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Everything posted by Lynx7725

  1. Nice. Hope they improve BP-8. Probably 2 for me, but August is a long way off. I'll wait till late June or early July before pre-ordering. Maybe we'll get more info by then.
  2. Oh god, I'll snap up the MG Kampher in a heartbeat. Not that I have done anything with the one I already have, but having an extra is always nice.
  3. Knight, for some reason your comment really had me in stitches. For the record, no, I don't think an F/A-18 could land in the back of a Herc. Not if it wanted to take off again, at any rate.
  4. Dr Bang, huh? Must be a sex therapist. Heh. The best part is that it's actually the correct romanization of the Chinese name. So technically it's not engrish... But, to compensate, the box on the right reads "Dr. Bang's Gift" (and the words on the blue portion of the box on the right reads "Antiseptic". Man, taken out of context, this is a winner. )
  5. darn you bromgrev! I nearly snorted tea from my nose reading what you wrote!
  6. as for this idea....they're gonna need a REALLY big transport, the Herc ain't big enough.... Nah. The Super Bug will only be short some parts of the wing. It'll fit.
  7. Hey wait a minute, that's not engrish, that's actually a correctly spelt and logical statement!
  8. Excuse me, that's not a display, that's a [censored] aircraft/ mecha hanger in glass...
  9. Uhm, before I go through that door, I would like to know what I'm groping in there first....
  10. Y'know, I'm hoping that the Rafale would be picked. As much as the Mud Hen is a nice aircraft, I see so many USAF aircraft here, a little variety would be interesting.
  11. About darn time the two silly gits got married. Liked the series, the manga was a bit overly long though.
  12. Just wondering -- anyone plan to do a set of upgrade parts to make the Stampeed? Either in 1/48 or 1/60? Anyone? Brueller?
  13. For you F15 and F22 fans: F-22 with Older Siblings
  14. y'know, I'm not so much perturbed by the "deep-fried" or "Squirrel"... but more by the "Looks like". Gee.. I wonder what it REALLY is.
  15. Don't feel too bad about things. It's not bad, that "game"... it's just that tying robotech.com into the joke here on MacrossWorld is simply.. well.. gathering the wrong response. Actually I'm looking for a site with a world map... nuking random sites are fun but I want to throw a few megatons onto "real" cities!
  16. Sigh, I wish you didn't do that... because it is so easy to become this: MacrossWorld Under Attack!
  17. Uhm, folks? The Valk is a transformable fighter. With arms and hands. I'll just fly over and kick the tank apart. Or flip it over with the hands. Oh, you're talking about range combat.. well, if you are talking about current tanks, like it's been said, a 55mm gatling capable of shredding a Zentran mecha isn't likely to be fazed by conventional armour. At worst, I'm going to just drop a couple of reflex warheads on top of the armour column.. And don't forget, the Valk can carry iron bombs -- and probably deliver them a lot more accurately. American football with mecha and live ordnance anyone?
  18. Actually I think it's not that bad a move, to set it after the movie.. if it has gone according to the movie, then the players would expect certain things to happen, etc., so the developers are tied down by the movie. Setting it after the movie -- and especially since it would be very bad taste for there to be a Matrix IV (A New e-Hope?) -- allows the developers the flexibilty to tell the story that they want to tell, with fewer constraints. It of course remains to be seen if they actually have anything worthwhile to tell...
