Oh poo.
I'll just have to rely on you Pacific rim types to get your VF-0's first and posting reviews long before we get them on our shores.
Well, whoever gets it first gets first dibs.
Is this a certainty?
The only thing certain in life is death.
I was going to say 'death and taxes', but a clever man can avoid tax.
Yeah, I guess.
Not much chance, in fact I'd say extremely slim. Unfortunately, those days are probably long gone.
So, I'll be buying retail just like everybody else.
That's too bad!
Yeah! You have to try FlyingPika, otherwise other MWer's won't be able to judge your work? A design for the Bumper Sticker/T-Shirt in black and white just like the other designs, I can't wait to see them VF22Red! I bet ya they'll look awesome!
Btw, kudos to you for the hard work you've put into the 2 box designs. "Bumper Sticker Sized Design that can be used for a t-shirt or a sticker, printed out on sticker paper", very intriguing!
Hey! It's just an idea, but why don't somebody start a poll once all the box designs have been entered, then the fellow MWer's can vote to see which will be used.
Yeah, soldering irons works better on large scaled toys, even that doesn't work. Might even wreck the the toy in the process. The pin method is much prefered.