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Everything posted by christ

  1. "costed" Jesus. Sorry about that. I gotta preview before I post.
  2. I always had problems naming my aibos. I named the 220 MECH, because that seemed appropriate. At first I named my 210 PAYCHECK, because that's how much he costed. But I found that I just kept calling him AIBO or 210 once the others arrived. I call my ERS-7, SEVEN. It kind of feels like naming my 1/48 valkyries Bob and Scruffy and Jimmy. It's a toy, baby. But I guess go with Isis because everyone else is saying it. My avatar is a ride-on future aibo.
  3. Zardoz!!!! Best ending evah! It's Sean Connery's Barbarella. Vinny- I had to give you a response as everyone else ignored it. I don't know why everyone doesn't love Zardoz. Brilliant sci fi and proto-Excalibur John Boorman.
  4. I know this is stretching the boundaries, but this is funny poo. It's amazing what someone can do without a budget these days. WMV: http://www.jeskid.com/ShadesPreview.wmv Quicktime (non streaming mp4): http://www.jeskid.com/ShadesPreview.mov The whole site: http://www.shades.jeskid.com
  5. It was on ABC and most of the show was shot on the JFK. (CVN-67) They avoided showing the call letters as much as possible so it could remain a generic carrier.
  6. I used several very thick coats of tamiya enamel on my PG evangelion's rubber elbows. It didn't flake. Just don't expect to bend it much. I used like twenty very thick coats and it seemed to have done the trick.
  7. It's funny that Evangelion was brought up in comparison to the Silent Hill games. I have always felt that they both contain a similar dramatic "power". Evangelion was so powerful for me because of the "dreamlike, inner life" it conveyed at its core of grand, giant robot action drama. I felt totally destroyed after that last scene of THE END OF EVANGELION move. "I feel sick" or "This feeling sucks" indeed. Similarly, the end of silent hill 2 destroyed me. When you finally realize what the entire game meant, what all the monsters really were and what Maria was, it's almost like coming through a difficult time in your life when the smoke clears and you can finally deal with the horrible thing that happened to you. Like Evangelion, it has been entertaining you with the freak show but at the same time, quietly laying down thick layers of subtext. Meaning keeps occurring to you days after you're done with it. And both soundtracks are excellent. I'm sorry. I tried to keep this as general as possible as not to ruin anything for anyone.
  8. Imageanime has it for cheaper. They're in NYC. They ship everywhere. They own my soul. I must constantly push their store for them: http://matrixcollectibles.site.yahoo.com/
  9. No way man. G5 Powerbook is coming! Ah, it's like Macrumors and Macrossworld are the same site now.
  10. One more pic...
  11. More pics...
  12. Yamato's Escaflowne is out. Buy two and keep one in each mode. You never want to transform it back to robot. Jeez. Think of the vf-19 except even more fragile and top-heavy. I sweated while I transformed it to dragon. Just like I did when I got my first 19. But the final product is beautiful in both modes, just don't ever move it or pose it or take it off the shelf. The box is really ugly. It looks like it was designed at the last minute. $60 at Imageanime.
  13. $80? How can I not? Please put me down for a set. Thanks.
  14. Bought the Elint and Ostrich. I've read all the complaints. I don't know what anyone was expecting. These are 1/60's; flawed, back-leaning, loose as a long neck goose valkyries. They're all like that. Anyway, I'm actually liking the Elint- I open it first and immediately get it into robot mode. Up on the shelf. That's all she wrote. Then I open up the Ostrich and try to transform it to robot mode. I can't get the chest plate to slide down and lock over the heat shield. No matter what I do. It slides a few millimeters and then gets stuck. Right out of the box and I'm considering just pushing as hard as I can until it breaks because I only want it in robot mode anyway. I own every one of the 1/60's and I've never had this problem before. I am stumped. So instead of problem solving, I just keep ramming that damned chest plate down on its guides. The Elint slid home like a champ. No problems on that valk. Why won't the ostrich work? Then I remembered my cable modem. You reset everything over and over again in TCP/IP when adding a new computer and you can never get internet access. The modem refuses to ping the IP address to the computer. You try everything for hours. Then, in pure frustration, you unplug the modem and plug it back in. Suddenly, you have internet. Everything works. It's always the stupidest thing. So I open up the front wheel well of my Ostrich. The landing gear is pushed unnaturally far up into the wheel well. It's obstructing the bottom metal track of the chest plate. I pull the wheel out. Down goes the chest plate. Easy as pie. Only took a frickin hour to figure it out. Me am smart. At least I didn't break it. Yet.
  15. Non macross favorites: Kaiyodo "Big Guy" Godzilla. The four foot tall one. I bought it on ebay and the guy wouldn't send it to me for weeks. It was a lot of money, so I called him and threatened to call the police. It was GRAND LARCENY, after all. I received it three days later in a refrigerator box. Hyper Hybrid Gundam RX-78 I'm not religious about this mech like some people seem to be, but it's three feet tall, weighs twenty pounds and is as poseable as a MSIA. As Ferris Bueller would say, "If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up". Macross- I guess it's the Bandai reissues. I've got all the 1/48's and they're the most beautiful, but after seeing the Bandais for years on the net and at toy shows for hundreds of dollars and then being able to get each for under a hundred in every import store you walk into, I guess they pack the most punch. Looking at them all lined up on the shelf, it feels like that dream I used to have about walking into a Toys R Us in 1980, being able to buy all the vintage star wars at retail and then being able to take it back to the present with you. Chunky Monkeys, indeed.
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