  19. Okay, let's talk MMO design then (and horribly mutilate this thread. ) Thing about game design is that it's like women -- not all men like the same type of women, hence the huge variety of women out there. (BTW, this is a theory a friend of mine came up with. It's something I tend to agree with though). Same applies to game design.. for example, some people prefer the skills approach in Everquest, others the class approach in Lineage II, others the powers approach in CoH. In a sense, no matter what game mechanics you have, someone is bound to hate it. Broadly speaking though, MMORPG are fairly well playtested and balance issues are not really that common nowadays.. Games like UO, Everquest, SWG sort of pointed out the ills of not designing properly, and it appears that the designers do spend extra effort to ensure that the game balance issues are addressed before coding begins. At the very least, when I look at what is on the market right now, I find that in general, the design of MMO games are such that the important balance factors are often parameterized instead of hard-coded. This means it becomes hugely easy for companies to retune balance, because rather than revamping code, they just tweak a database value. Yes, if the companies don't think through a change properly, massive unhappiness will result.. But what you describe for SWG isn't so much of a design issue, but a change management issue -- it's not what they ended up changing, it's that they never thought through the consequences of what they want to change. In essense, I think the main problem with SWG is that they lost sight of the original design philosophy, and added/ made changes counter to the philosophy. In IT management terms, it's a project/ change management/ product continuity issue, not so much a design issue (at least not of the original design).. Aside: Sorry if I sound a bit confusing, I was up till 3am last night trying to trace through a labyrinth of reports to get to the truth... Coming back to the discussion, while you are right to say the design is important, I find most of the time the game design is okay -- the quality of design in games out there nowadays aren't too bad. Unfortunately, the execution of said design.... Truth to be told, the end users of IT are very pampered nowadays -- they expect perfection for very little. The net result of this is that gamers tend to be very critical of games that has obvious code defect or inefficiency. This leads to a high barrier of entry for MMORPGs if their code is not tight -- gamers are put off by having to wade through errors to play their games. Yes, as you said, eventually the bugs will be fixed, but in the meantime the company loses many potential customers because they turned out a sub-par program. MMORPG is still largely a word-of-mouth genre, and a bad rep due to software bugs can just be as deadly as a poor design.
  20. That's funny; a lot of gamers I know are pretty cool with CoH, and is willing to pay -- there are worse/ harder games out there. I guess it's a matter of taste. Anyway, back to topic. Matrix Online? Who else tried?
  21. Code tightness gotta be reasonable too right? I mean.. game balance, you have to be careful but you can gradually tweak. But a bad set of netcode, that's a real killer in MMO games.. or bad execution of the game mechanics. From another forum, this is what someone said: Someone else echoed: Overall, it seems like the designers had the background but not quite sure where the direction of the game is going...
  22. Hmm. Thing is, I've heard fairly poor reviews of this game from other gamers, as in the code (actual code) is not as tight and it appears to be in Beta, rather than release-worthy. MMORPG, very important for the code to be tight enough. It's rather bad if the game keep crashing for reasons unrelated to lag... Man, 1 GB of RAM...? Ouch.
  23. Heh. This gotta be a first. I'm seeing a pilot in Roy's TV series flight suit, sitting in a VF-1J with DYRL-marked FAST packs -- in Roy's DYRL colour to boot! -- but with Max's name stencilled to the side. What the...?
  24. You guys gotta be careful here. Getting very confusing as to which series and upgrades you are referring to by now. For those not familiar with the Hardsuits, IIRC in the original series the Knight Sabers had a mid-series Hardsuit upgrade -- the above art of Priss' Hardsuit seems to be after the upgrade. Thing is, I'm no expert on BGC hardsuits, so the original series upgrades are fairly subtle and at least to me not easy to spot. To confuse the matter even more BGC2040 also had a mid-series upgrade, but the upgrade are very visibly different. So, we have actually 4 possible series of hardsuits to choose from: Original Series, Original Hardsuits Original Series, Upgraded Hardsuits (to further complicate matters, Priss' Hardsuit was apparently upgraded twice...) BGC2040 Series, Original Hardsuits BGC2040 Series, Upgraded Hardsuits Clearly, these aren't the BGC2040 upgrades, so we can rule those out. Which of the remaining three these are, sad to say I can't identify them. If we have a good back shot of the Hardsuits, we can safely eliminate or identify them as BGC2040 initial Hardsuits -- battery. EDIT: added BGC2040 initial key identifier item.
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