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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. The VF-17 uses 4 different types of manipulator-held weapons. It is different. What are those 4 different types of manipulator-held weapons the VF-17 uses??
  2. Not to worry!! I have full confidence in you that you'll pull it off!!!
  3. oh yeah!!! she's hot!!! I saw the first one of her back in the other pages. Man I was wondering if there were other pix of her. Is there one of her not puckering up her lips? and just smiling maybe? And a frontal shot of her instead profile? I'm with you there!!! Man, she rocks!!!
  4. where did you get that from and how much? I got mine from here. http://www.jungle-scs.co.jp/cgi-bin/goods....FIGURE&keyword= You're lucky that they still have it. HLJ is backordered. oh, that's where you got it from? Man, I'll just go there myself to pick it up. Thanx! Got it from Osaka, Japan. I don't know about the US store though. hehe. Dang!!! Lucky bums!!!
  5. Dang!!! Hope she comes back though so you can take pics of her.
  6. So once the all the ammo has been used, it can't be reloaded??
  7. Very nice pic indeed!!! Thanks Nanashi!!!
  8. Nice!!! Can't wait for the complete WIP with both gears up & down!!!
  9. Should've seen T2's alternate ending. The one where Sarah, John and John's daughter are at a playground in Wash. D.C. and Sarah says something about nothing happening on Judgement Day and John doing all his fighting in Congress? If Judgement day did come wouldn't it have to be diffrent since the Cyberdyne building was blown up, Dyson's work was all destroyed and Dyson himself is dead? Yeah that's the one I'm refering too.
  10. of course, Cheney's plan has always been to kill the F-14, so his last act while HE's in office will be to have the last squadron of F-14's transition over to the Bug. Damn him!!!
  11. I don't deserve it!!! I'm a naughty boy, but............. j/k
  12. Simply SWEET!!!
  14. you'd be amazed how hard it is for people to be adults, to use logic and show respect to their fellow man. i was just conducting a sale for a 1J when all of the sudden someone comes in and posts, well your deal sucks. not those exact words but pretty much coming to my sale, taking a crap at the front door and not to mentio taking food out of my stomach. simply put, its not cool if i showed up at your business and started saying how theres a better deal somewhere else, you're getting ripped, oh thats so unfair, etc etc etc. its completely f-ed up so why do it to someone else? i try my best to live by the golden rule, not to say i'm prefect but i do try. and i hope other people will show the same respect that they'd like to receive in return and be logically when giving so-called helpful advice. basically, if you think something you post might piss someone off, it probably will....thats why we have the PM. Whoever posted on your thread was stupid!!! If he didn't like the prices, then don't post, order, whatever & ignore the thread, simple as that.
  15. preach on brotha! that dude who was selling the custom Rau's on ebay really went all out on the details....only if yamato would...... Good thing you mentioned that!! That was one sweet lookin' custom!!
  16. Shannon Elizabeth How about her? Would she be "the" Lois??
  17. hahah, so where's the accessories? in his pants The most import accessory is in there, but one must ALWAYS expect the unexpected: Austin Power's voice: "How'd that get in here? I swear baby, it's not mine!" I wonder what's inside the toolbox?? My 'after hours' gear... My tux, some vodka, condoms, brass knuckles, a cigar. Anything you would need on your way out to dinner and a bar/club. I'm pretty sure it's handy after the "mission".
  18. Here ya go Bobe-Patt. Another cutie. Still curous about what happened at F&S though... yeah, she's a cutie alright. Well, I'd like to tell you about frank and sons, but Danny won't let me. Unless EXO wants to tell it. He was actually there. Just PM me & the doc what happened. Now we return to our regularly scheduled thread.
  19. Cosplayer in the making.
  20. *sigh* You guys are killing me. Keep the thread going. At this rate, I will die of a heart attack. How come I never seen any of them at the SakuraCon? Not enough good lookin' cosplaying chicks perhaps??
  21. oooo, tell us about about the 'crash n' burn'! Pretty bad? Yeah tell us!!!
  22. That is so freaky!!!
  23. You go Patt!!! Crowd roars!!!! takes a bow and puts up hands, Thank you, thank you. I won't let you guys down! Patt's the gigolo!!!
  24. The stand looks cool indeed!!!
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