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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. I see this sometimes as an alternative to Stick, but I didn't know it was official. Where does this information come from? But that's neat! One of my middle names is Stig. But then I'm pretty sure they pronounce it wrong in the show. It's supposed to be a long i-sound ("ee" for English speakers).
  2. Right, I googled it now and the memory is returning. But there has been just one teaser image? No wonder that I forgot then.
  3. Sentinel is the company, Riobot is their toy line. Weren't the Figmas a hoax or have I just completely forgot about them? There's also the Kid's Logic statue, Coleco's hinted retro figures and KitzConcept's hinted toys, if you count the ones from HG's licensees.
  4. Thanks! Yeah, I haven't seen Xabungle either, but I like the mecha designs. I didn't get in a preorder for the HMR, but then I found out that this one cost less AND includes a bonus model kit, so I opted for this one instead. I haven't had time to open it yet though. However, my personal favorite in the lot is the MOSPEADA doujinshi. Quite a few neat illustrations in it.
  5. The second and third shipment recently came in just a few days apart. It's a more mixed bag this time, but there's still some Macross goodness in there. Too bad that the VF-11C box was damaged during shipping. It just had too happen to the my most expensive Valk toy ever. But the toy is fine at least.
  6. They should have killed of Freyja. Sure, let her win the love triangle if they must, but then let her nobly sacrifice herself in the last battle when she realizes she has not long time to live anyway. A tragic but heroic end. That would have made an impression on me at least and could have made me change my opinion on her as a character. Now she's just awful.
  7. HG has sold merchandise under the Macross brand several times before. It seems like they could, but just chose not to in this case.
  8. I called it. The movie project announced along the new series ended up being tied to Delta. Now let's see if it's just a recap movie (and if there's more than one like with Frontier) or if it's a sequel.
  9. Yep, biases shine through pretty good here. This doesn't really look that bad, even though there's some choices made that I question. I wish that they would have dared change more designs and distanced themselves more from Macross, but I can live with this. The important part is the story, but after one issue it's still too soon to tell were it will go.
  10. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    I only use white or grey adhesive putty. I have had some applied for years on my toys and have never had any issues. But yeah, I would avoid non-dicrete colors like blue.
  11. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    I use adhesive putty all the time when I need something to stick on my toys, fix a position, add friction, or the like. Usually, not much material is needed so it's easy to hide from view. Also, it's easy to remove and doesn't leave any marks. Great stuff!
  12. Given the price of the Lancer II kit, this one will be a wallet killer. Cue that SDF-1 gif. Also, this thread should be moved to the model kit forum.
  13. If the question is rhetoric, the meaning eludes me. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, as I see it. But there's many different types of hentai and there's definitely problematic examples out there. But that's very much off topic. But I agree with Podtastic that outright hentai content, as in explicit, pornographic sex scenes, don't really belong in Macross. I just don't get how he got those fears from the most recent posts.
  14. The Riobot Ride Armor does look fantastic. But I don't think I can get over that it's a non-canonical variant. I hope they will make the real ones eventually.
  15. It's Macross. There will always be relationship drama.
  16. Who said anything about hentai?
  17. Most likely, yeah. However, Yuri!!! on Ice, one of the biggest anime successes in recent years, is generally regarded as depicting a more realistic same-sex couple without most of the common BL tropes and stereotypes. With a bit of luck, that could be a trend setter. If actual BL content were added to Macross (which isn't completely impossible given the homoerotic undertones we got in Delta), they could go down a similar path. But yeah, those are many ifs.
  18. I agree, background music is something that Robotech generally does better than all three of its source anime series. I especially remember how the battles of Southern Cross lack music that got me pumped up.
  19. The show's made by the Wachowskis and is on Netflix. But now we're way off topic..
  20. While mentioning live-action scifi shows... I have only seen the first season of Sense8 yet, but I think that they nailed the LGBTQ angle perfectly. But I dunno, maybe the trick to write fully believable about trans women is to let it be written by a trans woman. Heck, maybe just involving one could work. Who knew?
  21. Without making the debate overly deep with what constitutes as respectful, let's put more emphasis on the word "believable" (and maybe add the criteria "non-stereotypical") to understand what I meant. I think One Piece is the perfect example of what I would consider a very bad depiction of LGBTQ characters. The "crossdressers" are shown to be more like predatory gay men in dresses that are said to secretly want to become women. So it's all sorts of misconceptions and stereotypes of LGBTQ people all mixed into one. Our very own Bobby falls into some (but not all) of these traps, but this is not automatically wrong. However, given how frequent this depiction is in Japanese pop culture, I would still say that his character is problematic. Of course, that predatory lesbian in Dynamite 7 is obviously worse. The BL genre has its own fair share of problems, though not as extreme I would say. Sure, it's just meant to act as a fantasy for straight women, but it can lead to many misconceptions about how gay men actually are. So all this that I point out is faults of anime in general. I just hope Macross won't (continue to) be just like any other anime in this regard.
  22. Doesn't the "with prejudice" part just mean that Harmony Gold can't sue Hasbro over the same toy again? It was dismissed since both parties agreed to dismiss it (implying they had come to an agreement out of court), not that the lawsuit was unfounded. And that lawsuit was also likely sparked due to a picture of an actual VF-1 used to show the toy's heritage and not as much due to any likeness of the toy itself, so it's not that comparable.
  23. Seriously though, they had that lawsuit coming for them. Some of those new Reseens are almost identical to the Macross designs.
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