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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. They look great Isamu!!! Thanks for your contribution!
  2. Bah, Richmond. I have never once been able to go to Richmond without getting hoplessly lost. I know people always say just stick to No. 3 road and you'll get wherever you need to go... but I always seem to find that singular way of screwing that up and getting totally lost. How unfortunate! Hopefully that won't happen to me. (just staying positive)
  3. Exactly.We still need the kit, etc.
  4. That's for those two. Gumper From maporama decimal deg-min-sec: East Kilbride, Scotland Latitude: 55° 46' 2"/55.7673 Longitude: -4° 11' 8"/-4.1858 From travelgis decimal deg-min-sec: East Kilbride, Scotland Latitude: 55° 46' 2.72004043583"/55.7674222334544 Longitude: -4° 11' 9.03945727932"/-4.1858442936887 MilkManX From maporama decimal deg-min-sec: Tucson, Arizona USA Latitude: 32° 13' 17" /32.2214 Longitude: -110° 58' 10"/ -110.9697 From travelgis decimal deg-min-sec: Latitude: 32° 13' 17.4469158606"/32.2215130321835 Longitude: -110° 58' 11.169323382"/-110.969769256495
  5. Same here. Damn.
  6. ditto on that. I am looking for cases since some of my toys are gathering dust. Me too. No luck so far. I'll visit one of the IKEA stores in my neck of the woods to see if they have one of those glass cases/cabinets. They don't have any huge cases from what I've seen. I found one that was nice, but I'll have to get two to suit my needs. Even then something is going outside. Maybe I'll hunt for a nice commercial cabinet. I want to find a balance between capacity, and being able to safely move the thing if I need to. So I may stick with the Ikea one I found. Get 3 someday if need be. Can't get any cases until I move again though. No space for anything else. Same dilema here too!
  7. Like Valkyrie? Me too. I wonder what it'll be for Spiderman 3?
  8. I couldn't agree with you more!
  9. Nowadays, yes. Since my last purchase will be the Rei figure. Until then, hopefully they release the YF-19 FP. Out of topic, btw thanks for your advice on the spidey figure. I got it last weekend and I must say, it was well worth my money.
  10. He's doing just fine Haro. I'm just about to order one from him. Good thing he got one for me, but I'll still head to Yaohan Centre to get one, just to be on the safe side.
  11. Thanks for the help Quinn & hevangel2!!! I'll definitely be heading there this coming Saturday. I should be getting another one from Monkey-N.
  12. ditto on that. I am looking for cases since some of my toys are gathering dust. Me too. No luck so far. I'll visit one of the IKEA stores in my neck of the woods to see if they have one of those glass cases/cabinets.
  13. Metal_Massacre_79, like PMing all the ones from our contact list to join in?
  14. Me want those "guns"!!!
  15. Not bad. Lookin' good so far.
  16. Having already two VF-X2 toys made by Yamato is certainly a sign that they´re willing to expand on that license and just skip (for the meantime) M7. So it´s very possible we´ll see more VF-X2 toys in the next year or 2. Or so I hope I´m just praying for a VF-5000 or a FA VF-11 Thanks for the clarification Aegis! VF-X2 toy line in the near future besides from the VF-19 and the VB-6, I HOPE SO.
  17. Quinn, just PM me the directions on how to get there. Btw, that's the one included with the Evangelion Manga vol. 9?
  18. Just got mine today and your're right Blaine23, it it COOL!!! Thanks for the tip. I bought mine at a local toysrus, but it's cost was CDN$39.99. They had 5, now it's 4. As for the whitening of the plastic/signs of stress on my toy, nothing so far. Solid as a rock!
  19. I remember something when the 1/60 Max came out, I'm not sure it was Grahams comment, but it summed up the Max pretty detailed to quote: Well, what more is to say?
  20. Oh that! That ain't suprising, since the release of the Yammie Monster pics. There are lot more hype nowadays. Thing is, Yamato is now more pressured than ever before to release proto pics of it.
  21. Now that you got me all thinking, I wonder how they would package this? Bomber mode in a 14" sq box seems most likely. It's the mode least likely to suffer any damage in transit and has the smoothest profile. Fort Max Right, and in that same flimsy box. I wonder if toy will be heavy? I didn't say anything about flimsy boxes If it's heavy (which it more then likely will be), then they'll use thicker cardboard and reinforce it. They've built this toy for crying out loud, I'm sure a box isn't going to stump them. Speaking of weight, can we assume here and now that there is almost zero chance of diecast. Fort Max I know you didn't say anything about flimsy boxes, I did. I hope they DO use thicker cardboard and reinforce it. You're right about this having "no diecast". Probably it'll be in pvc/abs plastic to keep the weight down. They're going to,since it'll be the same sculptor who did this,who'll redo the -19.
  22. You beat me to it haterist! I was gonna say that! Thanks anyway!
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