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Everything posted by Lynx7725

  1. Uh-huh. I guess a working IFF isn't a necessity for flight... Patriot, yeah. I guess it's a victim of its own "success".. the media wanted a success story, and the Patriot was in the right place at the right time. Anyway, back to the overweight F35. Given that there's about a decade's time before it enters service, the probability is good that advancements and refinements will lower the engine weight. It probably WILL still end up overweight, but not by 1.5 metric tons.
  2. Good God. Overweight F35, aging Harriers, uncertified Chinooks, unreliable Eurofighters.. does the Brits have any thing that will fly properly?
  3. Might want to replace "Zentraedi Battle Pod" with "Yamato 1/60 Customized MAC II"... Just a premonition that it may actually happen.
  4. The ending leaves that question absolutely open, although Miho's statements hint strongly that the two are alive.. but only Miho knows for sure, and she ain't talking. It's the right sort of ending for WHR, actually. The whole series is about mysteries, lies and deceit.. so an ambiguous ending like that fits right in. Is Robin Sena -- the Devil's Child -- still alive? Nobody knows. But it is an interesting story hook if WHR2 ever comes around.
  5. yeh, that was kinda annoying me as well. But I dont have any here at home either, thats all I had, kinda like the golf ball : Might I suggest.. painting the current sand into a whitish colour?
  6. Just an observation. White sand (typical of really good beaches) would probably go better than the current colour. Otherwise, an excellent piece.
  7. You can do this too with the GFF Zeta-Plus. I'll post some pics of mine in this mode later tonight.
  8. Sorry man, I've got to be a bit blunt here. "Syringe" is a lousy name for this.. I understand your intent behind the name, but to be honest, Penguin is the first name to pop into my head when I saw your redesign. Design-wise... Aerodynamic, this is not. Is there any real reason for an extensible wings? I mean, as I understand it, there is some justification for having verniers mounted on long extensions -- the force or moment generated by such a placement has more impact on the craft. If so, why not simply leave the wings permanently stuck out? Extensible wings just means more things that can go wrong on an aerospacecraft. Having the hard-docking point between the engine intakes might pose problem with FOD, especially if this craft is capable of intraatmosphere intercepts. Overall, this craft looks and sounds like a brick.. that's fine, actually, as a troopship. It's just that with a name like "Syringe"... I expect it to be more slender, or more cylindrical in appearance.
  9. I might be highjacking this thread a bit here, but.. I'm not really a Star Trek fan, but I occassionally peek into the discussions here and there. One site -- funny in the right light -- caught my attention: First TV Drama Enterprise Pages This guy is obviously biased, but I would like your opinions on his opinions.
  10. I learn -- usually through the hard way -- that these things have a nasty habit of coming back to haunt you again and again until you fix it. In this case, it's not a good idea to paint it, because you need a really steady hand and a very fine brush to paint the groove. You can do it... but... a slight mistake and you can end up with a smudgy Skull. You can mask and paint it, I suppose... but that's a huge hassle for a single line. And the masking could possibly damage the Skull insignia. The best solution I can think of is to get a Micro-pigma pen -- not Gundam marker, invest in a good pen -- of the right colour, and panel-line the groove repeatedly. Maybe hit the area with a flat coat of sealent to kill any gloss. As David says, different glossiness of black contrasts with each other, so make sure to test the pen at some less obvious part, like the base of the fin, and have a wet tissue/ towel handy to wipe away the ink if it doesn't look right immediately after application.
  11. Oh, you mean something like this? :P EDIT: Forgot to attach pic at first pass. D'oh.
  12. To answer this question: Nude, the posability is quite good. Quality is also quite high -- you get what you pay for. Durability, may get a little loose, especially the wrists, after some time. Unfortunately, on the version I have (Power Assault Section -- big ass gatling! ) the.. uhm.. catsuit restricted the posture quite severely, and the added layer of padded vest does get just a little into the way. Overall it's really worth your money. I probably will be getting one of these, maybe 2; I have a MG39 which would go wonderfully with this figure (I got the MG39 specifically for the PAS). Maybe it's time to pick up a Panzerfaust or RPG.. Panzerfaust if I can find it. EDIT: Oh yeah, Takara's official pics of this.
  13. There's never really specific 'Mech stats.. maybe a few, sure, but AFAIK nothing definite beyond "10-plus meters of moving metal"...
  14. This set of pics is a parody on various Gundam MS/ MA models. The various poses that Osaka is in mimics the overall look of the MS/ MA. You have to be fairly familiar with the mecha in order to appreciate the humour -- maybe I'll put up a bunch of comparison pics later tonight.. provided I can get the proper resource.
  15. Like you said -- The main purpose of this is to give the option of remaining in cover while looking around corners. I definitely can appreciate this, but this is already possible now, although probably without the ability to poke a gun barrel around said corner. I think, and you point out, that the company's attempts to push this product as being capable of turning a single man into a one-man ERT team is the basis of my annoyance at it. It's like giving said man the wrong set of confidence.. very dangerous. Personally, if a tool has value and will be very useful to the team, cost should be a secondary concern. I won't mind spurging if it works well!
  16. Like I said, I see some merit in the system, but the exact execution of the idea leaves me cold. I definitely see the advantages of this in CQB, but honestly do feel the "commercial" has overhyped the product. My major concern is really two areas: the reset time and noise (between bended and straight), and the potential for user fixation on the LCD. The latter can be overcome by training, but I'm not so sure about the former.
  17. Oh jeez. I'm not really an expert, but that.. that thing look hideously unuseable. I can definitely see the potential in what it does... the clip shows a uniformed policeman sweeping under a car, that's definitely useful; I can think of a few other situations where a tool like this would be useful. But gawd.. this thing is clunky, sounds awfully loud when you clack it back into a straight line, looks like a SMG or short assault rifle but shoots as a pistol, and has a teeny LCD. I can't wait for the first poor sod who fixate on the LCD and fail to see a clear and present danger. Nice concept, but I cringe at this execution. I'm not sure whether the concept can be actualized in a decent way at this time though.
  18. Y'know, this could be because the VEFR looks like a man with a Chinese coolie hat.
  19. Oh these... Seen them in box. About.. uhm 5" to 6" tall, not too bad on their own. Didn't handle one so can't talk about the quality. As a 40K player, it's something that's... not very useful.
  20. They look quite nice, actually. Though I was a little distracted by the watermelons (yes, pural. ) on the left of the pics.
  21. Escaped.. this is much tougher than the Crimson Room (and I had to search for hints online). It's also much creepier and may not be appropriate to all parties.
  22. Sure I can. Let me break it down for you. 49.99 + shipping for the serial key, a box, manual, the CD, a month online and (at most online sales) a bonus CD, T-shirt, etc. versus: 49.99 for the serial key and a month online. Strikes me as kinda uneven trade. If it is on sale here, I would be paying 49.99 + bus fare for the whole deal (well, probably missing the bonus stuff). That kinda strikes me as a bit more efficient. I like the game.. but not so much as to pay 49.99 for a serial number.
  23. Lineage II is a game you really have to work at to gain the most out of it. The open Beta is not a good gauge because the high-level fun stuff simply was out-of-reach. I was on Erica during the Open Beta. I'm not sure whether the game is on sale in my country, but I hope to pick it up this weekend.. I liked it enough to pay for it.
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