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Everything posted by daflip702

  1. Ooh....I understand.....nudge*nudge* Just don't say that to the females...OK! See, you already learned some new swagger.
  2. Chrono,why so serious?
  3. Mach 34? Human Pancakes....or should i say Human Pineapple Pancakes
  4. well...I think i know someone who can make them.....3:00am huh...westcoast!!!! I'll PM yah if i find anything.....since this is a news thread....not a model thread
  5. thNX anime I aint anything good about making models but: anybody can make this for me....that'll be great.....I'll fork over the dough for the kit and decal making Let me finish it though....decals and color scheme still in protoform. and yes it's a crappy photoshop but hey, it helps me visualize
  6. Sorry Graham....Alto replies: Nope just my roll of quarters for the Mall Kiddy Ride we're siting on....[cell phone rings*]hey bobby....Nope still at the photoshoot. tonight?...OK. EEEESSSHHHH
  7. Haha. C'mon dreamweaver, there are still some suckers......uhh men out there that care for a women's personality(jokes ladies just jokes). Why else would TV shows like Ugly Betty or Sex and the City(which is full of male bashing) appear in the United States.
  8. Ah yes...Awesome spam it is. Hawaii is a real magical place......musubi anyone? I can just picure someone buying this bread thing and immediately do the nyan nyan dance after. Or.....As bobbie might add: Ninji-n loves you Yeeeeeeeeeeah OOOORRRRAHHHHHH!!!!!
  9. dang 2 weeks of vacay and missed all of the bandai bashing.....sigh* Oh well, Now its really looking like crap to me..... I recall seeing a pic earlier about Ozma's neck being lost....looks like it wants to give itself a hummer. The "DX" is the proper marking/title for this toy.....Tilt head to the right to see what i mean.
  10. And everyone else on this thread, including you, lack info somewhere. Now who's the arrogant one?. Even you can't explain everything. You know what I'm sitting back here laughing at you and Schitzo for actually arguing about that....I said that ZERO G is bad, like how an ejection seat for a helicopter pilot that goes off when the rotors are still spinning...that's BAD. and that's it. end of story. You actually made a mountain of it....and looked bad while doing it. LOL. Please by all means keep me laughing. Wow....what anime are you watching. Ever saw that 21....the fulcrum is at the middle(legs). whereas the nose section and cockpit is in the front. and the engines in the rear....you mean to tell me that's balanced? Give me a break. A well balanced Valk utilizes the thrust better than a rear heavy valk on gerwalk mode. I rather use my valks thrust to manuver it...not trying to keep it balanced. look above: In Gerwalk mode, the engines are still in the rear.....not balanced and i believe Chrono...doesn't feel that way. Yeah for battorid and gerwalk only. I'm NOT saying some bonehead will try and do it that way(use the backpack to fly in fighter) Now would'nt that just defeat the purpose of the VF-1 design. "vernier thrusters with chemical fuel tanks in backpack section in GERWALK and Battroid mode" This here came from the compendium. sorry guys for the continuing arguments....now on with the show: I think the 21 isnt aesthetically pleasing.
  11. Everyone here did reasearch. Opinions here are just opinions. i never tore it down...I said zero G that means nada zilch nothing....dampers just reduce the load.....Zero G is a statement....read it for all you like. Engines are still heavier that the cockpit. Ever seen a see-saw before? @SchizophrenicMC Watch it sucka.....I never mentioned the VF-1 with the pack on Mr.Multiple Perso......Well excuse me if forgot to mention that the situation I'm refering to was in a atmospheric condition. Jeez, I guess in a technology thread it pays to be technical. I'm taking you're not a TF fan huh?
  12. Who's the one getting offended with the word "kiddies"...It ain't even about you. Maybe you should sit back, relax, smoke a bowl, and grow some balls while you're at it. yeah i said it....so what? Exactlly, there was no evidence of me saying about a damper.....thats my point son. I'm flattered that you care so much though. You're still on this? Like I said before, OT isn't explained that much. This is why we are here discussing it. I'm not here expecting any of my/other's theories to be considered canon/approved by SK. Like many others here, we would all agree to a point that OT is beyond this world....and the fun of it, is trying to rationalize it to make it seem more plausible. If it wasn't set in stone by SK/HFH/BigWest....then all theories are welcomed. Just like the the motion controll of the valk's arms...One person said "motion capture", I said "flight suit sensory".....It's all up in the air. In short, were here trying to make "Unrealistic" to more "Physically Possible" Pretty good movie for people who don't know transformers(I like Bay's work). Pretty Bad for fanboys.....OMG Prime has a mouth....yikes. Yeah but looking at the transformation process and schematics....the 21 wasn't designed well for gerwalk. having the main engines in the back calls for unbalancing towards the rear...TNR engines are one word...heavy.
  13. Yes Bobby is a great character....esp when all hell broke loose and suddenly Bobby comes in and made me Rofl. BTW the real question is: Who voted for Alto? Dun Dun Dun.......
  14. At least the Valk's cockpit is in the torso.....and not the crotch....essshhh that's bad. Careful with your word "kids" Az.....people might sh*t a bandai. cough* chrono* cough* BTW....Is it me, or the super pack on the G looks "plasticy".....In fact, the Valk does too....well I hope they paint it.
