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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. EXCELLENT!!!! That's now FlyingPika's official entry.
  2. Hope the camera guy's okay?
  3. Wow! I didn't know this would go out of stock so fast!
  4. Lately hes been acting like he had rabies and flipping out, yeah, nice avatar he left, can someone erase that I must have missed something here, but what DID he do?
  5. Nice to hear from you again, Carl!
  6. Slowly, but surely. It's staring to look stunning.
  7. The crowd's goin' wild!!!!!!
  8. That and this one would make my day.......
  9. 2nd Ending Song of the series.
  10. This is nothing new, Japanese anime productions have been using Korean animators for decades. in fact, wasnt' the last decade plagued by a trend of reduced frame count in most anime produced as the anime studios tried cutting corners to reduce cost? Now with the trend of going digital, even the Korean animators might soon find themselves out of a job. As for work being exported, hello developing countries, this is what you have to look forward to when your country joins the ranks of "developed nations". I guess you can call that the effect of globalization.
  11. I guess I will.
  12. That's a much better new look for Megatron. It closely resembles the G1 Megatron.
  13. Thanks, thank you very much. The design of Milia and Mylene is a "freetime" . Now too, I'm doing the color VF-0D for the previous design of MZ. Later, I going to do a design of Myung. Yes!!! The completion of your design of MZ and lastly, MYUNG!!!
  14. In our dream: PG Ex-S Gundam => the most expensive Gundam model ever... Not if you can afford it.
  15. That's pretty good FlyingPika! Can't wait for the finished design!
  16. Simply fantastic works of art!!! Especially your last drawing. How about a Myung or a Sharon Apple?
  17. I'm starting to crack up just imagining it.
  18. I didn't know that. Too bad you dont have a pic of it.
  19. I also mentioned this too. I hope they make a PG version of it too.
  20. Would you two stop posting together! You're starting to freak me out. and thanks ewilen for further clarifying the point.
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