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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. harmony gold claims to own all American rights to all things Macross apparently they think this includes macross plus, II, 7, DYRL?, VF-X... you name it. If it is Macross, then according to harmony gold it is not allowed to be brought into america by any means... I think the last time i heard of them doing this, they refered to yamatos and bandais as bootleg robotech toys and demended that they be "returned" to harmony gold. Lucky that hasn't happened to any of the Canadian retailers. I'm still greatfull that I can still get my Yammie toys here.
  2. Angel's Fury

    CMS Part 2

    DYRL Minmay shower scene chase figure, interesting!!!
  3. i don't buy sub par toys. there is interest in a vf-0, just not that sculpt. I will not give my hard earned money for a toy which is the worst toy to come from a company who until now seemed to be improving their game and products. If it takes a financial HIT to teach yamato to produce good quality products then let it be. I'm not yamato's keeper. IN addition. there is not presidence of yamato making bigger toy lines due to the popularity or sale value of the smaller toy line. If sellability had been an indicator of future releases we would have had the yf-19 fp years ago. ... the 1/48 vf1 was a speical case. this mentality will ruin macross products. Nah, its just marketing... If it looks like there is no market for one product, why introduce a more expensive version? Toy companies always do this, they release a less expensive toy that the particular demographic would be interested in, and based on the sales of that item future plans are made. Think back to the GI JOE days, when they started making toys it was just $8 action figures. After sales went well, they introduced some $25 vehicles, six months later larger action sets were introduced, and after continuing great sales they released the USS flag. That was like a $400 toy, but they never would have made the thing if they hadn't had solid research behind the product line. Example: 1/60 sales were good, so Yamato came to the conclusion that there was a market for an even more expensive version. Thanks for your input A1. I didn't know that's what toy companies do.
  4. Montarvillois just PMed me so, here are his/her coordinates Montreal, Quebec Canada: latitude 45.5235 45° 31' 24" longitude -73.3578 -73° 21' 28"
  5. Thanks for the link ewilen. It clarified some things for me.
  6. Which one, the one that has the words "titan" on it? No. I prefer your old avatar with some cool lookin' anime chick with boxing gloves on.
  7. Aren't Gen Xers born from 1979 to 1990? Those born from 1965 to 1975, aren't they considered "hippies"?
  8. No. I got mine from that bookstore (Iwase Books @ Yaohan Centre) at the price of CDN$47.51 incl. tax/ US$63.19. I just had them reserve one for me. The bookstore had it shipped via air straight from Tokyo and I was able to pick it up from the store yesterday. Good thing I didn't have to worry about shipping, since they handled it themselves.
  9. Haro, eriku, wolfx I feel sorry for you guys.
  10. I kinda got tired of doing that. Oh well, might as well get back at it just to get this thing out of the way! Btw, as a suggestion, why don't you put the name of the MWer to his/her corresponding dot on the map?
  11. It depends on when the toy is released. My wife's due date is early June, so if the toy comes out after the baby is born, I think I'll be just a little bit too busy for toy reviews. Graham I'm pretty sure you won't be posting pics of your "new bundle of joy", or will you?
  12. I wish! I actually live in the city and very far from any body of water. As for those people who have been red flagged, try PMing them to let them know.
  13. So that means you'll be doing a review on the VF-0?
  14. Wing Kai right?
  15. I remember that! You did a thread on that. Nice!!!
  16. That's weird. I can see GRAND CANNON's and jonwayne's pictures. Somehting wrong with your computer wolfx?
  17. Angel's Fury

    MW Custom Fest!

    If I were to do a custom, I would do this. 51 CW Phantoms
  18. I finally got the Rei figure today. All I can say is that is well worth my money. It's detail is amazing for something small and it's very posable. Fortunately, nothing came off, unlike Imode's. The manga is good too. I 'll have to wait for the second one from Rob. Just one thing, when is the next isssue of the manga gonna be released?
  19. SWEET!!! I dig the camo scheme!!!
  20. That was an interesting read ewilen!!! Thanks for the link.
  21. So head lasers can be used as a defensive weapon too, like how Isamu used it in Macross Plus?
  22. Hmm, that sounds intriguing?!
  23. Sorry about that Crazy Canuck II. I'm just helping spread the word. Looking forward to the updates Metal_Massacre_79!
  24. This is kind of late & it's of topic, but nonetheless great news. This came from animenewsnetwork
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