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Everything posted by buffalostyle

  1. I have a sinking feeling that I will be KICKING myself over passing up that Sheryl Nome Visual Collection artbook at NDK this year.
  2. buffalostyle

    VF-1 MURAL

    Wow! That is so cool! The fact that your school's administrators allowed you and your friend to paint this is pretty awesome on their part, too.
  3. While I missed out on MW con as well as those AWESOME t-shirts (that'll teach me to check the MW blog religiously), I will try my darnedest (is that a real word?) not to miss the battroid versions! Nice stuff, >EXO<!!!
  4. Gotta admit...I...kinda..did...too. VERY nice dio, Deri.
  5. Great topic! I'm kind of happy that I didn't pull it up sooner to see the newer additions before I went to SDCC. There was one dealer, in particular, who had some pretty good Macross cels for sale. I haven't picked anything up in a while, however, and I really need to get back into the cel-collecting game...seeing all this new stuff is very inspiring...
  6. VERY nice, baronv!!! Looking at these cels makes me think about re-entering the cel-collecting arena. I haven't picked anything up in awhile...Who knows? Maybe when I hit up ComiCon, I might actually look for some new cels.
  7. The DYRL cosplays are very nice. I especially like the Max as he doesn't get cosplayed too often...
  8. Oh, my....that Sheryl is kewl!!! I usually try to stay away from PVC figures but that one may be too hard to pass up...
  9. Wow!!! That is very nice! I agree with Vepariga in wanting to see more of the Misa... Cannot wait to see the finished product.
  10. OMG OMG OMG!!! You know, I have purposely avoided this topic because I LOVE pachinko machines and really want one for my Library/Office but they cost quite a bit of money (I know...suck it up...) and they can be hard to find. That said, I have a friend of mine who picked up a Gamera pachinko a couple of years ago and, at the time, I had asked him to use his connections to see if he could find a Cutie Honey machine for me. In the end, I decided against getting the CH machine but this Macross one is bringing out those feelings again. Darn it!!!
  11. I wouldn't call it a rant. In fact, it was one of the most thorough reviews of a live event that I have ever read. I could imagine how it all went down due to your review. For that, I must thank you. Here's hoping for a DVD release.
  12. I am drooling, uncontrollably, right now....and envious.... VF-11B overload??? No such thing...
  13. While I don't have to worry about earthquakes where I live, looking at these collections that are on here can sure make a person jealous. What MaveRick did with the shelves for his figures is awe-inspiring to say the least...
  14. No truer words were ever written in regards to this particular subject. It's kinda funny, though. The biggest problem that I (and many other Macross collectors) have is the frequency at which these new Valks are coming out because the prices are, actually, secondary to me. I don't mind them because I think the toys are worthwhile. Who knew that there could be such a thing as "Yamato Macross Valkyrie release" overload...
  15. One of my favorite songs, regardless of genre, of all time. Always puts a smile on my face. That is VERY odd, Gubaba....bordering on creepy. What an incredibly sad day...
  16. Who doesn't? That's too bad. Finding those Knight Sabers is like finding gold. I had some friends of mine who owned an anime shop a few years ago and I got mine from them. Man, cost me an arm and a leg... Looks like I am going to have to post some pics of my anime statues and figures, too...Good thread... p.s. LOVE the display case, MaveRick...
  17. Bingo!!! I agree completely...it is so very difficult to compete with nostalgia and most people will write something new off because it didn't grab them as much as the original did. It is very rare for a sequel brought out several years later to compete with the original as you have YEARS of memories to account for.
  18. What? You mean those weren't vitamins???
  19. Aw, man....not Capt. Lou... what a shame.
  20. Oh, my!!! I think I'm going to need some time to recover ....While the 2SS has a wonderful design, I voted for the Legendary VF-4...there is something to be said for it being the last thing we see Hikaru flying...
  21. Ah..yes...facepalming...the peaceful alternative...I should do that more often, myself...
  22. Woah!!! Thought I was somewhere else for a moment...LOL...
  23. That, in a nutshell, is all folks... for how cut and dry this is, it continues to spur many, MANY hours of debate. Honestly, Seto, I don't know how you haven't sustained any head damage (from banging your head against a wall) from all of this. It's pretty simple, really... but...fanboys are gonna be fanboys...
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