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Posts posted by Lynx7725

  1. I made promises to take photos of the Revoltech Zero, but had not been able to do so. So now, better late than never:

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    And with Ingram 1 and 2:

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    Amazing how you can squeeze 3 labours behind a single shield, no? Here's how it looks from the side:

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    Didn't like the Griffith, so I didn't get him. But I got a EVA-3 (with the clear shield) and a EVA-0 Kai coming in, maybe they can be the bad guys...

  2. I made some promises to take pics of the EMSIA Sazabi but was too busy to do so.. but now, better late than never.

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    I like this particular pose because of the ability of the beam rifle to sit right into the notch. I'm not sure if it's intended, but it is a very nice touch.

    And one last pose:

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    I particularly like the way the monoeye managed to show up in this pic. It was a bit hard to get it to show up.

  3. While the engineering is impressive, on a functional level it is not much of an improvement over tank treads. Given the limited motions of the legs, the vehicle is limited to setting each side to either forward or reverse. essentially replicating a tank.

    What would be more impressive functionally is if they could have made this crab sideways.

    Also, since this is on a flat surface, it's fairly safe; how does this handle on uneven ground? As it is, I think it needs major suspension upgrades. Looks to be a bumpy ride...

  4. About the linkup, I just remembered that the Legioss don't use it's landing gear when connected to the Tread. And in the mag scans, the Tread has the landing gear out. Maybe they just pose them that way since the Tread proto is too fragile to support the Legioss' weight.

    I think the mag scan is just a "maybe that's what it looks like" kind of pic. The Legioss' gears and tailfins are out, which isn't accurate to anime. To be honest, it looked like the TREAD humping the Legioss.

    I doubt it would be like that in the final. It's probably a prototype which didn't have the necessary couplings.

    At any rate, it's now down to individual taste. Those who would buy would, those who won't might change their minds after reviews..

  5. Either CSC or Lucky Chinatown, I guess...

    Might try my luck - the relative weight of the boxes can give you a clue:

    Heaviest = big Noa/Bud/Ingram

    Midium = Car

    Lightest = team mini-figs

    Anyway, you can see why I'm already wondering how they will milk the Griffon... make it a 'CASH Cow Disease'! :p

    Big Noa might not weigh much more than a Command Car, so you might be a bit off.. And it doesn't make sense to have the minifigs separate. I think more likely you'll get one minifig per other unit.

    You got to remember, these collectibles come in bundles of 6s; 12 per box means you get double the base number. We've only seen 4 (Noa, Bud, Ingram 1, Car) that's big enough to stand on its own. I'm guessing another 2 (Ingram 2 and Griffon, or Shinohara and Griffon, saving Oda and Ingram 2 for round 2), to make it 6, plus probably a secret item/ repaint. In this case, one minifig per big guy makes sense and throws off your weight estimates.

    As for the Griffon, I expect the milking to be less so.. hopefully they'll only do a single with Aqua-type and flight-type parts. If they do two separate releases, it's not miling it, it's squeezing the cow already.

    EDIT: Annnd here we go... CM's official page on this.

    EDIT x2: And the Mangrish...

    Minifigs are with the Command Car, so the weighing trick won't work. Rattling might. And ah-yup, the command car and minifigs are in the same scale as your CM Patlabor. Read it and Weep... :p

    Also, seems to be 5 + 1 secret, so it's not the normal mix. 12 Boxes only guarantee you one secret though.

  6. That's gotta be another form of 'mad cow disease'! 7800yen? I'm gonna check out the local price for a guaranteed complete set first...

    China Square? I dunno, I know for sure the command car would sell. Not sure about getting the rest, even if we aren't paying 7800 yen.

  7. Oooo UFO2000 is so fun. Have you ever seen a 15 vs. 15 trooper fight? Carnage. And I mean it in the good sense. :D

    One rocket fired from the left flank missed its target only to hit the bottom of a building with 2 enemy snipers on the second floor, dumping the 2 onto the ground. Seconds later, another rocket fired from the right flank missed its target and carried on into the same building, killing both snipers very dead. I only caught this on the replay -- great stuff watching it happen!

