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Everything posted by daflip702

  1. Great....we got our first valk with highwaters, via Urkle from Family Matters.... Bandai said, "Did I do thaaaaaaat?" Hahaha. Not Funny.
  2. At least Hibiki got a license to fly a Valk. I swear, if I heard basara sing in his Valk one more time Imma b*tch slap him with his F*ing guitar. Anyways, MacII will always be dissed....particularly since it's not SK. I like it because it has a hottie lead protagonist that pilots a valk, Uber fitted Macross Canon, a Metal Siren valk that is way damn badass that it could impregnate your girlfriend, A songstress for the badguys, and oh yeah NO BASARA. To anyone not liking MacII because it's not canon: Get over it....it's been made They should get a mod to compile all of the MACII debates.
  3. Hmmm...IMO, Mac 7 was kinda mainstream. at least Macross ain't corny and distastefull like um.....Strike Witches or Sky Girls....damnit what they put on nowadays. I like the older mech animes out there.....IMO, BubbleGum Crisis(original) would be the closest to Macross.... Hot Chicks in hard suits + Transforming Mech Motoslave Porn + Pop Idol/CyberPunk Soundtrack = BCG Too bad it had no real definite conclusion.
  4. Hmmm...interesting point. Makes sense for alto connecting slave mode to controll the Valk from the outside. I think the flight suit can be fitted with sensors aside from the EXGear. BTW....I think it is said some where that SK designed the VF-25 as a cross between the VF-1 and the 19....That is why the transformation of the cockpit rotates forward and the screens on the bottom becomes the HUD display in Battroid. I say...the 25 "borrows" the wing design from the Metal Siren.
  5. "Lets keep in mind our chronology here..bleh bleh bleh".....WTF did that come from? Seems like I PO'd another one or something. Those questions about Hikaru and Guld are all rhetorical. Anyways, I was trying to explain what could possibly be true. I'm not saying it is true and that's that.....I'm welcome to all theories. I actually like your theory on "motion capture" but, like you said earlier, not for the VF-1 since no evidence was found to support that. As for SK and Co. He was studing to be an engineer. I'm pretty sure he thought of things to back up his work in the technical sense. Besides....you said it yourself that you like rationalizing things......things that maybe isn't there(anime magic)....I'm doing it for my own amusement and to pass time till i find out when is that Bandai DX VF-25 coming out. My theory, that was stated earlier, borrows some of it's technical sense from video games i.e. Virtual On(pretty cool mech game i might add). So in the meantime......If i scratch my ASS-1 in a Valk....then the "motion capture" will do the same....right? Also rhetorical.
  6. The Metal Siren uses it's wings better though. And it's one of my favorite Valk designs....top 3 atleast. Aside from the RPG books....we know that This Valk would kick some serious "ASS-1" if it was in the timeline. Oh yeah for the original thread: I say....If it says macross and big west approves it then....yes it's part of Macross.
  7. So how did Isamu used the flight stick to melee hit Guld with his gunpod? How did Hikaru Grab Minmay? I think there must be a way to simulate arm and leg movement in the earlier VF's. My take is that there must be some sort of control system with set controls to perform close combat manuvers and human like tasks. A possbile way is to have different modes for VF. A targeting and weapons mode for shooting, a close combat mode that can be triggered with proximity, and another "human mode" for tasks. All controlled by sitck you ask? Well the tasks will be preset to different movements or buttons on the stick. Basically the pilot inputs the task to be done and the valk does the rest. In other words....just like playing a video game. Press a button the character shoots, press another button, the character jumps.....problem solved.
