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Everything posted by christ

  1. I like how the original Kenner Tie fighters with their small panels are now Universe accurate as mark 1 ties. There's a reason to own them again. McQuarrie's designs were all over the place- the original bearded Luke design was in "Tarkin-town" sitting next to the Rodian. I liked it much better than the original Clone Wars movie. This was about second to third season of Clone Wars in comparable quality, I'd say. Alladin Ezra didn't irritate me as much as worried he would. Instead of cutesie, he was kind of a dick, stealing everything off everyone. That made him almost cool. And when the Han Solo/Kyle Kataarn character stood up and pulled his lightsaber, revealing his true nature to the Imperials, I thought it was pretty awesome. Like one of the Han Solo novels back in the day almost. It walked in a similar way.
  2. THINK IN RUSSIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fwlHac2bIQ Don't forget about this performance. Real feels.
  4. A very satisfying way to end Tano's run and a great way to explain her absence in ROTS. Plus, it's obvious she gets to survive the purge and show up between the trilogies in whatever new series will come after clone wars. It's well done but also obvious that this entire series has been used to retcon and explain why Anakin turned to the dark side because ROTS failed to do so.
  5. Best episode of this show so far. EPIC lightsaber battles. Those who died HAD to die. A little too short and abrupt but with no fat at all. Even the ship being destroyed was satisfiying. It's like this episode got rid of all the trash in one fell swoop.
  6. Yeah- it seems like everyone hates this guy- but it's actually fantastic, huge and the lions look good individually. The pilots are OK- nothing terrible. I think if this all came in one box at one time, people would have been pretty happy about it, but they had almost a year to inspect every paint rub and iffy production decision on each lion while they waited to 'form the head'. This is one of those instances when I don't really 'get' why everyone is so mad. It's five lions that form a 2 foot tall Voltron. It has proportions that are quite similar to the Toynami version- the black lion especially.
  7. This movie was awesome. It was the 1980 Flash Gordon of this generation. It will be on cable all the time because it will be cheap to run and twenty years from now, people will still be talking about it. The audience in my theatre applauded at the end. It was that good.
  8. Reamde? Really? This was the man who wrote Snow Crash and Diamond Age? Diamond Age is absolutely brilliant- I think of it at least once a day when I hear about 3D printing and look at an ipad. This book is about the final result of both of these things, written way before they existed. Reamde on the other hand is typing disguised as writing. He actually mocks himself during the book. Stephenson is actually using 'Skeletor' the over-prolific fantasy author as a negative foil for himself. It just went on and on and on. But I hear a lot of people liked the thing. People who also liked Crytonomicon. Blech. Oh- American Gods by Neil Gaimon. Do yourself a favor and read that. Forget about Sandman and all that- read this for what it is. All ancient Gods have human "avatars" that walk around and live lives. Odin is a two-bit con artist. Loki is in the joint. Anansi is an old black storyteller dude. Brilliant and touching as hell.
  9. Love that Obi-Wan/bounty hunter's helmet is one of Boba Fett's prototype helmets. All the episodes in this arc- epecially this latest, feel very Star Wars expanded Universe book-like. Really impressive. Just keep making stuff like this and who needs the movies or the live action show?
  10. I was just glad Anakin didn't show up to kill Krell during the big chase scene. That really would have been the easy way out.
  11. This last episode was so fantastic, I can't get over it. Shades of episode 3 everywhere. Existential clone dilemmas...what every stormtrooper must be thinking inside his helmet while the emperor rules the galaxy in the future. This was like Star Wars: Platoon. Best arc ever! SPOILER BELOW: "So, it's treason then!" -General Krell
  12. It's MOST obvious when watching Victor become an entirely different person every time he's imprinted. When he was imprinted with Topher's personality, he WAS Topher. That guy's a great actor. Eliza Dushku plays herself with a louder voice for some of the dolls she was. Her best work was as the mother who decided she wanted to keep the baby she was charged with taking care of. but again, acting like you love a baby isn't the same as acting like an entirely different character with a back story, past, etc. I loved her in Bring it On though. The nice, bad girl trope is always groovy.
