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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. Yes, please. Though a more believable and respectful depiction of LGBTQ characters than in most anime would be nice.
  2. If I had the money and display space, this would be a sure buy. But you can't have everything in life.
  3. Very low possibility. HG has already renewed the license several times before and there's nothing to suggest anything would chang this time. Even if it's a relatively small revenue for Tatsunoko, it's still a revenue. And any counter-bidder would only be interested in the Macross license, whereas HG buys the whole package. Plus, HG has already proven that they can make a profit of the property whereas other companies would likely be less certain in the eyes of Tatsunoko.
  4. I did count them too, if you re-read what I wrote. Three instances for Battletech over eight years you say, but if you were meant to be fair you probably should count from around year 2000 when HG started "manning the store" again, or otherwise you exclude that long time period when they didn't perform any legal action "every other year". You don't need to be dishonest or exaggerating when criticizing HG. There is plenty enough to criticize as it is.
  5. I have not found anything about the art book thing actually leading to any legal action. Even if it did, this is hardly as frequent as you say it is, especially with regards to the Transformers franchise which has been only one occurrence. Please try to refrain from exaggerations.
  6. Are you sure about, "once every few years"? As far as I know, in recent years they have only sent a C&D for a Mechwarrior game trailer because it featured a barely-updated Destroid Tomahawk and they sued Hasbro for the Transformers/GI Joe toy since the package contained a picture of an actual VF-1 (in Jetfire colors). What other instances are there then, do you mean?
  7. Yeah, easy pass. I still hope that they would re-release their VF-0 line, especially the VF-0S. Given how much it now costs on Yahoo Auctions Japan, there's a demand.
  8. Good information! Is there anyone that knows how the process would work if one would use proxies?
  9. I think I prefer some stylization over non-canon variants. But I agree that this is not the greatest rendition.
  10. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Let's hope so. That deal would be okay, even though the price will probably be even higher with proxies like NY.
  11. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Frankly, that sucks. It better have that Zentradi ship stand then, because the price is outrageous.
  12. Well, that thought gives some piece of mind at least.
  13. But the Fan Racer sold out.
  14. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Given the price, I hope that means we get both variants as a package.
  15. But right now it's just in pre-order stage, with an advance instalment payment, right? Can Taobao Focus handle the whole pay-in-two-stages process? I've never used them before. I also think the the translation on Taobao Focus is hilarious. It's not a battle pod, it's a fighting bladder!
  16. At HG's SDCC panel, they even said "more than 90 cm". I just measured the height of my shelves and I don't have any display area where it would fit. But given the price on their VF-1 cockpit, I will probably not be able to afford this anyway...
  17. Can we just set this straight? The toy is made by KitzConcept, not Toynami. The thread title is wrong.
  18. I would honestly not mind that on the big screen.
  19. Isn't almost every episode concert episode in modern Macross? No need to worry about that. As for fleet battles, it's been long since we got a good one. There used to be battles with million of ships involved, but not anymore.
  20. Is entertainment without "fetish fuel" that much to ask for? That it was meant as comedy doesn't make it less creepy. And come on, it's not purely for comedy. Anyone with any knowledge of Japanese otaku culture should know that. Way to exaggerate and dismiss valid criticism. "Look at them, they did it waaaay worse" is seldom a good excuse.
  21. If the Kid's Logic TV SDF-1 statue is actually released, I think I will skip this one. I can live with a single mode and fixed pose, as long as it's display worthy.
  22. I can't speak for Zx31, but most of episode 8 of Frontier would count as creepy fan service to me. Klan Klan's loli form is definitely creepy. And the several shower scenes with underage school girl as well. Yes, these things almost ruined Frontier for me
  23. Is it Toynami though? It's been a long time since they made a new Robotech toy mold; they are mostly milking the 1/100 VF-1 these days. KitzConcept has previously talked about making a 1/55 Robotech toy line, but 1/55 is not 1/60...
  24. So which company is making these 1/60 Alphas?
  25. No Seto, you haven't explained why you know for a fact that almost every news story about the movie, including the latest story about Andy Muschietti, has been deliberate misinformation (i.e. fake news), which is what you initially said. That the guys at HG don't really know what they are doing, we all already know. And the latest story isn't even from them. 500,000 USD. You missed an important zero.
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