you'd be amazed how hard it is for people to be adults, to use logic and show respect to their fellow man.
i was just conducting a sale for a 1J when all of the sudden someone comes in and posts, well your deal sucks. not those exact words but pretty much coming to my sale, taking a crap at the front door and not to mentio taking food out of my stomach.
simply put, its not cool if i showed up at your business and started saying how theres a better deal somewhere else, you're getting ripped, oh thats so unfair, etc etc etc. its completely f-ed up so why do it to someone else?
i try my best to live by the golden rule, not to say i'm prefect but i do try. and i hope other people will show the same respect that they'd like to receive in return and be logically when giving so-called helpful advice.
basically, if you think something you post might piss someone off, it probably will....thats why we have the PM.
Whoever posted on your thread was stupid!!! If he didn't like the prices, then don't post, order, whatever & ignore the thread, simple as that.