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Everything posted by Lynx7725

  1. Actually, all I want is Aoshima to release the hands separately. Failing that, hopefully someone would be willing to recast them. The other "improvements", what we know of them, I can skip.
  2. In other words, whoop-be-doo? Besides, the original Washio wasn't too glossy, so I don't think that's the main reason. I think this is more in the way of release under the new Takara-Tomy name. It's a good chance for those who didn't managed to get their mitts to get her now though.
  3. Return to Undeath, oh thread of Kerberos... While waiting for my pre-order of the Koshiramaru Protect Gear, I found this. Looks to be the exact same version of the Washio Black Protect Gear released previously. Can't see any difference. Anyone knows?
  4. Ok, here comes the pics. Quick and dirty shoot. Saber from the front and back: The double-jointed hip armour is very obvious here. They're really nice for posing, but sometimes quite a pain in the posterior. It's a crying shame really, because aside from these joints, you can't really tell from the pics that she's actually revoltech jointed. And yes, the sword isn't held up by the hand, it's really resting tip down into the ground. Saber presenting arms, and then doing.. something. Saber in action pose: This really shows off how the skirts are supposed to part to allow movement of the legs. Note that the interior legs actually do have details on them (as in breeches), so Kaiyodo really didn't skim on this area. I didn't notice a lot of small details on first pass, like that the gauntlets are different from each other (the left is a cestus, nasty nasty lady). Personally, I think she'd look great with a shield.
  5. Hmm, now that I looked at the HLJ pics closely, Dark Saber is actually quite substantially different from Saber. Armour's only superficially similar -- it's totally different in many places. Head is a new sculpt, weapon is new. Might actually be worth getting.. if only there's a way to get rid of the blood splatters. EDIT: Just looked up the ebCraft version. That looks quite good too, quite tempted.
  6. Well, there's actually a bit of side-to-side play and the elbow's greater than 90 degrees actually (otherwise you cannot fold your arm up to touch the same shoulder). By rights, it should be a two-Revoltech joint system.. The Ingrams used Revoltech joints in the elbows and it worked ok (if just a bit prone to lower arm detachment). Whichever the case, the joint on mine looks a little deformed but functions well. It should hold up, I hope.
  7. Just got my Revoltech Saber. No pics yet, but at least I can talk about it... Comes in a very nice box, with a nice background pic of Saber, as below: (Love the pic. Taken from wikipedia but hosted on my own photosite.) Box is largish and I'm seriously tempted to keep it; aside from the Revoltech Zero, I've trashed all my other Revoltech boxes. Inside the box there's this pamphlet for Revoltech G2, of which apparently Saber is #1. In terms of accessories, this is really thin. Saber, Excalibur, Invisible Air... and the stand. That's it. No extra hands, no nothing. A bit disappointing that Avalon wasn't included, and that no extra hands were around, but then again I always had problems with the spare parts. Ok, so back to Saber. Good articulation overall -- Head, shoulders, wrists, waist, hips, knees and ankles are all revoltech joints. In addition, the side armour skirts are double-revoltech joints. Elbow surprisingly isn't -- it's a 90-degree joint, which I find disappointing. Upper arm is a slot-in joint which can turn but is not a revoltech joint. My waist joint is a bit loose and Saber tend to get bisected in my play. But that's quite normal for Revoltechs (I face this problem with my Ingrams and Zero too). However, I find the placement for the joints, especially the hips and to some extent the shoulders to be awkward. I think Kaiyodo still hasn't quite gotten the joint placement right, or that the Revoltech joints are just not quite right for this purpose. In addition, I do have some issues with getting poses right; Revoltech joints are a little awkward in that aspect but does hold poses right and tight. It feels like there's just one joint too many on this figure, but it could be just me getting used to it. Overall though, posability is quite good and no real "flappy" parts. Armour skirts does tend to get in the way but that's what they are supposed to do. (Aside: only the side skirts are jointed. the front and back plates are soft rubbery plastic that's quite durable.) Paint application and overall look and feel is excellent. The sculpt is what drew me to purchase and it looks better in person; only problem is that Saber is looking to her left so some poses look off. In summary, it's great in looks, good in posability, poor in extra parts. Great buy especially if you intend for her to guard your PC. In other news, Dark Saber is slated to come out later this year, but I'm not likely to pick her up. The paint scheme just doesn't appeal to me.
  8. No rush. Not exactly something earthshaking, is it?
  9. Er, if I'm not mistaken the Toynami version already have this?
  10. Nope. You're thinking of the Perfect Zeong, that's the one with the legs to there and wearing a mini-skirt. :D Gotta learn to laugh at Gundam too. Some of the designs were really goofy.
