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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. Thanks zeo!!! Btw Anubis, it seems like you're the only one here who likes the Providence.
  2. No Myung or Lucy, Graham??
  3. I got this : 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 大輝 Taiki (large radiance)
  4. Providence Gundam AKA Statue of Liberty Gundam. Separated at birth? You decide Graham Ha! Ha!
  5. Rodavan, I hope this helps when you do a CG GU-15? GU-15 Gunpod
  6. Not a bad start Rodavan!!!
  7. I hope so, otherwise it'll be a rushed ending.
  8. No way! Anna Paquin was ideal for that character. Not that it really matters.
  9. Thanks. It really helps. Btw zeo, you mentioned that "there are a few parts that need the orange though". Which are they??
  10. It seems like the Inuyasha television series will end in Japan on September 6th.
  11. Thanks zeo! What about the face plates that wolfx was refering to??
  12. The yellow bits on its thighs which connect to the knives. Those things should be glued in place. The hands aren't that loose if it weren't for the heavy sword. That's about it for me. Can you post some pics as to what you were refering to?? That's it for me too. Time to hit the hay!!!
  13. Btw, wolfx, zeo, what other parts on the astray that are weak and need glueing besides from the face plates??
  14. EXCELLENT!!! Keep up the good work!!! Keep us updated!!!
  15. Bad Graham. Bad Graham. No new Macross series for you. It would be hilarious if Kawamori's next mecha design is for a Gundam series. That'll be the day. Then Graham will be so angry as to why Kawamori has gone back to doing Gundam again.
  16. It can hold that pose....but i don't like it. Notice the weird wrist position. I see what you mean. If it stays in that pose any longer, the wrist on the right hand could break! Good thing you broght up another problem with the blue frame. I think I'll glue the face plates into place including other parts ( I wonder what they are? ) on the astray that are weak and need glueing. So Graham, is this (The Mobile Gundam Basher) your new title?
  17. Someone's out of touch with Bandai realities :-P Bandai makes unassembled toys. It's only a natural extension that these so-called models be made in ABS. Most of a Gundam's inner frame is ABS now. The styrene is reserved for armor pieces and things that don't rub against plastic. Does anyone recall the first Gundam model to have any form of ABS construction in it as we know it today? I can only remember as far back as the MG Alex and its shoulder joints. Heh, I stopped buying Gundam models a few years ago. Graham Lost interest huh?
  18. Bassett woudn't do a background Super hero flick character, If you want that plus eye candy they should go with Naomi Campbell. or Tyra Banks?
  19. What kind of glue? Plastic cement? Plastic cement would melt the plastic and widen the hole. Try it. It's been my joint tightening method of choice for years. I guess the "tissue solution" is the only good solution here that will not damage the plastic. How about the nail polish solution?
  20. Thanks. That'll help me for sure!
  21. Also, thanks for the suggestion Stamen! any other methods that works the same way?
  22. That just bites! I guess you can just pose it either using it as a gatling gun platform, or as a backpack system of some sort or just it's sword pointing downwards and using it as a walking stick. As of the shoulder part that was supposed to be colored blue, can you provide me a pic that shows it accordingly, including some other parts that was suppose to be colored blue?
  23. Hmmmm.......How about tightening the joints or something? I guess not.
  24. I see. Thanks. When I get the blue frame, I'll at least do some experimenting on the hands, arms area whatever to make it hold the sword upright.
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