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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. Yeah, I get what you mean. Maybe that's why I don't like it (I'm not that fond of the VF-11B's color scheme).
  2. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wouldn't put the vf-19 ADVANCE nowhere near the top of a list of best Bandai DX Valks; too much wrong with that one in my opinion. The VF-31 is probably the best in my book.
  3. The Lancers were seen in episode 27 as well.
  4. It's probably Japan only, unless ET can make a deal with HG. HG has recently started giving out the toy license to more companies than just Toynami, so it could happen. However, KitzConcept is already planning a line of Robotech toys that they have claimed will go beyond the Macross Saga, which likely means Alpha fighter toys, so this Legioss could interfere with their license. I think we'll have to wait and see.
  5. Agreed. Something anime accurate or something made up that looks really attractive, otherwise it's not worth it to me.
  6. The poor Lancer II doesn't get much enthusiasm here. That's the release I'm most interested in. The M&M's, I'm very unsure of. I don't really have the shelf-space, funds or interest frankly. But maybe I'll be drawn in into the pre-order hype later.
  7. If the spec ops version was a proper Cavalier version, I would bite. But the stripe placement is wrong and the red looks orange-y in many pictures I've seen. Missed opportunity.
  8. I've learned my lesson with Evolution Toys. I will wait for reviews from now on.
  9. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    I would so buy this.
  10. Even with Arcadia pinkish white, they should be better than the HMR versions. I agree. I need a VF-1D!
  11. As I previously mentioned, the SV in SV-51 did not have this meaning. It's supposedly something more like "Sukhoi variable".
  12. I remember that in the first mission of the Shadow of the Empire game, you could destroy the AT-ATs if you fired like 100 shots from the right angle (I think it was in the neck). Of course I tried to do that several times.  But the walkers in Rogue One weren't AT-ATs, so one COULD make a case that the models aren't equally armored... But I'm with you on this.
  13. It's something I've seen thrown around a lot. I do not know the original source(s). I think it's mentioned in most informational texts about the Draken III tied to Delta. Someone like Seto Kaiba or sketchley would probably know more?
  14. *sigh* Was that really needed...?
  15. Yes, VF is variable fighter. The Y in YF signifies a prototype in conformation with real life US military aircraft designations. When a variable fighter goes from prototype phase to mass production, the designation changes from YF to VF (and sometimes the number changes, like in the YF-21/VF-22 case). The SV in SV-51 is apparently just a way to show that it was made by the Sukhoi Company. The Sv in Sv-262 stands for Slayer Valkyrie and means a variable fighter that is specialized in taking out other variable fighters (and it is also likely meant as a sort of homage to the SV-51, since there's in-universe historical ties between the fighters). There's also VA = variable attacker, VB = variable bomber and VT = variable trainer. I don't think the Protodeviln Fz, FBz and Az designations have ever been explained.
  16. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The logic behind it is a mystery to me too, I think to us all. But as someone once speculated, since their inability to meet demand is with several lines, the reason could just be that Bandai has limited allotted factory time.
  17. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    As been discussed previously here, even if Bandai could freely sell the DX Chogokins internationally, it doesn't automatically mean that they could or would try to meet the demand. Just look at the Metal Build Gundam line. And also remember that it can be hard to get ahold of Macross collectibles even in Japan. Bandai just seem to like a business strategy based on artificial scarcity for some of their high end collectibles.
  18. KitzConcept has promised so much and haven't delivered or even shown close to anything yet, so I choose to be sceptical. They have a 1:2000 SDF-1, a 1:55 Destroid monster and a whole 1:55 Robotech line to deliver on first...
  19. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    *reading up on nine new pages this morning* Man, I'm happy I decided to skip on the rest of this line so I don't have to experience this kind of chaos for a while.
  20. It illustrates perfectly the benefits of being able to transform. Why no GERWALK, though?
  21. Actually, if there's any company that wouldn't hesitate to sue these bootleggers, it's HG. x'D No, seriously, China is one of the biggest markets for Robotech and they have their own toys to sell. And, yeah, it's true that HG has been dealing with 3P companies before, but I think it's safe to say that these outright bootleggers are unlikely to be seen as future business partners. Instead, they might be in trouble... Although, I don't know how much luck HG would have in taking them to court in China.
  22. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    The Matchbox Male Power Armor was the only Robotech/Macross toy I had when I grew up, so I reeeeeally want a modern take on the TV N-Ger. You're not the only one.
  23. Uhm, am I the only one not liking that look of the GERWALK? That wing placement is so strange.
  24. Finally got one at NY and could cancel my HLJ order. Me too!
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