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Everything posted by Lynx7725

  1. Heh. I hate to think what the speaker has disinfected...
  2. Ok, this one is easier to spot the lighting issue -- you missed the light angle. Check out the shadows on the ground vs. the shadows off the front canard. (Lighting is awfully difficult. wmchang's pics are great because he takes great pains to match his model's lighting with the pics lighting... but that takes a great deal of effort.) Oh, and I think you might benefit if you ease off the feathering/ blurring a bit. It's still good right now, but I think you are hitting the edges where the feather/ blur is becoming noticable.
  3. Uhm.. for some reason, the logo/ icon on the nearest ship doesn't look flat/ applied to the wing surface, but popping out. It's a distracting. I think because the logo is too circular, my eyes are expecting to see more of a flattened oval due to the angle of the wings.. Other than that, the lighting seems a bit dimmer than the sunlit ground implies, maybe you need to jack the lights up a bit? Otherwise, it's a good pic.
  4. Uhm, apologies to all the Kiera fans out there, but the picture Toonz posted? When I saw the first one I shuddered.. it was like seeing a head on a stick. Something's awfully wrong with that... thing in the picture. Which is rather sad. I actually saw Episode 1 on TV, I didn't even realise it was a separate person (thought Pad-Me simply did double duty). Aren't there other candidates for Leia? Can't be all in favour of Kiera right? I can't think of one offhand because I'm really not too familiar with actresses nowadays.
  5. hahaha.. the amusing thing is that the romanization of the Chinese is actually correct, so technically it isn't Engrish... Then again, it's pretty descriptive of the activity associated with this product...
  6. Yeah, the second A-10-ish pic looks better than the first. The "radar station" gives it a meaning, actually -- good one there.
  7. Yeah, I think there's a couple of dialupers here. C-130 is a pain? Nyet, I got one that's even more of an impossibility to try.
  8. Fun to try... EDIT: I've got a few more interesting ones, but I think I shouldn't flood this thread. The dialups will probably lynch me.
  9. Knight: If you are using Photoshop, once you have selected the relevant shape to feather, go to Select and look for the Feather option. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-Ctrl-D. A dialog box would pop up asking how many pixels to feather. Don't feather too much... as in everything else, moderation is key in Photoshop. As for interesting pics, would this do?
  10. Well... Firstly, if you want to match the look, you have to get an ordnance-heavy ship -- the focus in the original pic is not just on the banking aircraft, but also the sh!tload of missiles it's carrying. The angle is a bit off too, the F14 is banking, but your ship seems to be diving.. Idea: Put a bogey in the picture. For pic 2 and pic 3, the lighting looks a bit off -- angle I think. Pic 3, I was thinking should be harsher (no atmospherics to diffuse the light). The craft in pic 3 looks a bit too.. warm, fuzzy, in a sense, to be in outer space. Pic 2.. just looks wrong for some reason. I'll try to pin down the reason(s), but can't give you an answer now. Along the lines of what eugimon is saying, I think you can try hitting the finalized pics with a small blur effect. I tend to do that for my photochops, for better results.
  11. Hmm.. try getting a (straight) stick, tie the lightsaber to it, then toss the whole setup into hot water. Leave it as long as you think is safe, then take it out.. if it's still bent, stick in under some (thick) books curved side up, and hope the pressure will straighten it out. If both still don't work, then you have a pair of light-katana. Enjoy. And keeping in the spirits of things here, I hope you do the above to the action figure lightsabers and not the adult lightsabers.
  12. Hmmm... I have the sudden urge for some Choco. I wonder why? Heheh.. so do I. I especially like the part where she goes "Where are you looking at~~!!" She has a mouth? I didn't notice. Hahaha.. I know what you mean. No hips though. One imperfection.
  13. Hmmm... I have the sudden urge for some Choco. I wonder why? Heheh.. so do I. I especially like the part where she goes "Where are you looking at~~!!"
  14. Y'know, it would have been entertaining if the rotors would disintegrate every time the jets were turned on. "Hit the jets!" "NOOOO! Our rotors would fall off!" "Look, it's either our rotors fall off or our tail shot off -- make up your mind!"
  15. Here is some help, but not much. At least there are links.
  16. I hope you mean 'screw-in'? If not, you sure have weird sexual preferences. Graham You never know, nightmareb4macross may just have the right socket to screw a lightbulb....
  17. If you are looking to play, I'll say FIX is a (very) little bit better. HGUC can get fiddley, and you still have to assemble it. But note that some FIX are really only posable display pieces. Of the lot I have, I only really play with my Titan Mk II -- the rest falls apart readily.
  18. When hell cools down to the point where you have to pull a sweater on. Hell will truly freeze when a Sniper comes out...
  19. Well, as one of the three acknowledged men who united Japan in the 1600's, Nobunaga's name has the sort of instant recognition amongst the Japanese, I guess.. Tokugawa is too attached to the 300 years rule (and the eventual power trip they went into.. and too closely tied to the Meiji Restoration). Hideyoshi always struck me as sort of a middleman, but I didn't study Japanese history that thoroughly. As for Nobunaga's burning down of the Mt. Hiei, one history book commented that he did it not because he is opposed to the religion, but because it suited his needs at that time. The warrior/ armed monks of Mt. Hiei is a problem for pretty much all daimyos then, but Nobunaga apparently took the brunt of their attacks. After Mt. Hiei, Nobunaga turned around to court the religious heads when the need came up.. about par for course during the Sengoku Jidai.
  20. Oh thanks lots, you missed out mine... I feel so ostracized now. (Lineage 2 gamer, I'm used to being ostracized...)
  21. Capital Idea , if your stuck in traffic you just roll over other cars. Roll? ROLL? Mister, I have a big, 120mm cannon, and I INTEND TO USE IT! Actually, I agree about the M1A1. It uses a jet turbine, no? A bit hard to pull into the local gas station for a top-up..
  22. Err.. the "Spare Parts" are actually referring to internal organs. If they think things like livers and kidneys are "spare parts", I hate to think what they look at other, less essential organs.. like hands and legs.
  23. I think it's just a prototype at this point in time. I'm not sure whether there's any big market for this particular part.. I have a good chunk of 1/144 kits, but even *I* am having some difficulties thinking why I should buy this.
  24. No problem. Never had a query answered this fast, no?
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