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Everything posted by moose

  1. Yeah they are treating us like crap so it my might be time to end this we never had to go through with this when yamato was making stuff,
  2. Yeah from a business stand point I get it but this reminds me of the whole hot toys exclusive that were sold at toy fairs . They would show pics of grammas waiting inline to get this stuff for the scalpers later flip it online. Hot toys changed what they offer as exclusives and the issue went away. Yeah why have some customer loyalty program buybdireclty from them through bandi drop a big deposit who cares reserve you figure only make what people preorder direty from them. I have the nu gundam it's my favorite gundam and bought that at retail it was available in 3 stores relatively easy and now I am considering sell it since I can't match it up with it mate unless I shell out 4,000. And speaking of not finishing a product line were is my tv kenzaki I want to finish my squad. They are a joke . I am about fed up with staying up to 3 am on preorder days and get nothing . Never had to deal with this crap when yamato and Arcadia made stuff now we will never be able to get anything here in the us unless it a p bandi stuff. Even thrbnu gundam was sold on p bandi here in the us and I emailed them will you offer the sazabi they said they did not know and now we have to deal with scalpers. Time to find a new hobby
  3. Money is no object for some people but I dont think the toy collectable market is on par with exotic cars .In the end it's all subjective to what you value. I recall rolexes were selling out during pandemic because of they were using them as a store of value and now prices have dropped to what they were before covid Hey more power to you can sell it at an outrageous amount of I see a metal sazabi for 7,000 on ebay dude thinks he can flip it for that the go for it . Average price is between 3000 and 4000 and he has got 4 units for sale and who here wants to promote scalpers, nobody. I guess what is upsetting me is Bandi in general this thing is popular and they tease it for years and when they offer it for sale they make less them they did of the nu gundam there buy creating a shortage . That means for those who got the nu gundam they cant get its mate the sazabi. Okini land did like what other stores did offrerd 2 for sale at retail and held back their order to sell at markup. They might have not offer any at all and just try flip them. I mean this only happens with bandi Arcadia makes stuff it does ot sell ok unlike this all that other stuff that bandi teased yf 21 , yf 19, sdf tv version we will never get it because the same thing will happen
  4. Is there a popular forum like macross world for gundam were maybe they want to make a mark up but they dont want to pay ebay and yahoo fees and we can buy directly from someone who ones one. I get it you want to make a profit but brother ain't nobody going to give you 4 to 5 grand especially in today's economy. Nobody will buy anything if they feel like they are getting taken. We are collectors we understand things increase in value over time and so as it becomes more rare and popular it raises in value and we if we decide to sell it we try to price it at a fair price that will sell and not be outrageous. But they are doing including okiniland and these other sellers are trying to scalp us and none of are about to get taken. They either make me a reasonable offer or hot toys can take my money. I personally think it's a beautiful brick that lacks any articulation. What I wanted and would have loved was a metal build of nu gundam and the sazabi but we got this in stead so here we are
  5. So its ebay or nothing then we are out of luck crazy because plenty of people wanted them but it was gone in seconds . Oh well take money else were
  6. So are they done or they just taking a break on new releases been a while since we seen anything and none were shown during the tamashi show case ?
  7. So I guess we'll are screwed pay pal will not do anything bank says they cant help. Dam out money and superpack. I told paypal you let us make purchases through you but this guy must have had multiple complaints why is his account still active. I guess its first time for every thing. So is my only option Ebay to try and find super packs.?
  8. What happened to Nippon Yassin facebook is filled with complaints they have not shipped products and it all started this year.
  9. Anybody have any infon on shipments from Nippon Yassin on the TV fast packs Been waiting and nothing ? Did they go bust or waiting onna second shipment? Might have to try paypal at this point
  10. Anybody have an update from Nippon yassin on the shipment MACROSS - DX CHOGOKIN SUPER PARTS SET FOR TV? Said it would be ready bu Dec 23 , 2020 but I got nothing
  11. So the chances of finding one on release day depend on people on canceling there orders or will these retailers have extra stock
  12. They have really take n it to another level
  13. I see that bandi website sti has them up so I guess you are right
  14. Is that the only way to get this through a proxy. Hell I did de even know this was going for order today.
  15. Is this up any where else
  16. Are they going to release both the yf 21 and release the yf 19 .
  17. Correct me if I am wrong but nippon yassin never put an order ar a mark up price like they have done in the past. That's frankly the onkybwaybi have ever managed to get a valk .
  18. Link ?
  19. Yeah I did notice that a new saint figure asgard figure was in preorder indent even know it was offered for preorder probably all on the same day. So 3 times macross , new eva and a saint seyia figure. It's insane only bandi does this happen with.
  20. I hope so at this point it is sold out everywhere. So all we can do is wait and see even for a bit of a mark up that would be fine. I am do sick of this crap its only Bandi that macross that does this and if it was no ot for the fact I wanted to complete my tv valks I would not give a dam .since they are all basicly repaints .
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