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Everything posted by daflip702

  1. Oh You're right....Maybe he can come back Keith Style and wear a helmet like that one Overwatch character. Totally dig that. LoL. I don't think anyone would pay attention to Bogue's whining. Unpopular Opinion: It's sad that Bogue didn't have much character development in this series, He would probably been a great character. Also I'd like to include the fact that he did touch Hayate's Rune. BogueXHayate. Or maybe not. haha.
  2. This is funny. A random Windemere sniper does more damage to Walkure in one scene than what Bogue did this whole series. That man deserves a promotion.
  3. Classic nostalgic Joyride in a Valkyrie, glad to see that. I wish they choose a better Fill In song. Also, Freyja's Rune looks like a pair of testicles when upside down.....Yikes.
  4. My thoughts exactly...I just pressed the "Submit" button a few moments ago. I hope they held onto it. I missed out on a Low Viz v.1, I'm not letting this chance go. You got to admit, this paint scheme is puuuuuuuurdy. On further thought, It's my first Yammie 1/60v2. Oh where have I been?
  5. No silly, Vajra is a pill in which old men use to keep up with the young ladies. How could anyone not know this? Oh MWF its been awhile.......it's not 2 cents ladies and gentlemen...it's more like a dollar.
  6. haha funny vf-2 sap special but rather have a Metal Siren pt FTW!!!!
  7. You're OK Schiz...I wonder the same thing. But my jokes are far more abusive and tasteless....Mr. March should know. As what Chrono Said: "Mech tech is serious business." So i learned the precept......proceed with caution. bleh..... "Some guy was singing about a woman and her monkey. I found out what a woman's monkey was....and I was appalled" This line above expresses it all. About 70% of the time. So Mr. March....I checked your site, no line art for the MDE/Reaction missiles huh?
  8. Hey you guys are alright...for a minute there, I thought the people here would rather stare a yammie than uh....Megan Fox (and for you PAL dudes, Kazuki Asou). On second thought, that would be hard for me to decide what to stare at. Excerpt from daflips702's modern social bible: "Just because she looks good from the back, dosen't mean it's all good in the front....so give the back that extra stare just in case."
  9. Yes and I hope this ain't another "exclusive". Wallet: "Will you stop....You MUST like Top Ramen huh?" [TL note: Top Ramen* is a cheap noodle meal prepared with water. It is the choice food of starving college kids who rather blow their money on japanese collectables than to spend money on some decent groceries.....as spoken by some "figure" forums]
  10. Fixed. It's all about the money and power.
  11. frying everything in it's path....how bout keeping itself from exploding. Do you know what kind of materials it would take to harness that stuff? If you were to do it that way..... Not to mention weight,shielding, etc.
  12. does anybody know of the episode in which a can get a clear view of the MDE or Reaction Missiles? I'd like to see the whole thing and not just part of it. Or better yet....some line art perhaps?
  13. aww man....the kite is a classic like the Vf-1....they certainly didn't do away with that valk. So let me get this right..... Kite Logo = Old UNG w/Spacy,AF,M etc New fugly Logo = NUNS NUNS - Kite Logo = Frontier......as it seems So the Frontier controls its on military apart from the original UNG....acting as NUNS?
  14. I think everyone here(as in MWF)is at least above your average macross fan. Would you agree? So there is a number of us who will try, but not all will get exclusives. Trust me, exclusives sell. 3? Wow great fandom....I estimated 2 but oh well. I guess 3 for each mode right?.....hahaha
  15. Insult....c'mon man. No insult intended. First, all I said was that I "understand" where you're coming from. Second, that "line" stated earlier would NOT fair well with common "socialite" women (aka status type/club-going/stylistic...Paris Hilton). And that's all. Read it for all you like. Anyways...I thought that the 19/21 Nova Project was conducted by UNSpacy....Kite Logo right?
  16. Eh....exclusives just drive up the cost and calls for bragging rights. They are made for the "serious/hardcore" collectors or those people like me who sell stuff on ebay(serious cha-ching). You got to hand it to them though, At some point we're all trying to make more ways of getting uber money. To me exclusives are just plain bulls-hit....but very mesmerizing indeed..... daflip702: "Ooooh look at that, gotta have, gotta have." Wallet: "Bloody fk-n murder!!!!!" Look like i got to call the proxy services.
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