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Everything posted by tomac66

  1. Hi, here is mine (With decals applied).
  2. This is ridicolous again!
  3. Hi, about the price changes is all exchange rates, when you pay now with the new system they calculate the price in yens and transform again in dollars with the actual exchange rate (you pay less dollars now). And with the new system when you go to your account and press in pay now you go to a preorder cart (they add the units to your cart as you did when you preordered it) where you can change the shipping method and push preorder next step to go to payment page and pay the item. I paid for my armored parts and VF-4 without problem.
  4. My amiami preorder is listed for December, what happens here?
  5. Hi, please can someone post a comparison pic with a MP-1 and a MP-10 next to a Yamato 1/48 VF-1 to see the sizes. Thank´s.
  6. Hi, they lowered your price from 339$ to 319$?
  7. Price lowered for me too!
  8. Hi, one thing is that the price changes based on the value of the yen, but this time they lowered the Yen value to 25.500 to lower the HLJ price and win new preorders, I think that everybody that preordered whit NY must send an email asking for lowering the originals preorders too. I´m going to do that and I think that everybody must do it.
  9. Here they have all the 4 vols to import. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/search3.html?q=The+Super+Dimension+Fortress+Macross+The+First&media=&r=any&step=20&order=score
  10. That sucks, Bandai put the preorder the day I had to operate and now I've left the hospital and are all sold, that thing with the Bandai preorders is ridiculous.
  11. Take a look here: http://www.toysdaily...185615-2-1.html And at the end of this page: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-178263-11-1.html
  12. Sold out at AnimeExport too.
  13. This is absolutely ridicolous, if bandai want to sell toys and the people want to buy it, why not they only give the toys to the stores to sell it?
  14. Someone knows if the release date for the VF-25 G is September? Thank´s.
  15. Thank´s for the scan, do you have the VF-171 page scan?
  16. For the people thas is preordering in ebay, in eshop2go is in stock for about 220$ shipped (instead the 260$ in ebay). http://www.ishop2go.com/productUR_030_PR_0000336_Prt_en.html
  17. Congrats and thank´s for the fix video "anubis". The ball joints on arms and legs was very loose on mine too, I made the fix with superglue, it´s an easy fix and it works perfect. Happy new year for everybody!!
  18. Hi, can someone put a scan of the Vf-17 Hobby Japan page on this month? Thank´s.
  19. Hi, do you think that they are going to release a Ozma armored pack instead of a web exclusive armored parts?
  20. Hi, I can see only one pic, can you post the other 3 again? Thank´s.
  21. And there is a Ozma and Klan tornado pack´s in the video too, could be great that someone put a video with all the diferent units that can be tried in the game. I love the look of the diferent Ozma color schemes.
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