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Everything posted by Lynx7725

  1. Hah. "Only Gundams are this accurate." Can you imagine Ewoks beating up on Gundams?
  2. Actually I *would* like to see a beam sabre. At least one more use -- I can either slice you, run you through, or slap you silly with it. A beam saber's can only do 2 of the 3. Hard to say about the origin of the lightsaber. It's probably a case of borrowing from each other... Lucas probably saw some poster or show with a energy weapon and refined it to the lightsaber, while Tomino probably saw Star Wars and refined his weapon into the beam saber.
  3. Why Kensei, why? BTW, it's "saber", not "sabre". Two different types of weapon. Energy weapon in sword form is really nothing new in anime; plenty of shows have light-saber type weapons in them. I'm not sure when energy swords first worked its way into Hoillywood movies though, anyone can enlighten?
  4. Me, my understanding is either one of the following: 1) the same bidder was revising his highest bid (happened to me before for some reason.. I outbid myself, bah. ) 2) someone else was bidding in small increments and the automated ebay bidder will do small incremental increases on the winner's part (until highest bid). Either way, it's just plain stupid behaviour on somebody's part in the auction.
  5. You got to look at the bid history to get a feel. Bidder's List One bidder responsible for driving the bid all the way up to 360USD. And it's uncontested bid-raising most of time -- the bidder was revising his highest bid time and again. It's interesting to note that only 3 bidders were involved after the 156USD mark. Smacks more of a "Hey I can outbid you" syndrome than anything. And all 3 has low feedback counts -- I won't be too surprised to see this relisted soon. (hehe, I just traced one of the bidders.. he had refused to pay for another Toynami VF-1S at 255USD previously. But all 3 bidders had been purchasing Toynami MPCs, so they were going for a set.) At 156USD, I can still see people buying.... after all, it has a nice box, it's a "limited" item, and if you are purchasing just to complete the set, double the MSRP isn't too unbelievable.
  6. I meant back to Toynami, not your Local; your local can only do so much and he's going to end up either (a ) taking a hit, or (b ) sending it back to Toynami anyway. So may as well drop them an email to see what can be done first. If you are dead set on fixing it yourself, it's a difficult break (hmm compound fracture?). You need to extract the broken part from the shoulder first, then see if you can superglue it together.. but truth to be told I think it's still going to be a weak connection, and it would snap again. mechaninac has the right idea, but I'm not sure whether it is feasible (i.e. the other parts in there might interfere). You need to disassemble it to take a look. BTW, that's a RIGHT arm. Your gun hand. Which makes it all the more irritating, because that's the one you would pose with.
  7. Gee. from the pics, it looks bad. If you can send it back, all the better -- I know shipping back to the states would be a pain, but that's the best way (though you run the Toynami Lottery again..) If you can't.. well, I guess I can break out the styrene rods and build a replacement if it was my Alpha. Just wondering how many people have this issue? I think it's fairly rare. EDIT: Nice touch with the gates.
  8. Normally, that would call for a trip to the hospital, splints and probably a cast. You get MC for 2 weeks, and it takes about 2 months or so for the arm to heal up straight. Can't do jack squat with a description "I broke my left arm". Pics man, pics.
  9. Uhm. Okiiieee.... I hope the final product is at least going to look somewhat different, because right now it reminds me more of Ultraman than anything else. (Incidentally, I believe there IS a Patlabour Ultraman spoof episode...)
  10. If they put in glow/ combustion engines into this 1/10 Yamato BB, airsoft for the guns and RC for controls, and give me a decent-sized lake to drive (and shoot) this thing in, I'll be there in a heartbeat too! Of course, the US should respond with a 1/10 Iowa BB too, to have balance of power.... At any rate, this isn't quite what this thread is about. Is the USS Flagg really a good scale display for Yamato 1/60s? I'm been meaning to have some sort of ship deck display for my three valks, but space constraints sort of nuked that idea. 'Epecially liked the idea of scratch-building a catapult, if I could only find the necessary information...
  11. Mister, you ain't doing your work no justice, y'know? Photography can make or break your rep on the net. I've seen some good-looking miniatures (tabletop gaming) looks absolutely horrible in photos, and vice-versa -- it's difficult to actually take a picture that is both sharp and does justice to the model/ miniature. No knock against you or the wife, but you might want to invest in a slightly better camera.. anything 3 megapixel with a macro mode would be sufficient, really. Heh, we know you don't do stock kits.. it just looks that way. I'm just hoping for a Kampfer touting a minigun and in Wolf Brigade colours. Gar.. FAZZ. That would be really big.