  8. Surpass....maybe not. Try to conquer and exploit...definitely. Deculcha This!!!!!
  9. Heh? Someone agreeing with me? No hydrogen fuel for me!!!!! And no use for intakes.....WooHoo
  10. IMO technical: to reduce drag in recessed mode. nonsense: Because transforming gunpods are cooler than transforming Ipods
  11. Toys N Joys.....I remember back in the day when i got famicom games from them(lived there for 17yrs....now stuck in the desert). Great store but i agree with their online service....I'm glad they didn't screw me with my Milia Chunky monkey. I loved hawaii for all the "mom and pop" japanese goody stores....must be cuz they're the closet US state to japan. I should tell my brother to check out that MechaHawaii place....any body got their address? "ho cuz check dis one brah.....o-rite" hahahhaha
  12. I know this is a little of topic but, I watch Subbed anime on websites that post via Veoh,Mega. Here's some that do.....and are really cool because they got alot of different anime to chose from...Macross being one ot them. While bootlegs are cool and all....But I rather Buy the DVD bundle(when it comes out). C'mon people, support the Macross fandom. Back on topic......Paper Kites aren't just made from paper you know.....Deebot. A brick house ain't made entirely of bricks. If you felt offended...I don't know what to say....paper airplanes are easy...kids make them all the time. So vajra are like bees then......?
  13. Science has alot to do with Everything. This is why I say having an "indefinite thermonuclear reactor engine" that has to rely on a limited type of propellant is retarded. Anyways, I'm pretty sure the Frontier has "planet-like" conditions that are congruent to Earth. Hmmm...maybe true. Tell you one thing.......Brera was made from scraps in the backlot of a Honda factory. "Ohh.....a steering column!!!!" dreamweaver13......do they broadcast anime in the Phillipines? I catch some of the filipino content via TFC in Vegas.....i understand a little tagalog but who cares...dem flip women are Hawttttttt
  14. Well mr. Deebot.....if you find that making a balanced paper airplane hard then that's on you, but paperclips aren't cheating, it's using any resource possible to make a great plane. Besides, wouldn't you feel like an idiot when the other kid's plane flew better than yours all because he did the research and used imagination to build a better airplane....now wouldn't that suck. d'oh.....
  15. Well mr. Deebot.....if you find that making a balanced paper airplane hard then that's on you, but paperclips aren't cheating, it's using any resource possible to make a great plane. Besides, wouldn't you feel like an idiot when the other kid's plane flew better than yours all because he did the research and used imagination to build a better airplane....now wouldn't that suck. d'oh.....
  16. Pretty good no nonsense ep. and may I add it contained some comic relief. woohoo. Good to see Alto grow some balls and think for himself...his brother is correct that Alto just responds to what going around him and not doing his own thing. Now for the love triangle thing....I guess that anime writers think it's cute when they have a "clueless" protagonist. Alto is denser than a lead brick. Explaination: saying "I won't leave your side", Isn't "I want to be your boyfriend/husband". Give me a break. I think Sheryls even confused....Maybe that airplane has a note inside that contained her feelings......bleh. Sheryl confesed in an indirect manner that she wants to be with Alto. I think it's also childish, but hey, we are talking about TEENAGERS here. Now if Sheryl is hitting mid 20's, then that's a different story. I do have a feeling in the back of my head that she'll live....but we won't see it. And there's Ranka. Got to give her some props because most fighting dosen't fix everything. But, didn't mommy tell you that is bad to play with dangerous bugs? I guess she didn't get the memo. Note to Brera: Get the F*k outta there!!!!!! Get Alto, sorry that I kicked your *ss, and Ranka is in deep Sh*t.....go get her. Brera realized why Alto seems loose on protecting the Fast Pack hybrid Ranka. "Girls are nothing but trouble" song pops into head. Once again......Grace shows why she's a Badass. p.s. Judging from the paper airplane designs.....they both suck, what no paper clips?
  17. Bout F*ing time just read my sig.......
  18. Oh yes.....Grace with boobie pose Plz Oh yeah....Micronized Klan....Dang Loliconz bleh
  19. I'm getting Ozama's....Alto is acting like a real p*ssy, besides, that skull insignia is Uber Pwnage....RAH-JAH DAT!!!!!. Also Bandai makes pretty sturdy toys so at least we sure can vouch for that(crosses fingers).
