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Angel's Fury

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Everything posted by Angel's Fury

  1. I have yet to see this film. I'll give it a shot.
  2. Do you think Bandai will make a Hi-Nu kit of somekind???
  3. That Hi-Nu looks AWESOME!!!!
  4. Impressive WOZ!!!
  5. Ho! Ho! Ho! Hoooooo! Hyuh!
  6. WZC with flexible feathers like the PG kit, I wish that were true! I wouldn't mind getting that. Hopefully they'll strengthen the hip joint area so that it'll take the weight of the backpack/wings. That looks nice Haro!! Will Bandai make this into a kit or something like that??
  7. I know you're just kidding but SS just got the Flash Gordon license.... I don't know, but isn't he just good for The Mummy sequels. Afterall, Van Helsing turned out mediocre at best.
  8. I really do hope so guys!!!
  9. I'm with you on that.
  10. Any updates Jesse??
  11. How about if they hire the director of Hellboy (don't know his name) to direct X3? Opinions?
  12. Even though I don't plan to get one, I must say it was done with fine craftsmanship.
  13. You're not the only one who's hopin' for a YF-19 FP!!! ditto Yeah. That and the VB-6 scultor were done by none other than I.H.P.'s Sakuragawa san. I just can't seem to understand what's with the holdup?
  14. Damn him! He got it before I did! I had to reserve one 'cause they were all sold out.
  15. Two anime stores near my place still sells a 1/100 freedom kit, but I'm not interested with that particular kit so I didn't buy it.
  16. You're not the only one who's hopin' for a YF-19 FP!!!
  17. The freedom...like the Wing Gundam... are just hacks. Never liked overpowered Gundams which are like a walking one MS army. When the Meteor came out....I was like..... Hey! Don't bash my Wing Gundam/Wing Zero!!!
  18. Congrats! She's an angel!
  19. VICTOLY! Good to hear you got that cleaned up finally. Good to hear!!!
  20. soze, it must be the legs. I'm still gettin' it no matter what.
  21. Did you ask them if they would restock it? If so, would they reserve one for you?
  22. Nice!!! Keep us updated!!!
  23. Especially the M+ ones!!!
  24. I thought about it when making my choices, but I'm not really a huge fan of those two characters. I mean Lucy only has a small role in M+ and Myung has never really appealed to me. Basically, when making m choices I asked myself, are they characters I would like to see on my toy shelves and with both Lucy & Myung, the answer was no. Graham Ohhhh! You're breaking my heart!!! It would be nice though, but who am I to decide.
  25. It takes time. Just visit this thread occationally for updates. You'll know when it's time.
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