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Posts posted by Lynx7725

  1. Here are some photos. Sorry about the quality, I am in no way a professional photographer.

    Armo Soldier

    Thanks for the photo, we really just needed some comparisons so no problems there.

    Looks like Toynami went for the beefy look and CM went for the sleeker look. From the front it's just stylistic differences really, but the cockpit really hangs low from the back. Quite distracting and I really had to restrain myself from making manhood jokes.

    Linkup. I was able to improve the link up a good bit. If you bend the link arm upward and have the edge of it catch the crotch vent (you have to fold it down so there is a gap) this allows for the legioss to sit higher and the feet to slide into their proper position on the tread. Sadly because of the poor design of the link arm you have to just let the legioss rest there, and need to angle the whole unit downward to keep the legioss from flopping back, but for those of you who just want to display it in a case a decent link up configuration is possible.


    Hey, that looks promising. I'm not a line-art purist, but it looks as though the Legioss-Tlead can look better if the Legioss go back a bit more with the arms into the Tlead's chest sockets. Could the Legioss go back more if the gunpod wasn't there, and the arms closer together?

    The two also looks quite small, comparative to your CD rack and letters. Looks like display space won't be such a big concern.

    As it is, I think some of us can probably come up with a way to engineer some sort of better linkage. It doesn't look too complicated mechanically, the main problem is how to make it look good aesthetically.

    Just saw your fighter pics. At least, no bananas here. :)

  2. At this point the only HCM's I'd bother buying are GP-01, 02, and 03... especially GP-01FB, because it's the best Gundam design ever made.

    Individual preference. I prefer 0080 grunt MS better. The GP-01FB might have styling that is favourable, but not my cup of tea.

    As an aside, your FoW Sd. Kfz. 251/1 you have on your historical link seemed to have the wrong forward MG for a DAK model, and IIRC the Wehrmacht helmet markings were discontinued shortly after the war began.. Hmm, didn't the DAK get special pith helmets instead of standard issue?

    Hmm. MG is 1/100 scale. FoW is roughly that scale. I've placed 1/144 (E)MSiA next to 1/150 buildings and 1/144 tanks. It's not until you can see that a Zaku II's taller than a five-storey building, or that a Sazabi can stomp comfortably on a Tiger I and still have leftover space under the foot, that you get a sense of how massive MS can be.

  3. With that said, the compromises/flaws are still pretty apparent on both of the birds. I'll just mention the ones that haven't been pointed out recently:
    • * The Legioss head can't be moved to look left or right.

    * The Legioss legs/feet have to be splayed out for the fighter combo mode.

    * The overhead missile rack on the Tread doesn't go down completely in bomber mode.

    Heh, Mog, you really hadn't been following. These had been listed way before; the leg and rack items during the photo period, and the head shortly after the first few releases arrived.

    As for the troll, why feed it? *shrug*

  4. To be fair to CM, it's not easy to photograph plastic; some plastic has a sheen that has a tendency to look more plasticky than it really is.

    And I don't think it's that floppy; people do go overboard with action poses... I'm actually impressed that there are certain poses that can be done with them.

    IIRC, weren't there supposed to be plugs for the holes?

    Overall though, it just doesn't look right for me. The side shot of the Soldier Legoiss attached to the Tlead was particularly jaw-dropping for me for some reason. Maybe nostalgia hides the anime magic more, but this rendition doesn't quite do it for me.

  5. This picture shows exactly what I wanted to see regarding the legs in fighter mode, and is reason enough for me to give any fleeting thought of purchasing this toy no further consideration.

    Eh. It looks... Pregnant.

    I'm just wondering, if we could somehow kitbash Toynami legs onto CM Body. Squinting, I personally would prefer CM torso with Toynami intakes and legs.

    EDIT: For fighter anyway. Think Soldier mode looks decent.

  6. Some dealers in Singapore are marking down the Aoshima Legioss for close to bargain basement prices... like US$130 for all 3. But just one look at THAT disastrous red Legioss was enough for me to say 'Never'.


    You got to admit, that has got to be a unique Legioss.. the Turkey Legioss. :)

    On a more serious note, anyone's got a line to decent replacement hands? Mine cracked.

  7. Hmm. I got to go back over 12 pages to find my last comment.

    Anyway, the pics are.. interesting. I stand by my earlier statement -- seems like CM optimized for Armo-Soldier and fighter mode suffered accordingly. Unfortunately I'm looking for a good-looking Legioss-Tlead in Fighter mode. The linkup just looked too weird, as others pointed out.

  8. Everett's the factory. That was not a normal flight at all. I'm surprised there were even 50 people on board. Most delivery flights are almost completely empty, the only people besides the pilots being some high-up financial guys from the company to literally "sign the dotted line".

    Even empty, it's still a risky thing to do. Had things gone wrong, it would be quite an expensive mess right there on the runway. I'm surprised to hear the tower gave clearance for such a big aircraft to do a low level pass with wheels up.

  9. I'll take two. I'll take more but I'm basically out of room to display such large toys.

    It's very impressive that their initial display prototype is already so good. Kudos to Yamato on this. I've waited so long to see a big-sized Tomahawk, and Yamato has delivered something worthwhile -- at least for now.

    Graham: Please convey my thanks to Yamato, and ask them to hurry up with it. :p

    With the commonality in the legs, it's almost inevitable that the Defender and the Phalanx would come out. I probably will get one of each. As for the Spartan, it depends -- there's not much reusable parts between it and the other Destroids.

  10. Wouldn't mind betting that this guy used to fly Buccaneers... :)


    Bit of a silly stunt, but its possible the pilot thought he had more authority to do it than he actually did.


    Buc pilot or not, that's an insane thing to do in a loaded airliner over a busy airport.

    EDIT: Opps, thought he was at HK airport, he wasn't -- he was at a place called Everett. Still, was still risky to do.

  11. A Queadluun-Rau would be nice too :)

    What's the deal with the revopliers, what do they do specifically?

    Some destroids would be really nice as well.

    ... and an SDF-1 in scale would be nice too.. hey, waitaminute! :lol:

    The Revopilers, I think they are exactly what they look like, plastic pilers to help you pull the joints out. Some of the joints are very tight and need quite a bit of force to adjust. The joints are plastic at the end of the day, so using metal pilers can damage them if you are not careful.

  12. Bah. What's with the sudden surge of good toys?

    Figma Saber, I quite like the idea that it comes with at least 3 heads (or 2 heads and 3 perms..) and the scabbards look even more detailed than Ebrain's HFC Saber. But I don't quite like the way the stand plugs into the back, and how she looks to be just floating above the stand..

  13. The Regult seems like a silly choice for a revoltech, isn't a whole lot of movement possible.

    You're kidding right? Legs that absolutely need solid (and perhaps multiple) joints in the hips, knees and foot, long weapons that can benefit from Revoltech joints.. And they might even include the missiles, which again can be Revoltech jointed.

    Not to mention, there are no other Regult toys available on the market right now. I might pick up 5 just to have enough Cannon Fodder to shoot at.

    And, with Regults out, the possibility of a Revoltech Glaug rises very high. Now that I want. In spades. :)

  14. Is that info on the main site or on their message board? I'm really intrigued by the big hangar that's being built at Groom Lake... they've constructed a big mound of dirt in order to obscure its view from those who look down on the base from the east!

    Ah dirt -- the ultimate Stealth material. :D:lol::D

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