i don't buy sub par toys. there is interest in a vf-0, just not that sculpt. I will not give my hard earned money for a toy which is the worst toy to come from a company who until now seemed to be improving their game and products.
If it takes a financial HIT to teach yamato to produce good quality products then let it be. I'm not yamato's keeper.
IN addition. there is not presidence of yamato making bigger toy lines due to the popularity or sale value of the smaller toy line.
If sellability had been an indicator of future releases we would have had the yf-19 fp years ago. ...
the 1/48 vf1 was a speical case.
this mentality will ruin macross products.
Nah, its just marketing... If it looks like there is no market for one product, why introduce a more expensive version?
Toy companies always do this, they release a less expensive toy that the particular demographic would be interested in, and based on the sales of that item future plans are made. Think back to the GI JOE days, when they started making toys it was just $8 action figures. After sales went well, they introduced some $25 vehicles, six months later larger action sets were introduced, and after continuing great sales they released the USS flag. That was like a $400 toy, but they never would have made the thing if they hadn't had solid research behind the product line.
Example: 1/60 sales were good, so Yamato came to the conclusion that there was a market for an even more expensive version.
Thanks for your input A1. I didn't know that's what toy companies do.