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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. That's too bad Sebastian!!! That's a great loot neko!!!
  2. The blue frame doesn't have the same problems as the freedom, right?
  3. That is one big bottle of beer!!! He sure's gonna have one hell of a beer belly!!!
  4. That looks cool fulcy!!! Keep up the good work and keep us updated!!!
  5. Its kinda back heavy....but not that much a problem. Balances out well when posed properly , as you can see from my photos. Too upright? You mean if it can stand straight in a neutral pose? Yeah, it can. Ya gotta spread the legs a little though. If you're wondering if it has the same problems as the WGZ custom....no it doesn't. That's good to hear!!!
  6. Why don't you get both? THere are no real problems with the blue frame, really, except the very obvoius BIG SWORD. You look at it and you KNOW its gonna be hard to for the model to hold it. Other than that, its a good buy, IMHO. My answer to the first question is: I can't. I have books and tuition fee to pay for so I'm pretty much handcuffed. As for the rest of what you said, thanks for the reassurance. As I look at the blue frame, it reminds of Inu Yasha at one time having difficulties weilding his own sword. I almost forgot, wolfx, was it back heavy when you put the sword/backpack back in it's back? It kinda looks like the chest was a bit too upright on the proto pics.
  7. Not bad EXO!!! She has that sexy, lethal look!!!
  8. Now I'm torn on which to buy between the astray and the freedom. I like the design of the blue astray than the freedom, but with the problems that both of you (zeo & wolfx) have stated, it's starting to make me doubt whether or not I should get the astray.
  9. As I look at Anubis' posted pics on page 11, I'm slowly turning towards the freedom. Btw, wolfx are stickers waterslide?
  10. you try getting groped by naked Billy Bob... YIKES!!!
  11. Seems like the freedom is better. When you assembled the freedom, did you encountered any problems in comparison to the astray? If the freedom isn't to much of a problem then I might get that one instead.
  12. Trust me, you're saving yourself alot of pain with this plan. yep. ditch her. she was worthless in 1 and 2. concentrate on Wolvie, Scott, Jean, Bobby, Colossus, Rogue, and maybe (hopefully!!!) Gambit in X3. i've heard (unsubstatiated rumor) that she had a lot to do with how Catwoman ended up. with that undeserved oscar, her ego went through the roof, and if shes gonna jack up X3, ditch her and move on. if she comes back?? at least Spidey 3 will rock. Spidey 3 will definitely rock!!! It might even crush it!!
  13. You mentioned that a certain part underneath the shoulder should've been in blue but it wasn't. If I were to paint it, what paint combinations do I need to match it to the rest of the blue parts? Is there a guide that I can use? On a separate blue astray thread by wolfx, he claimed that the fingers always came off when handling the sword or something like that. Are there any loose parts that need to be tightened or secured?
  14. Looks nice wolfx!!! Any parts that require tightening? I'll be getting mine this week.
  15. zeo, that astray and the freedom looks nice! As for the astray, what combination of paints did you use to get that orange color? How about the freedom, did that require minimal painting besides from the usual?
  16. I hate to crash the love fest here, but I have to say I'm disappointed. IMHO even Unbreakable was better than this one.
  17. You just had to make my day any worse than it actually is. How do I make the actual clear crystal parts clear and with what? So the blue parts on the arms aren't in blue? You're saying this on account that you have this kit in your possession and you're somewhat disappointed?
  18. I love the way you made the crane assembly look all weathered, old and rusty.
  19. After seing The Village today, I thought this day couldn't get any worse, then this! This has got to be the suckiest day EVER!!!
  20. I'm crossing my fingers and hopin'?!
  21. This & the Noriko one look awesome!!!
  22. zeo-mare, which parts of the blue frame astray needs painting? Is it the orange parts or the blue ones or both? Btw Haro, which ones are you refering to? How do they look like?
  23. Dang Hikuro! You stole my thunder!
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