  15. Lmao hahaha....you're killing me chrono. I'm not even trying. Do me a favor and ask your mom what's the meaning of swagger, you will soon learn a entirely different perspective son. P.s. Stick around and you might see more sh*t.... Well...like what dv3 said....the Ex-Gear refers to the whole thing, including the flight suit. G flight suit + EXtender components = Ex-Gear. Settled. I said ZERO G..... What i forgot to mention...since it's divided....it has less to work with, space or atmosphere I recently viewed a cutout schematic of the VF-1. It does have fuel tanks in the wings and backpack.....Overtech doesn't explain everything that's why were here BSing. Macross timeline was before 2000. but it worked didn't it? Realistic you say? HUH? Transformers has a live action movie....not to mention a 2nd coming up (last time I checked) Ever saw a plane crash because the pilot fell asleep? I think i would closing my eyes to pilot that 21. Besides the 21 can't do the infamous valk fighter to gerwalk move like the 0,1,171,19,25,27 can. Plus those damn chicken legs. Also the e-wok head and hood.....dang. The backpack thrusters for the Vf-1 are for battroid and gerwalk modes only. So you're the one that voted for him.....
  16. thanks for the info dv3, but uh...i'm referring to gerwalk mode still. I looked at the compendium before....but was skeptical about it's info because I didn't know about it's authenticity. I got horror stories from the MacII RPG books.....looks like fan fiction to me. Oh well it was the closet thing for technical data on the series....and my 2nd fav Valk design, the Metal Siren.
  17. I do recall somewhere (dunno exactly) where it was mentioned....but maybe perhaps they were referring for use outside the valk...i.e. flight. If the 21 uses those slits....wouldn't that be hard on the legs? not to mention the legs obstructing the thrust? So is this compendium legit....approved by SK?Big West?
  18. Eh...I'm just frustrated digging through tons of threads to find bit of pieces of info...that's why we need a A "Important" Technology thread upon different aspects in one place....now ain't that a little more easier folks? Alright down to business. 1. I don't think the Ex-gear has anything to do with reducing G-forces in a Valk...I concur this from the Ex-Gear colapsing inside the cockpit and removes itself from the wearer, am I the only one who caught that?. The truth is in the flight suit/cockpit....they already got flight suits that reduce G stress today. the Ex-Gear is just a suped up ejection seat. 2. An anti-gravity zero G device in a valk would hinder a pilot's skill due to the lack of feedback the Valk gives the pilot. it's like driving a car without feeling acceleration, deceleration, side to side movements in turns etc. etc. someone once told me....when you drive for the first time you're just driving a car....when you get experience, the car becomes an extension of yourself. 3. I think Battroid mode flys slower due to the structure of the engines being divided in to segments....not just one flush piece. Remember now kiddies, when air flows....it doesn't like to bend in different directions. Venier thrusters manuever the Valk, NOT to add boost to augment main thrust. 4. Even with ThermoNuc. engines....there must be a some sort "fuel" type to propel the valks. The structure of the Valkyrie cannot handle kinetic explosions that a reactor can produce nor sustain. Those type of reactors are better suited to produce high amounts of heat to then combine with different components to turn into kinetic energy....atleast that's how the modern world does it. 5. Starscream was a popular character in "robotic" cartoons....he had the canopy in the front and that design worked.....why not for a valk. i think the transformations were just designs that SK played around with. Change is good....and bad. 6. I don't like the design of the 21. How can it hover in gerwalk when the main engines are mounted on the torso facing rear?....and please don't tell me venier thrusters on the feet because that's just redundant. Oh yeah....vectoring wouldn't work either. 7. Alto is the first Macross gay/cross dressing hero.....man that's tuff and there you go....
  19. Hmm Point taken...but that Zuki is far from "Battle-Form" maybe something sexier like a RX-8 perhaps? Oh wait, Ranka's on it....she doesn't deserve anything sexy. Whoops...
  20. My answer is no...There are alot of things dicussed on that thread that dosen't pertain to Frontier.....why change it? You Think?
  21. Dang...you would think that they would at least throw some DUBs on the Zuki....looks like the spent all the money on the design. Tisk Tisk P.S. Why they always gotta make Sheryl/Ranka perverted.... *I think I'm about to be bashed on.....so Bring It!!!!
  22. So what's the difference between this thread and the technology thread? Suprised a mod hasn't locked it up....
  23. In reference to Alto being a virgin.....yeah he broke his cherry with Bobbie OOOOHHH RAHHHHH
  24. since we're all on the religious theme why not some "demon" names from the Emily Rose movie: VF-27 Nero VF-27 Legion VF-27 Cain VF-27 Belial VF-27 Judas and of couse VF-27 Lucifer....but was stated earlier......I like Nero or Legion OR.....VF-27 C.R.A.P.O for Cybornetic Retarded ASS-1 Pilots Only!
  25. So what if i voted for Grace.....2 words you can eat: Juggy Badass!!!! hmm....i just thought of something....I bet that Fairy Alto is a VIRGIN.
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