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Posts posted by Lynx7725

  1. Hmm, but I believe the Strike VF-1S was released way before the Super M&Ms. I just looked at both my Max and Millia super VF-1Js and they both have the collapsible gunpods. In fact, even the picture of the battroid on the side of the box clearly shows the gunpod to be collapsible.

    Oh, sorry -- confusion. I thought you were referring to the Hikaru Super-1J. The Max and Miria types does come with collapsable gunpods.

  2. I just looked at my original Yamato Super VF-1J and it DOES have a collapsible gunpod. So I'm sure the new ones will have them also.

    eh.. This is strange. I recall the Strike-1S being the first with collapsable gunpod. The Super-1J still came with the older gunpod, which created a lot of problems as the FAST packs pushed the gunpod lower and made it hard to not scrape the ground.

  3. Did Max and Millia's VF-1J's originally have the collapsable gunpods like Roy had?  I thought they did, but I'm not sure now.  If not does anyone know if these will?  Just curious.

    They should be, as they are released after the Strike-1S. IIRC the pictures correctly, they are.

    These links also shows that.. Look at the placement of the peg hole.

    Yamato Max-1J Box

    Yamato Miria-1J Box

    Maybe there's hope for the 1/60 fastpack upgrade yet...

    May not be. If they upgrade the older Valks and repackage with FAST packs, commercially it doesn't make sense to release a stand-alone upgrade packs.

    Even if they upgrade the older Valks but do not repackage and sell the FAST packs separately (ala 1/48), those of us with older Valks would still be up the creek.. since we need the replacement parts.

  4. The best part about those ugly vermings is that you can customize them easily and make them look like this

    Attached Image

    For those of you not familiar with this, this particular Phalanx appeared (IIRC) in the TV series. As far as I can remember from a screenshot taken -- which sadly I forgot to save a copy -- the head unit is correctly represented.

    The speculation here at that time was that this is possibly a war correspondent's Phalanx, hence the extra optics.

    As for the Exosquad Macross toys -- they ain't the greatest. Very limited mobility and near zero posability. But for some of us they are the only Destroids available.

  5. Quite surprising that the Super-Hikaru is not out. Does this imply they have not refitted the Super-Hikaru?

    Yamato will probably re-release the hikaru vf-1j at about the same time the 1/48 version is released. :D

    That's an interesting idea, and perhaps it may even be as you said. :)

    Well, maybe they'll release the older Valks and make them FAST-capable while they are at it.. maybe we'll see a DYRL FAST Hikaru-1A.

  6. Looks good. This feels like a line that I can collect a whole squadron and not be broke doing it.. Good news.

    EDIT: Wish they had the Tomahawk and GBP pics up though.

  7. Takes motorcross to another level with a bike like that. I wonder how you do a wheely though?

    Quite simple really. You plant both your feet onto the ground, stand up, and haul the front (and only) wheel up in the air. There! A wheelie! :p :P :p

    EDIT: Added stuff.

  8. Thanks all.

    For the uninitiated, a short history lesson.

    The idea of the 1/60 FAST upgrade was bandied around about a year back, and the original intent was to provide parts to upgrade the older 1/60 Valkyries to FAST standards.

    As pointed out by some, the earlier 1/60 Valkyries suffer from the particular problem that certain arms, legs and backpack parts needed to be replaced in order to allow these Valks to take FAST packs. Back then there were 2 options available.

    • The first is to simple produce the necessary parts (i.e. outer legs, arms and upper backpack) and package it, leaving it to the 1/60 Valkyrie owners to fix up on their own. Personally I would prefer this.
    • The second is to produce extra parts and send entire leg and arm assemblies so that the owners will have less problems upgrading. In addition, updated hip joints, gunpods, and upper legs will be included so as to give even more value to the consumer. This was the supposed direction Yamato would have taken.

    Incidentally, the photos posted then (on both the Yamato "BBS" and here) were sort of to show what Yamato intended. It was all taken directly off the VF-1J which was already FAST-capable and upgraded with new hips (IIRC), so it's unreliable at best.

    Anyway, the 1/48 came out and apparently this idea was dumped. Graham, I would really appreciate if you can either confirm or deny this project; if it is truly not coming, I would want to start procuring for FAST packs and self-mod.

