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Everything posted by moose

  1. I just got this thing sure looks beautiful, however I have not transformed it hoping it is a least free of defects I remember some people said the vf-27 became loose overtime hoping this is not going to a repeat the vf-19 is a better build, but dam how I hate the whole theme hoping for a repaint.
  2. Ok I am some what confused is this a model similar to that of a Gundam were everything will be on spurs and we need to glue or snap it together. The first pick shows some parts but not all. can any one confirm.
  3. are they gonna bring back there 50% off Fedex shipping ? Have not seen at all this year and I used it 3 times last year
  4. I thought this was a small problem, shoulder joints, and not wide spread or I could be mistaken. Can some one concur ?
  5. how often do the have the fedex 50% off shipping. I used it 3 times last year
  6. Well maybe so but any company that would have imported it it would have had the usual dubb and then it might suffer the fate of other anime and suck all together. Robotech in comparison was and is miles ahead of what has been dubbed today pretty good. And you are asuming that it would still be sucessfull enough to spawn more licensing if that is the case look at Gundam they did well with Wing and had the merchadise in the stores,but it never got to the masses it's still a small market And were are talking about '86 no internet, nothing it was this or nadah. But what a disaster if Alto picks Ranka! Oh hell No!
  7. Not for me, if not for Robotech many fans would never have been introduced to macross or anime in general. Plus to be frank I can only watch the Macross partas Robotech the music, the opening "Rick", "Lisa" all that I tried to watch it in the original Japanese could not I guess it's what you grew up on. Robotech is a thousand times better then that awful sequel, Macross 7. Sucks that we could not get the other great macross things due to copy right, but that is the legal crap. They should have restricted them to just macross and all the new stuff. Forget all that though you know what would be a disaster if Alto picks Ranka! Oh hell No!
  8. I looked high and low on the net for it any idea were I can get one, I hear it's very rare.
  9. Hey did they ever make a 1/48 " Ben" tv version all I can find is the Max.
  10. amen brother I tried watching Mac 7 it was horrible. Big monsters what were they thinking and if you notice every after that was stayed away from that formula
  11. Place an order or orders for any in-stock and shippable items between 9am December 1 and 6pm December 15, 2010 (Japan Standard Time; GMT+9).
  12. Just a question because I dont want to create a new thread does anybody know were I can purchase a clear stand with the three platic rubber coated tibs to display the jets in fighter mode.
  13. Got mine today smaller than I thought. The yf 19 and vf 0s are a nice a size. Any way my radar flops any advice?
  14. Sorry I wrote the previous post in a hurry. Hi guys I was hoping I could get some advice regarding my VF0S. I damaged the backpack flap and the white metal hinge that connects the body of the model to the legs. I have already contact HLJ and they requested that I provide them with a part number however, the manual provided does not contain a parts list and as such I can not provide them with one. The manual is in Japanese which makes it difficult to find a description of the part something Yamato would recognize. Any suggestions beyond the taking a photo.
  15. Need some help guys since I damaged my vf os I contacted HLJ to order so some replacement parts they are requesting a parts number.I have the manual open, however I don't see the a parts list should I just give a description. the gray part of the backpack were the back flaps hang broke and the back flap broke. Also a brass colored metal screw that joins the big white colored metal joint thing that keeps the legs and the body together broke. Some thing so small could bring down this giant. I was just wondering as to the wording I need to give them since they want a description. Any help will be great. I was just gonna ask for the white hinge and a back pack to keep it simple since. What do you think. Maybe some on can read me the Japanese in the manual and give me a better description
  16. Need some help guys since I damaged my vf os I contacted HLJ to order so some replacement parts they are requesting a parts number.I have the manual open, however I don't see the a parts list should I just give a description. the gray part of the backpack were the back flaps hang broke and the back flap broke. Also a brass colored metal screw that joins the big white colored metal joint thing that keeps the legs and the body together broke. Some thing so small could bring down this giant. I was just wondering as to the wording I need to give them since they want a description. Any help will be great. I was just gonna ask for the white hinge and a back pack to keep it simple since. What do you think. Maybe some on can read me the Japanese in the manual and give me a better description
  17. I have the VF 0S and unfortunately the waist hinge that keeps the legs and the upper body broke so now its effectively in 2 half’s. Very disappointed in the quality of this product I own 1/48 Max TV and a 1/60 yf19 and both are fine this thing fell apart. Not to mentions the backpack flap broke also. I was thinking of trying overman’s site but he is currently suspending orders can we try HLJ to help us order parts. Is the shin version the better of the two. I personally love the VF 0D if they ever made it but this is all that we have. What about the SV 51 types are they are good we have 3 or does the quality suck on them both. It really makes you think twice before you invest your money in something if the quality is crap. You can’t enjoy it nor can you resale it’s a loss.
  18. Anybody got the link to chapter 21 clone wars
  19. oh would somebody please post the bittorrent
  20. ok i know its out there somebody post the bittorrent
  21. where is teh cheapest place to get these. fo rthe us market and are they an updated version of teh ones sold at target. thanks
  22. i will put money that shin will not die we should start a pool
  23. is dimond comics still goin gto be distributing it in teh us or have they back out due to lack of quantity does any body know. thanks
  24. when ?
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