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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. Ditto!!!
  2. Man, that's even SWEETER!!!
  3. How about the MBF-P03 Blue Frame Astray? Will it come with a stand too?
  4. Man, what if that actually happens?
  5. Thanks for the heads up GC!!! I hope that holds true.
  6. From your previous pic, so the model comes with a stand?
  7. To repeat Roy Focker's warning: As we warned: Post pics of "Hot" woman cosplay chicks and "Cute" girls. If she barely looks 18 expect her pic to get edited if she looks too "Hot". "Hot" and "Skanky" are two different things. Expect "Skanky" to get edited. Don't post large pics. If I have to scroll from side to side to see a pic (no matter visually pleasing it is ) it will get edited. Yeah and no "man faye". you MUST NOT insult any of the cosplayers' looks. Deleting a two post a day on this topic isn't bad but I wont stand for member reposting pics that were deleted. If it vanished from here thats a big clue not to repost it. The last couple of days things have turned from good looking girls in quality costumes to girls who are just showing off their assets for members here to remark on. It's going to take too long to erase the childish comments of the last two pages so I'm just going to close this topic down. Okay. You have been forewarned so let the posting begin!!!
  8. Yeah! Those two poses look better than the one on the top right.
  9. Seen it yesterday and I must say it was great. What got me excited was when Stan Lee made a suprise cameo appearance in this movie during the Doc Oc rampage. I predict a Green Goblin return on 3, lizard on 4, and venom in 5?? If that's the case, what about shocker, rhino, and that other guy that I can't quite remember who can hunt Spidey with just his scent.
  10. YES! Long live the nipples! hehe, it must've been a cold day when they took that picture! I can't stop laughing when you said that!
  11. LMAO, I must be lucky, my GF has no willpower in my hands In reality for me, the situation would be reversed. Maybe it's cause we arn't married? http://www.ebaumsworld.com/beforeaftermarriage.html thats a great pic That's friggin funny!!!
  12. Damn she's hot!!! That's the best Rikku cosplayer I've EVAR seen!!!
  13. Way to go there Haro!!! That's how to annoy your gf!!! Btw, congrats stram8777 on convincing your wife to let have that valk.
  14. Good for him if the older bro doesn't mind if his sister's bf gets his coveted treasure. Btw, hope you enjoyed Vancouver Solscud007!!!
  15. WOW!!!! Looks pretty good Haro!!!
  16. Funny indeed!!!
  17. You're not the only one. Second that!!!
  18. That'll be SWEET if they do. Finally, Batman TAS on DVD!!! Been waiting for that.
  19. Now THAT is a huge debate. One might have escaped the governments cutting torches. The whole Arrow story is IMO, a tragedy. As a final stroke, the government demanded that all Arrows be scrapped where they sat, on the runway, and all models, sketches, papers, EVERYTHING be destroyed. but of course, stuff did survive, but an entire flyable aircraft? Most say no, but I personally like to think that maybe, somewhere, there might be one. Any aircraft plans that were saved?
  20. Does that include Dodgeball, which beat The Terminal with Tom Hanks & Catherine Zeta-Jones and directed by Steven Spielberg, for #1 last week? Never liked that movie. Can't they come up with a better idea to make into a movie??
  21. Lookin' good so far. Can't wait for it to be finished.
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