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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Oh You're right....Maybe he can come back Keith Style and wear a helmet like that one Overwatch character. Totally dig that. LoL. I don't think anyone would pay attention to Bogue's whining. Unpopular Opinion: It's sad that Bogue didn't have much character development in this series, He would probably been a great character. Also I'd like to include the fact that he did touch Hayate's Rune. BogueXHayate. Or maybe not. haha.
  2. This is funny. A random Windemere sniper does more damage to Walkure in one scene than what Bogue did this whole series. That man deserves a promotion.
  3. Classic nostalgic Joyride in a Valkyrie, glad to see that. I wish they choose a better Fill In song. Also, Freyja's Rune looks like a pair of testicles when upside down.....Yikes.
  4. My thoughts exactly...I just pressed the "Submit" button a few moments ago. I hope they held onto it. I missed out on a Low Viz v.1, I'm not letting this chance go. You got to admit, this paint scheme is puuuuuuuurdy. On further thought, It's my first Yammie 1/60v2. Oh where have I been?
  5. No silly, Vajra is a pill in which old men use to keep up with the young ladies. How could anyone not know this? Oh MWF its been awhile.......it's not 2 cents ladies and gentlemen...it's more like a dollar.
  6. haha funny vf-2 sap special but rather have a Metal Siren pt FTW!!!!
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