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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. Thanks for showing the comparison pics Stampeed! I bet ya, if the valk that's beside the china dress Rei & Asuka could sday something, it might say, "C'mon girls come to daddy!!!" Sweet xmas figs from volume 8. I missed out on these completely too. Btw eriku, now that I have 2 of this figure, it makes me want an entire set with Shinji, Asuka, Koaru, Misato, Gendou, Touji...everyone too!!!
  2. Okay......... Btw, did get Vol 7 of the Evagelion Manga? It came out in 2 versions one with Asuka and one with Rei dressed in Xmas clothing, and are about the same size as the rei perfect figure.
  3. Hey! Didn't I order MORE Rei & Asuka panty shots, not 3 or so pages of naked guys in a shower?
  4. Need to stress out the "more" part. Haro, the reason I asked about that 'cause I ordered one from Rob too.
  5. People like that shouldn't deserve a good tip!
  6. Glad you like it!!! So, that will go next with your upcoming CM Millia figs?
  7. Got that right!!! Sam, more progress pics please!
  8. Oh man now that would make me bust a nut. I wouldn't mind a MG HWS Nu either. Vostok 7 I would love to have one!!! Bandai, are you listening?!
  9. Yep... Y'all all been a-asking fer it. So it's a-gonna have to happen. C'mon, Skull Leader go grab yer cousins! It's time for the South to rise again! Woo-hoo! We're heading out of the Wal-marts looking for battle and you know we're armed! Or... we could just kick back where we're at and enjoy the fact that we've easily got the nicest neighbors, the best tasting food, and the most beautiful women in the U.S. I'll continue to let them think we're the ignorant ones. Ignorant? Who says you guys are ignorant?
  10. Thank for the link Anubis! Once again, it was an interesting read.
  11. Btw, you said you got one of yours from Rob? How long did you have to wait till it get to your doorstep?
  12. It's always the case with customs! When you think your package will be at your doorstep in a jiffy, no! Customs always holds it back at least a week or so. I called Purolator today and they are helping me to get it out of customs asap. I paid for the express service too... which is expensive... Ouch!!! So when will yours get to you?
  13. Yep! Man, if you hear somebody with a Canadian accent, eeek! Some of them speak with some weird intonation, no sentence pause and pronounces some words like a British person would, like for example the word schedule, here they pronounce it as shedule. It's suppose to be pronounced as skedule! Then when you speak like an American, they don't get you and say "Eh?" (it's pronounced "Eyh"). Jeez, can't a "canuck" speak like, let's say somebody from Seattle?
  14. I get that all the time. My mom and my aunt calls them "dolls". I just ignore what they say.
  15. Hey! I was gonna ask that! Anyways, looks beautiful THOR!!! Please show us progressive pics of your project. I wonder how it's gonna look like with all the bells and whistles?
  16. Really?!
  17. Heh, pretty much. OMG NO MY ANIME PORN IS GONE! Bad on a GRAND SCALE usually means... catastrophic plane crash where my whole family was killed... a fire destroyed my home and I'm now homeless... Loosing all the anime porn I had (if I had any ) would be pretty low on the list of "bad things". Vostok 7 Exactly! While were still on the subject, BACKUP EVERYTHING next time!!!
  18. I feel your pain too! I lost everything 5 yrs ago when my computer got infected by a virus. Haven't had a problem ever since.
  19. Good observation! The VF-0 still looks the same.
  20. I tracked my order/package down. It is pending Customs clearance... almost over a week. It's always the case with customs! When you think your package will be at your doorstep in a jiffy, no! Customs always holds it back at least a week or so.
  21. Ditto!!! Good luck with your comics!!!
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