  12. There is a reason for that... its missing GUNS... and LOTS of them. That was the allure of the Kampfer... two big Bazookas and a LOT of firepower No, that's not it. Take a look at Armor's other works.. for example his avatar. That's no stock Zaku. The Kampfer here looks almost out-of-box (of course it's painted).. I was hoping for a custom paint job or more exotic customization.
  13. Hmm.. the pics are better. Still, aside from the weathering and some incidental effects, can't really see the level of work you put into it. What's the deal with the big "01" stencilled on the torso? The Big White One? Truth to be told, this looks almost stock, so it's a bit disappointing... Hope you don't mind me saying that.
  14. Don't really have stats for these aircraft, so have to go with my experiences in (various) sims, so the accuracies' about as good as you can guess... Don't really like the 'Stang.. it tends to not want to dogfight, rate of turn is rather slow from what I can remember. I'll prefer the '38 in this case, more firepower and more B-&-Z. 'Fact, I prefer a Typhoon/ Tempest over a 'Stang any day of the week, and a Spitfire, especially late war Spits, handles really nicely in turning fights (Experience from MS CFS3 IIRC). Not really fair to compare a P-40 with late-war plans isn't it? I'll take the Corsair anyday. It's a surprisingly sweet plane to fly (at least in the MS CFS2), and a better-than-expected dogfighter. Can't dog with a Zeke, of course, but a Zeke's a pretty touchy plane to fly. Like I said, take it with a grain of salt -- it's merely experience from flight sims. Do take into account I prefer to dogfight, so low level performance is what I tend to use... and that may have biased my view of the 'Stang.
  15. Woah. I really await this one with great enthusiasm. The Kampfer is an excellent design and I'm sure you will do a good job, as always. I see you are doing it in standard blue.. I have one unbuilt and I'm severely tempted to do a matt-black Kampfer myself, but no confidence to tackle it. As for the photos -- too blur. Please try backing off about 5 ~ 10cm and taking the picture. If you are taking these with a real camera (i.e. not a webcam), please try activating the macro mode (usually a flower symbol), as it would allow you to take at shorter ranges.
  16. Never did like the Penetrator airframe design but it has fairly nice armaments. Wasn't following Opus fully, so not too sure if he had wanted the wings up or down. How about Corsair/ Stuka wings? Wait, I think you've already considered that idea.. Hmm, how about redesigning the wing glove to be a forward-swept variable wing? Or, hehe, a set of forward-swept variable box wings? As for the fin, at the end of the day, it's your design, so if it doesn't feel right to you it ain't right.
  17. Good -- saves me the trouble of taking pics and transferring then.. Remember the Penetrator? That's one of the more "box" designs in the game; granted, it's not really in the same league as your design here, but as a general idea. Nobody's going to successfully challenge you on copyright terms there. With regards to Opus' idea, you might want to review the Space Gull design to make sure you don't come too close. The single large ventral fin idea I was proposing earlier comes from TOG single-seat designs, which tends to use those. I think the dual fins you have now is a bit off-ish but I can live with those.
  18. 1/55 are bricks. Built to be solid, proof against anything up to a nuke, possibly inclusive with a bit of luck. You can throw it against a wall and it'll win. If the Zentrans ever invades we can load 1/55s into our GU-11s and shoot them all down. If you are more into aesthetics, then a 1/60 or 1/48. 1/60s are nice and have a small desk footprint; 1/48 are super nice and have a nice big presence. If you have the spare cash and are willing to take a bit of care with your toys, then going with the 1/48 is probably the best idea. But if you are strapped for cash and is willing to live with detaching legs, then a 1/60 is more than accurate. However, prepare to budget for at least 2 Valks. A single valkyrie sitting on the desk looks rather lonely and it calls out for a wingman.
  19. Sorry; not in America, so failed (and still fail) to see the significance..
  20. Knight26, have you ever played a game called Renegade Legion: Interceptor, either in board form or the old old OLD computer game? Gotta take some pics of the designs there to show you why some of your designs are fairly... similar* to those. *similar as in general idea -- box wings, gull wings, even my (one big) ventral fin idea came from there.
  21. Ahhh.. most of the GFF and Zeongraphy you mentioned had been out for some times (in some cases years).. I'm not sure what your intent is here.
  22. That 2-seater looks.. hump-backed. Cute in a way, but also something I'm sort of ashamed to show people. Man, from the pics David provided, an A-10 cockpit looks really cramped. The foward visibility looks rather limited (no personal experience, of course), it's like looking at a sheer wall of instruments. Any clear ideas what are the upgrades? The story doesn't really add much details.
  23. That's just Bandai's "Model Line Disease". A Real-Scale line isn't PG, it's just plain old 1/60 scale.. it does not guarantees spectacular engineering like those found on PG, but my understanding is that it's pretty good for its price. AFAIK, there's only one Real Scale model, but then again I'm no longer following the Gundam plamo developments.
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