  20. Instead of barking off nonsense in these threads, thought I share a coupe of tips to help everyone out. Q: I have such and such phone from such and such network....will it play the ringtones? A: Depends on your phone. Many of the newer phones have mp3 compatability....those phones are most likely play the ringtones on this forum. There are also different formats a phone may recognize: .WAV or .ACC for the ringtones. Q: My phone plays Mp3 ringtones, but i don't know how to get them on there. A: There are a few ways to get them on. The easiest way is to use a computer and store the files onto the removable storage disk(i.e. memory stick, SD card etc). Another way is to "Link" your phone with the computer and "transfer" the files via USB cable. A phone that can "link" to a computer usually has a program that can be installed onto your computer so that it can recognize the phone(contains neccesary drivers). When all else fails, you can use my ghetto method: Tell someone else to download the file onto their phone, then either bluetooth transfer to your phone or send via SMS message.....then save it to your phone. Q: Ok...I have the file. Why can't it play? Or my phone does not recognize the file? A: Buying a phone from a network means 2 things.....first the phone is "branded" and second, the phone is full of programs that hinder the phones full potential(meaning: if you want working ringtones...the network wants you to buy them from their wireless store instead of transfering onto the phone). Ask your network. Or try getting an unlocked phone....works for me and I'm never going back to "branded" phones. Nokia N95 FTW!!!! Q: My phone emits a evil wailing sound and leaks bloody liquid. A: Your phone is probably cursed/possessed....let go of phone and run away. Seek religious/spiritual help immediately. thanx for the tones..............For further assistance just PM me
  21. how bout this: Boy meets girl Girl meets boy Boy saves girl Girl crushes on boy BoyxGirl gets closer ---> next day boy meets woman Girl tries to get boy's attention all throughout, succeeds once BoyxGirl gets separated again by their own circumstances Boy gets emotionally attached with the Woman Girl gives up on Boy Boy gets/will get confused Woman dumps Boy Boy recognizes that he is the "Real Frontier Fairy" Boy flys off with another Boy...along with bridge flamer human torch. All get blown up by crossfire... Now that's a ending.....with a twist!!!!!
  22. This AltoxSheryl thing is getting old.....but why not consider this: Alto: "C'mon Sheryl, I'm feeling it ....." Sheryl: "Not tonight....I have an outbreak....." It's all about Grace anyways.....just look at those JUGGS...not to mention a VF-27 oh and that pink haired bridge bunny is a looker too....RAH-JAH DAT!!!!!!!!
  23. Professor are you enjoying yourself?....can you tell the class how much hydrogen will it take to produce thrust that will propell a Valk as intended? How bout you d3v, you want take a stab at it? Maybe you can start by measuring the kinetic output of the gas. Would it be more efficient than using combustable fuel and air in a ramjet turbine? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!! Ahh solar propellant.....to create momentum by harnessing light energy to push an object. Id rather use "reflective-like" sails to gather light energy much like a sailboat that uses wind energy. Koo....but aesthetically, looks like crap for a fighter plane. Kawamori switched to Thermonuclear because it was considered "taboo" to use just Nuclear weaponry in which he originally intended.
  24. haha i'm glad to see that there's people out there with some sense of humor.... because really....way too serious people should just take some of that funky stuff and fly high like the Vf-25....Oh yeah!!!! @Skully...Don't get one. No really None of the this Sh*t shouldn't be taken word for word....unless it's on th technology thread. Hmm after what i said earlier....Maybe Sheryl should dump Alto *ss too. haha
  25. Did Anybody get the sense that Brera just wanted to kick alto's *ss? I would.... I mean he comes running in and downs Alto. Maybe he was listening to the conversation, maybe not. But damn, he gon do him like that? Bout time someone smacked up that homosexual crossdresser. I know what he was thinking....."I'd wish that Alto would act up so i can teach him who's your daddy....Ooooh!!! He got a gun!!!!" I mean if Sheryl kissed me and all that....I'd be on that Sh*t like white on rice in a milk cup on a paper plate in a snowstorm....then the youtube sex scandal. Man It would be K-fed pt.2 Cha-Ching!!!!!! Now i got respect for that cyborg idiot now.......um yeah o.O
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