  11. I just dropped money for the Fate/ Saber Revoltech. The pics of it looks very good. Reviews when it gets in.
  12. Nah. "Grumpy Gramps" is fun to listen to sometimes. :D
  13. Absolutely nothing; we go off-topic for a few posts every now and then. Back to aircraft then. How's Airbus doing on their massive backorders? It's been fairly unhealthy last year for them, but this year's been quiet.
  14. Because the assembly there isn't very good. The missiles are a single plate that's supposed to go in slanted, but often, they go in vertically straight instead, which spoils the look when the cover is open. Not too sure if it's fixable, because it could be a design problem, which is considerably more difficult to fix.
  15. We're infantry; our lot is to suffer! I agree with you, but it's true things had gotten a lot better than a century ago (or even 50 years ago). Our gear has gotten smaller and lighter, and we are packing more stuff in the same volume, stuff that are more useful to us in the field. That's a luxury our forefathers didn't have..
  16. Actually, IMO that's not so true. While it's true that each soldier is largely self-sufficient for a few days now, the logistical trail for an army has grown larger if anything else. Compare the logistics required for a Civil War army vs. a modern army, and the logistics now is mind-boggling. We've managed to get a lot of efficiencies in through mechanization and computerization, so it seems to still be the same old BS, but we are now so reliant on certain technological capabilities, it is to the extent that if we lose those capabilities, I don't think an army can function more than a day or two -- at best. Sure, the individual squad can maybe hold out slightly longer, but as a coherent whole, it simply doesn't work. Too many weapons, equipment, etc. require specialist care and parts. The grunt infantry might be able to keep things running, but the overall projection of power drops significantly.
  17. Then really, all I can say is "I feel sorry for your wallet."
  18. Uh-huh.. ok, that's news to me, but you missed my point. After so many months (has it been a year already?), they're still talking about prototypes. They are still refusing to commit to saying "yes, we will produce this item", even though there's a clear demand and there's now highly visible competition. It's gotten to the point where if CM comes out with their Tread, I'm not going to wait for Toynami's "perhaps, maybe, probably" Beta. There's no guarantee that Toynami would not continue to be wishy-washy about this, which means a Beta is as good as "never going to happen". Even if they continue to wave it under our collective noses, I'm just going to treat it as vapourware until they (finally!) decide to get more serious about things. And, to stick it into Toynami and twisting it a bit, since the Beta is an important component in the show, if I'm not getting it from Toynami, it means I'm not getting any other items from their line (due to compatibility issues). Joy, Toynami shot itself in the foot again. Not only that, it means I have very little reason to shop with Aoshima, so they shot Aoshima in the foot too! (It's Monday morning on my end, a particularly annoying vendor is buzzing around my mailbox, and I still hadn't gotten my morning tannin fix, so I'm a bit crankier than normal.)
  19. Hurmph. Hip joints changed (unknown what changed), upper thigh reworked. The additional missiles are really not very meaningful. Hands look changed but officially not stated so in the first pic. Is it my imagination or is the mag well pivoted now? Can't really get a good look from these pics, but probably my imagination. Overall, still a "wait-and-see". Cyclone: Meh. Same prototype Tread. Given the way Toynami/ Aoshima is hyping it, I'm guessing it won't be released. I'm thinking vapourware. Pity though, the engineering looks good. Sculpt I'm not happy with, but that I can live with for the sake of a Beta for my Alpha. As for the coupling, I'm suspecting a clip-on part and not integral to the Beta.
  20. More hard edged, sheen is different. Might be correct, Aoshima might actually be producing a separate set of hands for their Legoiss. If they are smart(er), they would make the hands available separately -- the current Alpha owners should snap them up quickly.
  21. Same here. I got a Rook, and that's enough. Unless the improvements are literally over the moon, it's very unlikely for me to go for the Aoshima.
  22. In the first place, why am I reduced to finding "open-source" mods for a game I paid money for? Shouldn't the game be good enough to stand on its own without the mods?
  23. Hmm, saw a UFO game that's called UFO:Afterlight. Something about us losing Earth but colonizing Mars. Anyone know anything about this?
  24. You mean yours still haven't arrived???!? Er, I think, do yourself a favour and order from HLJ... Well, the main thing is that the rubbery curved material actually suit the baroque design, and for playability AND looks, EMSIA beats HCM Pro (I have both).
  25. Ah LiA.. I wish more were produced in that line. I managed to get one and it's pretty ok 'cept for the hands. 'Orrible lot, those.
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