to a server. i bought an eithernet card and eithernet cable but i am nto sure how to set it up. could somebody give me some assistance with this thanks.
  6. well I like it hehe
  7. what toys does this anime have i recall seeing something by yamato
  8. Tring to think of which Gundam Seed Toys will they have for the US market 3 days ago I saw a Gundam strike and Astray Gundam model at Target. Well they were cheap but i was wonderind what else will be ou tint eh us market namely the Strike metal material and will they have any nwe DLX figures. thanks
  9. moose

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    yeah you right about economies of scale its just that the convoy has so many plus points and far cheaper then i could have imagened so its die cast then it would seen give the look of a better overall value. but its the only thing curretnly just like tha alphas so be prepared to fork out the money.
  10. moose

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    EDIT: also, you can buy 2 20th anniversary Optimus Primes for the price of this 1 figure. you go dr clay preach on brother. I can't belive they the killed the diecast and dude last i recall it was way bigger then that . I am no its not fair to compare it to the convay but every since they made that thing and can sell it for roughly 60 bucks i am begining to question all my purchases that and the escaflowne 48 dollars looks wonderful. But yamato basicly has a monopoly so hey the laws of suppy and demand apply. like any compny they got to find ways to minimize costs hence no diecast, mac zero reduced in size and nolonger a perfect transformation but its also cheaper so you might be able to let that slide. buy the way great debate lets keep it clean and enjoy sharing ideas. thanks guys
  11. were did you see it at. what city
  12. i was looking at the latest new type from japan and they were offering a model or toy not sure of the red vanship with purchase of last exile DVD any body care to add some light
  13. hlj has it for preorder i wonder if they encountered the same situation
  14. so whats the update on the yf 19 fastback i thought that was comming out first
  15. me no need to detach legs
  16. why how bad were they, what kind of issues did you have.
  17. i think zeta is goin to be relesed first they have alot of action figures of zeta stuff on the gundam official website. no seed toys at all.
  18. moose

    Yamato 1/48 Valkyries

    its not gonna be a darker color those colors match the one 1/60 version. the bandi one have a nice coat the deep and shinny.hey were is that pic of the customized max vf 1a that was at the winter wonderfest.that had a nice blue
  19. moose

    Yamato 1/48 Valkyries

    I only got one problem with that, the paint on the bandi looks so much better I like the shine it has. I am referring to the picture in the toy review section.
  20. how old is this anime I recall see it a few years ago
  21. ok before you guys go and waste your time going to TRU speaking from experience I was a former manager TRU is in the process of doing a phase change and they will not be getting any product till end or mid feb depending on when they get done with doing there inventory so you should go to walmart or target these larger stores are albe to acquire product much faster then TRU due to there market share. i would say next week would be a good tiem states closer to the west cost recieve products earlier then stores on the east cost.
  22. he had wanted to purchase my vf ss models and the britanica and said that he was waitign to get paid however that was dec 16 the last i heard from himso who knows. parcel post may take a while due to the holidays.
  23. moose

    vf 11b fastback

    considering purchasing one however I am reluctant to purchase one due to the hip issue I was read at a web site that the vf 11b still developes stress cracs but the metal bar is preventing breaks. Any ifo thanks
  24. It dont matter next year macross zero will be number 1
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