    As an aside, for those who are not familar, the CF-1A is NOT fully FAST compatible. There are holes in the legs and arms for the relevant FAST parts, but on one leg the holes are too small for the FAST packs which were produced later. Furthermore, the backpack also do not have the holes for the boosters. Both, as noted, are fairly easy to mod.

  9. Anyone knows whether the 1/60 Upgrades for the Valkyries without FAST packs will be made available?

    It's almost a year since we first heard of it, I believe. And still no news, even though the probable last few 1/60 Valkyries have rolled into production.

    For the uninitiated, Yamato was hinting sometime last year that they would produce a FAST pack upgrade for all 1/60 Valkyries produced without FAST Packs. By this time, the probable list of affected Valkyries would include:

    • Hikaru-1A
    • Focker-1S (later a Strike version came out)
    • Max-1A
    • CF-1A
    • VF-1D

    The Upgrade Pack supposedly include brand new legs for the earlier Valkyries which does not have the necessary holes to accomodate the Valkyries.

    To be honest, it's more and more like Vapourware to me.. sigh. :( :(

    Please, spare me the rhetoric about the 1/48 being better. I know the 1/48 is better and I'm sick and tired of being told to switch to 1/48 and generally people looking down on the 1/60. I like my 1/60s and would like to upgrade them if possible, okay? If you have no real contribution to this thread I would appreciate if you save the 1/48-ism for another occassion. Thank you.

  10. Geez.. Not again

    • Edit's good for correcting mistakes. Some people here do take the care to ensure their posts can be read, and sometimes mistakes slip through. I proofread and preview my posts and still need to occasionally edit after the posting is done.
    • Editing is just a different way of doing things -- you should accept that other people got different ways of doing the same thing.
    • If someone said something that's bad, make sure you quote it, he can edit his own post but he can't edit yours.

    It strikes me that you should really be going after the people who does what irks you rather than going after a useful feature of the board. Rather than try to get rid of the feature, bring the mod's attention to the situation. If it's serious, petition for the offender to be temporarily banned -- that's what will really tackle the problem you have.

    Like SuperO says, what 1% of the population does wrongly should not result in punishment for the other 99% of the population.

    And honestly, you are looking at the worst aspect of editing a flammatory post. You may have presume the case of a member posting with deliberate intent to insult someone and taking the post back to appear innocent. However, another scenario is that a member got heated up and posted in the heat of the moment. Then he thought things over and decided he could better word his discussion, and so he changed the original post. Is this necessarily bad?

    And as for not using the Edit.. I seem to recall that you did use the Edit function once and we ragged you for it.... :D

  11. Wow! SIX Monsters in the bow!! I sure hope the top row have got their quad cannons trained at the right angle. Imagine the disaster if they accidentally shot off the bow door... It also seems the Monsters aren't even using their arm launchers.

    No room to use the arm cannons, really. Heck, just the muzzle blast from the cannons may swat the Tomahawks.

    Imagine if they REALLY did produce a Daedalus Bow to house your Monsters. That thing's probably going to be big enough for someone to curl up in for a nap!

    Man, a 1/60 Monster is big enough to be a foot rest at the very least, a small table otherwise.. Or a very expensive lawn ornament.

    But given the structural size.. it should be fairly straightforward to work into the design some "armaments" or even a small petrol engine. Imagine if the darn Monster on your lawn actually took a step and splatter a bunch of inquisitive people with four water hoses. :)

  12. MY mini VF-1S had quite an adventure

    just last year in HK [..] suddenly I was pulled back..........

    the mini VF-1S Strike Battroid got caught up in a pretty girl's blouse

    I think what happened was she had a spagetti strap , well, kinda of a netted strap, and poor or naughty VF-1S got caught in the netting..........

    he was really stuck there, and I could not free myself, only after the girl's friend carefully undoing the VF-1S from the entanglement..........

    *grumble* *grumble*

    Some guys have all the luck. :p :P :p

    That cellphone Valk actually looks fairly interesting to tag to a handphone. :) Good find!

  13. I think a 1/60 Daedalus bow would be a little too big to be affordable, unless it's made out of cardboard. How many monsters fit into it during a Daedalus attack?

    The answer is...three!

