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  1. tomac66

    Hi-Metal R

    Better pics from Loopaza Mega Store.
  2. tomac66

    Hi-Metal R

    It seems that Bandai could announce the Macross Flashback 2012 VF-4 Hi-Metal R in the next Tamashii Nations. http://blog.livedoor.jp/nation2018/archives/12684400.html
  3. Finally I was able to finish the stickers that I was missing for the Battroid mode, this is the result.
  4. Yes, I printed my pic in adhesive vinyl paper (A4 size), the small ones are from the own VF-2SS stickers and from some Yamato toys styckers.
  5. Thank's, this is the image I made for the stickers, with some for the VF-4 too.
  6. Thak you very much. All are stickers made by my (except the small that brought the figure and the central calabera, I designed a A4 in Photoshop with several skulls in black background, black and yellow pieces and some small arrow and took her to print on paper of adhesive vinyl, then it remains to be seen as it has to be each piece and cut the stickers.
  7. As I wanted to have a version in yellow but was not willing to pay what they ask for it, I bought a second unit when they put the offer in NY for then buy a SAP and have the same for much less. I have customized this unit in yellow and doing a tribute to VF-1s of Roy to give more life to the mold, everything I have done so on the basis of stickers, nothing painted, this is how the fighter looks, I changed the position of the legs to be more glued to the rest and are not bad. Now it is my turn to do some more for the Battroid mode. You like the result?
  8. The VF-2SS is a great design and this toy has some very good looking angles.
  9. The end is very good with the stickers on.
  10. It's fine with the nail polish, aply it in the sides of the connectors holes and let dry some hours, after this, the connectors will fit very solid.
  11. He looks good in Fighter mode with some stickers. Mine was very solid and now is completely solid with the use of some nail polish in the connectors (we haven't future in my country).
  12. Nexx SAL is 5000JPY in NY, where did you see the 3000?
  13. I think if you get a reply from A-E, you are going to be the luckiest man in the world.
  14. Hi, can you post pics of where to aply the superglue? Thank's.
  15. On taghobby says that is delayed to February, seems that there are new pics too. http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/evolution-toy-2015%E5%B9%B412%E6%9C%88%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE-%E3%80%8A%E8%B6%85%E6%99%82%E7%A9%BA%E8%A6%81%E5%A1%9Emacross-ii-lovers-again-%E3%80%8B-%E5%8F%AF%E8%AE%8A-vf-2ss-valkyrie-ii-silvie-gena/
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