  13. This is really tragic- I guess no one's watching this last season. Absolutely brilliant. The explanation of what the attic really is was elegant, old-school cyberpunk and perfect. The Kwizatz Haderach awakening from Dune that Echo is experiencing is awesome. It almost makes up for her terrible, terrible acting. Victor and Sienna's love affair is just like Fred and Wesley from Angel. This whole season actually feels like that last season of Angel, when the show started to exceed your expectations at every turn. DeWitt is the surprise of the show though- just like in Angel, you're being taken along for the ride as someone starts good, turns bad and turns good again. Awesome. I'd spoiler text this post if it seemed like anyone still cared about this show. What a shame.
  14. I can't help but picture ghostly Patrick Swayze and Vincent Schiavelli(died in 2005) learning how to move bottlecaps and sneakers in the subways forevah! Ghost was metal.
  15. Here's the source for the alternate ending- also it goes even further with John connor/marcus waking up and shooting kate and kyle reese when they come in to see "john connor" after his surgery! He was the ultimate infiltration unit- he convinced the leader of the resistance that he was a good-hearted terminator, had his wife put her husband's skin on his body, and then turned and killed them all. Bleak, baby. Bleak. http://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2009/05/the...lternate+ending
  16. I just read online that this indeed was the original end of an earlier script- John Connor dies from his wound and they actually pull his skin off and put it on the Marcus endo body. Then the whole movie revolving around Marcus makes sense and you've got an almost impervious John Connor with terminator strength to lead the resistance. A terminator leading the resistance. Awesome. a little bit like the finale of this season of Heroes. But apparently the story leaked and they changed the plot. Too much change, I guess. They had to stay conventional.
  17. Jeremy- been loving the podcast since you started it. Congratulations on going this long. This podcast was a great return to form- funny but not slapdash. You had pointed critiques and succeeded in the most important way a podcast about anime can- you made me desperate to purchase Megazone 23. After Anime World Order and now you, I'll finally have to plunk down real money for it. What's up with Andrew?- he hasn't been around as much. It was always fun to hear you bounce off his hardcore nerdiness. And also, I know this is annoying, but I can't resist since 2 other posters have brought it up- that Zooey chick is podcast death. Maybe you can get Hellbunny on the show!
  18. Sing it! When Victor is the russian informant, or the boss lady's british, romance-novel love toy, to this episode where he was the NSA due, he is always an entirely different person- this is an acting class come alive for him. And Wash... whenever my wife and I see him in anything... that commercial where he is a hostage at the bank to the previews of Dollhouse, we always cry out in unison "Wash!"
  19. So... is the end of the first movie that Beaorn Bear dude? How about they import a little Tom Bombadil into this mutha? Then it's two movies good, one movie bad time.
  20. Frackin brilliant. Madeline L'Engle! Meg and Charles Wallace saw Farandolae living and dancing inside the Mitochondria when they shrunk down to be inside a Mitochondria in A WIND IN THE DOOR...
  21. Robotic doves! Sadly, I'm not kidding.
  22. You're totally right. The one thing to keep in mind is that it's not a "tangent" universe. It was THE future. The girlfriend was going to die, apparently. That was the only constant. Donnie, being able to travel in time through his insanity, changed piece after piece, like bursting the pipe in the school, burning down Patrick Swayze's house- he used the rabbit as the conduit to communicate with himself to do these things. In the end, the airplane that contained his mom and sibling only contained them because he burnt swayze's house down and his mom had to fill in for that annoying zealot housewife who wanted to stay to support swayze in his time of need. The fact that they were even on the plane was a construct of his changes in the time line. Therefore, it could be used as a tool to eradicate the timeline. His mom called and told him the time of the flight so donnie knew exactly when it was to pass over his house (or he could delineate it). He was able to cause the final change (but this time not from the future- from the present back to the past.) It might be argued that this was the reason he burnt down swayze's house- so he could create an event with the airplane which he could use as a paradox later. The engine fell off a plane from the future. And in the future, that plane never contained his mom and sibling because he wasn't around to burn down swayze's house and cause them to take the plane- so that plane must not even have crashed in the future. A paradox was created in donnie's room, killing him. Everyone can feel the ripple of the paradox. The man in the rabbit suit can feel his eye hurt. The girlfriend passes the house of the boy she never met and feels that she's missing something. Saddest movie ever.
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