That's a good question as well, wether there is as much closure as the manga will provide. If they use the last hour for that then that would be pretty cool. Should be enough time to take out Naraku by then. A show this long MUST have a good amount of closure time. One of the principal things that pissed me off about Ranma was it's lack of any closure, but Takahashi got it right with Maison Ikkoku apparently (haven't seen MI). I expect to see at least Sango and Miroku to get hitched for the end, or I will be irked. No idea how they will deal with Inu Yasha and Kagome. My-off-the-wall guess is using the jewel to become human intead of a full demon like he always said he wanted to do back in the beginning, then backed off of. Have to wait and see what happens, though I am looking forward to seeing how everything is resolved. Suffice to say, a 167 episode show should have a chick-flick-level happy ending, IMO.
I'll start putting synopses later. Have to write down some names and the details, and finish downloading the 2 eps I'm missing. For now though it looks like Kagura is close to figuring out exactly what needs to be done to finish Naraku off, just a matter of the mechanics, and the where the other half of Hakudoshi is being hidden, since that "child" is where Hakudoshi and Naraku's hearts are, she realized a few of episodes ago. Looks like Shassoumaru has to lend a hand as well, which is always good have him around.
If the show is ending in september, then when is the manga finishing? It should be ahead of the show shouldn't it?
I sure agree with you in your analysis. Based on this site, Inu Yasha - Sengoku o- Togi Zoushi Kagura has made her decision to save Kohaku. Naraku's heart seems to be inside Mouryoumaru. As of the manga ending, it could be sometime in August.