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Everything posted by Lynx7725

  1. Heh, mine's in the mail from HLJ. I'll post pics when it gets in.
  2. Uhm, not quite. Brenten's command tank isn't, and the Hammer type is wheeled. Neither are quite what Knight is looking for though. I think that should be the one. If you are looking at Dark Horse's TPB, a good clear pic is on the second page -- Brenten's ride, as it turns out. Hmmm.. Knight, you don't ask for easy, do you? Best I can do off the net: Frontal shot, not very good but at least it gives you an idea. Off to the left, side shot. I suspect not enough details for what you want, but.. shrug.
  3. Or the scans from the newer manga? From the "No More Noise" series, IIRC there might be a "MBT" pic in there.
  4. Still waiting for mine to arrive. Unit 3 and Zero please!
  5. Geara Dogas are always nice, but where's me Marasais?
  6. Oh, for the airliner buffs, A380 touched down in Singapore on its world flight trial yesterday.
  7. The attractive plastic model or the attractive female model? :D
  8. No problems with the 3 Revols I got. Waiting for my Ota Special, and two Roundfaces.
  9. Heh, I saw that too. The first thing I was thinking of is "SDF-1 has a GERWALK mode? Cool!"
  10. This is Bandai we're talking about. I'm willing to put money on the actual Dendrobium coming out as a separate pack.
  11. Hmm. I'm actually convinced it's the mecha equivalent of an upskirt shot. Sheesh...
  12. Hmm looks a bit odd, the 'Zabi.. but still good. What's with that silly high kicking pose they seem to keep putting the 'Zabi in?
  13. Heh. Think I saw something similar over at Vivo City too.
  14. The odd thing is, shortly after this topic came up, I went onto eBay to search for the Labor in Action. I've previously tried but it's actually fairly hard to find on eBay. And guess what? I found ONE seller (whom I bought from before) selling at a reasonable price. Not cheap, but not overly expensive either. And yes, I got it...
  15. I don't have Revoltech Evas, but I do agree to an extent with KingNor; the Dougrams are a bit limited pose-wise (as is the Alphonse). Still, it's not to bad. AV-0~~! Woot.
  16. Hmm, a bit.. chesty/ top heavy, no? But I like the prototype's skirt armour, always thought the Kampfer would be better with skirts. I guess it's time for yet another hybrid on my shelf..
  17. Been some time since I played it (on a friend's Xbox), but yeah, just keep potting her. She'll die -- eventually.
  18. EMSIA = Extended Mobile Suit in Action. Mid-range, good quality toys (ABS?) that's good to play with and to pose. Generally good value for money. Generally in 1/144 scale, and has a fair range. When combined with the basic MSIA line (which it is a bit better), the range is quite exhaustive. HCM-PRO = High Complete Model PRO. Mid to High range, high quality models (styrene). Completed model almost out of box (minor assembly needed), good for poses but not really for playing with. Somewhat good value for money, but primarily for the looks. Generally in 1/200 (or 1/220, I forgot) scale, and there's a limited variety (but its growing). In essence, EMSIA = toy, HCM-PRO = model. The differences isn't that clean cut, and the quality is quite close, but that's the key difference.
  19. Too big. Joints won't hold it up properly. Sigh, Bandai's going for oversized/ undersized palms nowadays, my MSiA Strike Daggers/ Zaku Warriors/ Zaku Slashes can't hold their guns properly. Promie: You still don't have your HCM 'Zabi? Best to check with your retailer. I've gotten my Revoltech Alphonse already, no reason why your 'Zabi should still be in the pond.
  20. Not to bash the Brazilian government, but their track record with transparency isn't that good. Lots of allegation in the particular thread I think you waded through. Interesting stuff in there, but too much of a chaff:wheat ratio. It's not even sure that the ERJ collided into the 737, though it seems very likely. And we now have conflicting reports that the 737 didn't nosedive but was spread over what, 20KM? That's quite a departure from initial reports.
  21. Hey, DH. Anything new on the Gol 1907 case? I went to Air Disasters but that 40+ page thread (last I checked) was degrading into a physics discussion. Which was nice, but not necessarily any new developments on the case.
  22. I vaguely recall it is a HCM Pro line. Heh, more money out the wallet, Prom? BTW, have you gotten your Sazabi yet? It's been awfully long. EDIT: Silly me, I should read the whole post. But it's really a long time for the HCM 'Zabi to get to you.
  23. Heard a news report this morning. Seems like the Airbus would be delayed and SIA won't be able to take deliveries this year.
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