Great job~! you are the man, man~! about trying to make a valk by using the roy's parts? (is it possible? as the parts are stylised and out of proportion)
many are going to sell their 1/48 for funding for the new 1/60 due to its improved features and in scale with other valks...hey...the choice s yours...
are v so serious about all these things?
what on earth & eden can afford the space exploration at the 1st place (material & time to build the fleets)? do v need to count how many fleets? do v need to calculate how much material to be used? do v need to calculate how much time needed to build all the fleets? do v need to know what is the material?do v need to know how they manage to build them? where are those bases for the construction of the fleets?
no space exploration = no macross stories
y bother to care about the young kids hikaru or alto?
there is one thing for sure...this 1/60 is gonna burn a big hole in our wallets whether u like it or not...
y cant yamato just improve on 1/48? ...more space for improvement...not like the small scale 1/60...many features have been dropped...