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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. I want one too!! I hope my local anime store sells it here too!!!
  2. Patiently waiting.............. Does that come in video?
  3. Toonz gonna kill u for that!!!!
  4. You guys are so funny!!!!
  5. I had that as an English high school project. Its kinda cheesy, but not bad. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe the movie, hmmmmm........
  6. Sorry but its going to be a Gundam one. Well with a head swap it could be Macross but it wouldnt be as funny. The joke is central to the characters used. Most of the figures have 4 legs BTW. The working title for the diorama is "pleasedontbanme" Okay, its gonna be the "Unofficial Gundam All Girl Orgy Special"
  7. A multi figure piece huh? Hmmm!!!
  8. Yes!!! More pls.!!!
  9. COOL!!!
  10. Jay Leno (567,000) vs. David Letterman (610,000) The winner is: David Letterman
  11. In a good way.
  12. Angel's Fury


  13. Angel's Fury


    Good luck Noel!!!!
  14. Nope, they didn't have any of the upcoming 2005 MSiA on display at the HK Gundam Expo . However, there's some new pics of the Freedom MSiA in the new February issue of Hobby Japan. I'll try to get them scanned. I'm expecting the Freedom MSiA along with the Blue & White Zakus to hit shops here in HK in late January. Graham Here`s the link to the new MSIA : http://www.tamashii.jp/mia/main.html They simply look awesome!!!
  15. DAMN!!! That was COOL!!!
  16. Is it hot in here or is it just me??
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