    Grenades banging off left and right, creating smokescreen for assault teams to advance under.. at which rocket teams would semi-randomly shoot through in a vain attempt to get them. Friendly fire isn't just common, it's a way of life when a friendly rocket addressed "To Whom It Might Concern" slammed into the wall next to you. Or when the rocket you just fired hit the tree in front of you and kills you dead..

    What's truly remarkable is that all these took place around a gas station, and none of the pumps took a single hit...

    The software isn't totally bug free -- I had it crash on me twice or trice already. It's still quite fun and it comes with different weapon sets for you to play with. The lack of an AI isn't too bad for solo play; the inherent randomness of the soldiers make it sufficiently random that it still can be enjoyable.

  8. For the guys out there who prefer the skirmish level game rather than the building aspect, here's a good download:


    I've just played it. Mucho fun, even if you are playing against yourself (No AI available here). Go in as a Blue/ Red team, and kit your team out as you liked it. The last game I had was 15 soldiers a side with personal armour, rifles and grenades in an 3x3 urban sprawl. Very fast action and much boom. :D

  9. Heh, I just had a mission last night where I downed a Terror ship. Investigating it brought a whole shipload of Floaters and my first contacts with Reapers.

    My most experienced Sgt dropped out of the transport and drew plasma fire left, right and center. Didn't survive, sadly. The other disembarked more successfully and with the newly developed laser rifles, quickly sent the sniping Floaters permanently away.

    The Reapers charged in but couldn't attack, so my AC man coolly turned and autofired the nearest Reaper, which had charged right towards the barrel! (Thanks idiot... :D ) The other reapers were brought down by massed laser fire, which was very effective.

    I kept this mission. I thought the loot was worth the death of a Seageant plus another gunner..

  10. After about 3 hours of gameplay.. I suck. :D

    I started a new game (at home this time) and before I even gotten my laser rifles, I had big UFOs landing. I was winning fights, but every fight I lose a few soldiers. It was hard replacing them.. They don't gain enough experience before they bit the dirt too.

    Then a Terror Raid hit Casablanca.

    And I lost 5 out of 7. I won the fight, mind you, but lost the war there...

  11. If it's a crash site mission and it's at night, I find it extremely helpful to not do anything the first 1 or 2 rounds. Don't do anything, and just listen.

    I'm playing at work during lunch, are you crazy? :D :D :D

    Also, have a rookie stand on the ramp (don't deplane, if you can just throw from inside the transport)), inch foward one square at a time and throw grenades, HE packs, prox mines, and flares.. anything that clears out the LZ and lights up the area.

    I don't find the immediate drop zone (i.e., the square around the transport) an issue. In this case, the bug-eye was shooting from beside a house all the way to the other side of the map. He was just randomly spamming, and with autofire plasma, he just had to get lucky.

  12. Two items I find help immensely at night, one is flares, obviously. Cheap and small, you can spam them across the map. The second item is proximity grenades. Prox grenades are fantastic, not only for doing damage against aliens, but also as a sort of mine that you can leave in place and move on to cover a flank.

    Well, won't have helped in this case. My scout just hopped out of the transport and the alien sniper just spammed plasma at him. The scout didn't even had time to do anything...

    This was my second mission, so I wasn't too technologically advanced. Frankly speaking, since this was a shootdown site, I could have afforded to wait another few hours and gone in at daybreak.

  13. Man I am so out of touch.. On the second mission, I explored a crash site and got caught in a crossfire right from the get go. Plasma fire blew away one of my designated scout right after he jumped out of the transport, and as we close on the alien, another popped up to crossfire my flanking squad. Lost at least 3 troopers there, but since I was playing during my lunch break, I couldn't continue... just as well.

    Note to self: Don't go fighting aliens at night.

    BTW, anyone knows how to make the Gold Edition play in Windowed mode? I dislike the full-screen mode.

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