    Maybe Yamato should offer to throw in a free Daedalus bow/ramp if you buy all the destroids in the picture.

    Hey, going OT a minute, wasn't there only 3 Monsters at the time of SDF-1's launch? There's six here on the Dae alone... how many were manufactured in total?

  14. Um...I think some of you may have a misconception about HK. Even here you cannot buy cool high-end collectible toys like Yamatos in Supermarkets!

    Depends what you really call "Supermarket".. if you are talking about grocery markets (like Singapore's NTUC Fairprice), you probably will not be in luck as they only comes in once in a purple moon (which means near never).

    But departmental stores like Isetan, the now defunct Yaohan, Seiyu, Takashimaya et. al. do stock these items as Dri states. I tend to get my Gundam MGs from an Isetan near my place whenever they have a sale.. since this is Singapore that's practically every other month or so. Since I get them on sale the price isn't really an issue.

    (Consider this.. sure, I can get MSRP or lower online, but I have to pay for shipping and insurance (optional), run the risk of damages in transit, AND have to brave the hassle of going to the local post office to do this. Simply not worth the trouble.)

    The stock doesn't move very well during non-sales.. I make it a point to go past every few weeks to check for new stuff. For example, I've noticed 3 FIX that have stayed on the shelf for about 3 to 4 months already.

    Macross (specifically Yamato) products are really much rarer, as the show doesn't get shown here nowadays. No exposure = no interest in merchandise. I think I did see a Yamato in a store before, but that's the exception, not the rule.

  15. As for the name Takaya Noriko, I've always seen it printed as such: ƒ^ƒJƒ„ ƒmƒŠƒR

    That's the katakana spelling of her name; nothing wrong in that and may be intentional to show the international aspect of the anime, as katakana is traditionally used to "import" foreign words into the language.

    The traditional kanji rendering of her name would be: ‚’J@‹IŽq, although the "Noriko" part can have multiple kanji rendering -- I just used the first to appear. The "Takaya" surname can also have multiple rendering too, but it's really a choice between u‚’Jv or u‚‰®v; I chose the former simply because it looks nicer. :D

  16. ƒKƒ“ƒoƒXƒeƒ‹@‚¾‚¢‚·‚«I


    BTW, it's onee (‚¨‚Ë‚¦), not one (‚¨‚Ë).

    u‚¨Žov doesn't come on its own -- you need to type u‚¨Žo‚³‚ñv or u‚¨Žo‚³‚Üv in order to get the kanji. Otherwise you will end up with u”öªv, as you did.

    Actually, FYI, I couldn't easily read what you wrote -- had to force the browser to use a certain encoding. This is true if the browser is set to autoselect. ‚’J@‹IŽq (Noriko-Takaya) probably need to use HTML tags to indicate the language/ fonts used in order to be user friendly..

  17. I've stated previously that I am in the process of updating my site, The Gunbuster Index. I am looking for fonts which I can use to make the Japanese characters you see on Japanese pages. Can anyone out there help me with this? I've tried using SimSun and SimHei, but those are Chinese fonts, right? I'm looking for an actual Japanese font. And why is it that these characters do not show up on older operating systems, like Windows 98?

    Japanese (especially Kanji) draw heavily from Chinese anyway, so it's not wrong to use those fonts either. You can try using MS Mincho, but ideally for websites you might want to go with Unicode -- its a more potable method.

    Older OS like Win98 may need an optional download in order to read Japanese text on the web browser. W2K and XP comes with the necessary software to do so out-of-box, so they don't need to download.

    Also, MS provides the Input Method Editor (IME) for people to write Japanese text, which is normally what I used to write. As long as I stick with MS products, I'm fairly sure that the majority of the people out there can read what I write.

    However, the best way to do it might be as you have -- write them as an image file and link to them as pics. That way, regardless of whether they are using W98 or W2K they would be able to read your text.

  18. opps. I was referring to the VF-1 line which has no chance of ever going up.

    Same principle applies. I don't think it's quite worth what Toynami is asking for, so I'll use the blue Legioss to gauge the market price to go for; also, it gives Toynami a chance to clean up design flaws which the beta-beta test players (i.e. consumers.. ) will probably find.

    I've learnt a long time ago that being on the forefront of technology (either IT or toy) can be rather harsh and expensive...

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