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    Los Angeles, CA, USA

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Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Anyone?
  2. Thanks, I'll check that out later tonight...
  3. Hi, I'm looking for 1/48 valk parts such as cartoon hands, vf-1s head and colored visor, and armor parts gap covers/fillers for the sides and back of neck. If anyone can direct me to anyone selling originals or recast please let me know Thanks in advance
  4. All done. I custom made red lenses for is legs, applied an Autobot symbol and then shot him up with clear coat. Sadly, It will still be very vulnerable to scratching and scuffing, but he looks great! What do you all think? I put him up against the original toy and box art which I used as a model.
  5. Well, after such a long hiatus, I finished painting my Jetfire. However, I am now missing some parts, mainly I am missing a set of 1/48 hands and one of the lenses on the knees, aside from that, I think it looks pretty good.
  6. It's been a while... My Jetfire is almost done. I even got the armor now. I think i overpainted as transforming it scratches parts, especially the turrets on the head. Also, I did not screw the head turrets on and am looking for a way to make them feel snug.. lock tite or rubber cement? Also, looking for Autobot symbols I will probably settle for reprolabels but really want Takara Re-issues.. I just cant find them in the clear. New pics will follow soon....
  7. Hey all! I haven't logged on in a while havve been quite busy with a lot of different things but I did get a lot of work done on my Valkyrie. I still do need to fix the landing gear and can use the spare (Thanks for offering Hiriyu PM me) , I will still use the punch and hopefully I won't hurt the piece further. I did remove all the lenses including the wings (which actually snapped off, but they will be glued back after painting.) I decided however to do a Jetfire. I have my Skull 1 and all the Macross Valkyries I'd want to make are available to buy. So, a Masterpiece Jetfire seemed ideal for me. I did split the head, painted the neck and and then sanded down the seems from the glue. I did not screw the cannons back on the head instead I used a thread tape on it. I used the classic paint scheme fromt he toy and am only deviating slightly due to the differences in the bodies between the old chunky Jetfire and the newer Yamato I have been using Fusion and the onloy real problems I have incurred have been overspraying and some paint chipping and scratching here and there. For my first project I think it's coming up aces. I also gave Jetfire a black interior (not photographed) Here are some pics of the work in progress.
  8. I wanted to remove the lense and either paint it or replace it with a different color also, I wanted to paint extra details along the neck and the side cannons and figured that taking it apart would be my best option. I am back to sanding and prepping all the other parts , but I was going to paint the entire Valkyrie, what I can efficiently not paint for contrast or just because it won't be seen I will discover as I go along... So I will pry the head open.... wish me luck.
  9. Finally! I got my parts (VF-1S head, hands and a new blast shield). I waited for the parts to come in so I can do the project in one shot undisturbed, I stripped most of the old paint and prepped it all for painting and decided on a design scheme. However, I don't know how to take apart the VF-1S Head... Any tips out there?
  10. Using a punch was my first thought as well. Hopefully, I won't have any trouble. Masking will be a pain on all the lenses. With painting the chestplate, should I remove the airbrake and paint it separately or mask it place?
  11. I had a bad experience with Brake Fluid, it took forever to remove the paint and ate the underlying plastic on a blast shield, it made it real soft and doughy. I still haven't tried anything to remove the paint on my new Blast shield, but Brasso, steel wool and 1250 sand paper seem to be doing the trick for the other parts of my Valkyrie. II am just apprehensive on anything clear.
  12. Isn't G1 Jetfire a different scale than the Yamato 1/48?
  13. Nothing looks broken, the wheel just falls off. Also, having trouble removing the amber lenses on the shoulders of the Valkyrie, any tips?
  14. It was a lesson learned. Good thing it didn't cost me much, but now I have Brasso! And 1250 grit sandpaper... Anyone know how to fix Landing gear when the wheels fall off?
  15. BAD NEWS: Turns out, Brake Fluid actually DOES eat plastic. Blast Shield No MORE!! I was going to take a picture but it was just too tragic. Good News: I ordered a 2nd Blast shield with the 1S head, so I took the risk on the Brake Fluid. Also, one of the wheels on the rear landing gear fell off, I put it back in and it just falls off again. Anyone know how to repair that?
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