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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. That's what I call "self-gratification". Well, if you love yourself that much..........
  2. Out of topic, that's a nice av bigkid24.
  3. That's a girl. A Native Asian girl at that (Last time I saw an Asian with a badoonkadoonk, it was in the Bronx.) Joke of the day for me!!! I will pay for the shipping and handling, if the girl is included. I will carefully inspect the "Item" before I send it off to you. Ditto. Me like!!!
  4. Don't worry. I started right off the bat with my PG Zero and it was easy.
  5. Ditto. I'm dying to have one.
  6. That Rei manga figure is a must have for me. I hope I'm not too late for the "party"?
  7. Now I know how the QF-3000 Ghost looks like.
  8. EXCELLENT Sam!!! Did you say that you handpainted the heatshield? It looks great!!!
  9. Ditto. Lookin' good!!!
  10. Yeah, cant agree more. In fact there is people complaining about the good ol' days of MW and asking where are the old guys. Well I have been here since the very beggining, and no wonder why so many good ol guys left. You've got a point. Btw, IMHO, get a Yammie 1/48.
  11. That doesn't help at all bsu!
  12. Avatars in 80x80= Great Idea!!! Pics in signatures=punch to the groin and a headbutt
  13. No wonder I'm allergic to chicken!
  14. Chris just took the words right out of my mouth.
  15. Well............You're right.
  16. It just keeps on looking better and better!!! Just a little bit more..............
  17. I second that!! One of the MW members kindly did a pdf version of a couple of wmcheng's step by steps. It would be nice to have them (and newer ones) available in the main site. I third that! That is a splendid idea!
  18. That looks very nice Valkyrie! I take it that you strengthened the parts where the screws go, to prevent wear on them? From what I see, I think it's close to orderin' time!
  19. Those are a lot of unbuilt models!
  20. That looks pretty good, but a little too heavy on the red color.
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