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Everything posted by moose

  1. You sure about this ok well I guess we have no choice since every other place is sold out
  2. Who has it in stock I thought it was sold out
  3. Just for my info which of these DX VF-25 Renewal's have already been reissued, I missed out on the DX Chogokin VF-25G like most of on here and was hoping to pick it up if they ever reissue it so what are my chances
  4. Holding out for the canon foder version
  5. So is it really this shade of blue
  6. So I am guessing that is it since HLJ has not updated their page well hey if they reissue fine if not I am sure some one else will want my money
  7. moose

    DX VF-25G

    What a joke hey like I said if they don't want my money thats perfectly fine
  8. To be frank its the same as the other 2 with minor changes I am turning in to a completist and I dont want to.
  9. As anyone manged to order one from Amiami, I ordered from the last month with shipping it turned out to be the same price as HLJ,
  10. I think it' selling out at AmiAmi on the Japanise mirror site so when the eventually list it on the english side its already sold out. Hey if they dont want my money that fine Hot Toys and Yamato can have it.
  11. Some one tell me we can expect more color schemes of this
  12. So this beign a website exclusive does that mean we will only be getting one paint scheme?
  13. Having said that do you this rerelease will drive the price down on the older version
  14. So with shipping both Ami Ami and Hlj are about the same?
  15. Just so I have some Idea this thing was $ 30 cheaper at Amiami then at HLJ, but what kind of shipping rate can we expect from Amiami when HLJ charges $ 19 US for SAL and $ 31 US for Fedex. ( This estimate is based of the YF 29 of the HLJ Site)
  16. Whats the reason for such a height differance is it simply because the legs on the newer valk stretch out more the previous models?
  17. Amiami is the cheapest I have seen, but how is shipping with them I missed out on this release back in the day http://www.hlj.com/product/ALT20801 and ended buying the 1/144 scale which was way to small this is not bad but could be bigger
  18. I know it looks so sick whats its looking like for Macross do they have anything coming out in the same month Bandi or Yamato?
  19. Thought this might seem interesting I might be getting these new one considering they are on a bigger scale then the 1/44 and the onlyl other thing in 1/100 is a model the look really http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-SCL2-09513&page=top 9,980 JPY
  20. I think we can expect the radome version after the luca which we can expect after max which based on whats been comming out in Q3 at the earliest
  21. Hum that few so you guys got emails telling of the cancalation I has no idea it was that popular Well glad I am in to the CF color version but still this is insane just how many are they making?
  22. SO even if we opt for SAL there shipping is higher the HLJ?
  23. I would not bet on that this was very popular I have a feeling that they might sell out. The VF-1j and VF-1S those I think they might be around but you never know I check other retailers and ebay to gauge how many are in stock. On the other had with this new rerelease it might bring down the price of the orginals.
  24. What shipping like with Amiami to the US at least do they ship SAL
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