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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. Come to think of it, the legs can be bent when in gerwalk/monster mode!
  2. Dang! You beat me to the punch! I was gonna say that too!
  3. I hope they don't get mothballed permanently. They have so much promise.
  4. So that's what they've been doing. Thanks for the info.
  5. Guess so. Btw, what has Northrop/Grumman been doing lately?
  6. So does that mean that the F-14 is dead/retired?
  7. iirc Northrup/Grumman is leaving the aviation business and instead is focusing(sp) on their shipbuilding operations. Yeah! Where did you get that info? Beats me, the best I could recall seeing the tidbit on an avation or military news site some time ago. Frankly I do hope it is just a rumor. I hope it's just a rumor. Northrup/Grumman=shipbuilding, doesn't quite go together doesn't it?
  8. Cameron didn't do T3 Oops! Sorry! Cross that out. No wonder T3 sucked.
  9. James Cameron used to be good when he directed T1 & 2, Titanic?, but when he did T3, that it wasn't as good as the ones I've mentioned. Mel Gibson is not bad, IMO. Stanley Kubrick. Movies like Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, simply classic.
  10. iirc Northrup/Grumman is leaving the aviation business and instead is focusing(sp) on their shipbuilding operations. Yeah! Where did you get that info?
  11. Whoever is piloting those Jags must be damn good.
  12. No need to get embarassed. At least you got something.
  13. Thanks for the pic Nanashi!!! As for Gerwalker, now that you mentioned your calculated dimensions for that beast, boy is that sucker big. Maybe it's dock is located in some deep harbour. Tugboats, a lot of tugboats would be used to guide it to it's dock.
  14. The hot spring set looks nice!!! So they're coming out this August @ HLJ?
  15. Nice work on your destroids!!!
  16. O/T, how many episodes did Aeon Flux go up to?
  17. Based on the preview efisher provided, it does look interesting. I might wanna check it out. Btw, NERV can you provide a link to a preview of "van helsing: the london project" ?
  18. What, ran out of soccer balls? On a serious note, Sumdumgai, I hope this problem will get resolved asap.
  19. Angel's Fury

    1/60 Gbp

    Y'know... I feel your pain, bro... but I think you're more than a little over the top in your accusations. Yamato is nothing like Toynami, even if they've had some releases lately that aren't quite as good as a year ago. The GBP armor I can't speak about, because I don't have it yet. The Millia pilot for the Q-Rau isn't exactly crappy, and when fans complained they decided to make a better one, including some variations that are most fanboys' dreams... I can't fault them for that. At least they're listening. The VF-0 is a bad design and very far from perfect transformation - but it's not as though they're hiding this fact and then forcing you to buy it. The YF-19FP - this one in particular I'm getting tired of hearing about in rants. They've said they were going to make one and they haven't yet. They haven't even shown prototypes. If they make it fine, if they don't - fine. It's their decision and again, it's really up to them to decide if such a release is what they want to focus on at this time. There may be a horde of reasons it hasn't been released at this time. For one, they may feel that their Scopedog or Koenig will make them more money. Another could be problems with the sculpt or production. It seems pretty simple to me that they didn't just slap Fast Packs on the old sculpt (like the YF-21 and VF-11B) because they wanted to make something better. All of the ranting about it is simply customer impatience. "I want it now. Give it!" You guys really need to learn that Yamato is running a business, not a wish fulfillment center. Yamato has made pretty great strides forward as a company. Their early releases were exceptionally shoddy. I haven't seen ANYTHING they've put out that rivals the craptastic quality of the VF-11 with exploding hips. Nowadays, we have members here crying because they made a paint line too fuzzy. With each 1/60, they got a bit better and constantly tried to innovate on their toy designs. With the 1/48, they scored a home run. Recently we've seen them branch out into new designs, new licenses, etc. There's bound to be some growing pains involved. But I know for a fact that I can look at my toy shelf and see some top notch toys there, all made by Yamato. I'm not trying to flame you or anything, Anubis - but seriously, I don't see these problems as anything nearly as bad as what Toynami has put out, or even better, what Yamato has done in the past. **Applause** Well said!!!
  20. Eh? What did I miss while I was away from the boards? Our Mr graham doesn't get to do dinner with the Yamato boss anymore? Pretty much and he's been snobbed.
  21. Renato, how did you fill it out, since it's obviously written in Japanese?
  22. Yes there have been shots inside the sub. Episode 2 had them when Nora was pissed at the tech. In fact, the Compendium indicates how the launch from the sub. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...sv51/index.html Can you provide some pics to support what has been mentioned?
  23. That looks a lot better compared to the first one! Keep us updated on your VF-19!
  24. I ran a search and couldn't find the old thread, but a few months ago there was a discussion about this. Looks like the US is not the only country exporting jobs to a point of severely hurting its own people. Pretty much. They do it just to stay competitive, but at what cost?
  25. German-ish. It means something like "Auer City". OTTOMH, I don;t know what "Auer" itself means, and I'm not sure if there's a real Auerstaedt in Germany or Austria. From the Macross Compendium: "Notes: The name is a reference to the German town that was a decisive battlefield between the French and Prussians in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars." http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...tadt/index.html The name hasn' been published as far as I know... it must be inside info. That's interesting to know!!!
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