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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. Of course I can't demand the spoiler ban to hold on forever; that's not what I wrote. Such a thing would be silly, since no discussion on the plot would be allowed at all. Sure, I could stick to just the first post when I check for subs. But any comment about them will be in the middle of all the spoilers. And me, and probably many others, want to know what other people think of the translations and stuff to know which sub to go for. Dividing a thread like this is of course a bit more job for you mods, going back and forth between the two threads and all. But would it not, in the end, be the same amount of posts to check as if it would be just one thread? And, it strikes me, it would not need to be a new "pure technical" thread for every episode - I can't see any problem with just a single one for the whole series. Also, after a while, such a thread would surely fade out if subs start coming out on regular basis, most question marks regarding technical aspects and translation are mostly straightened out, and so forth. But for now it would certainly fill a purpose. I'm sure someone agree with me, am I right? And I mean no harm with all this, it's just meant for constructive critisism.
  2. Ahem... Well, this is primarily intended for the mods, but I also hope to hear other opinions. You see, I got a bit of a dilemma with this thread. It's to much spoilers! I haven't seen the episode yet; I won't untill a descent sub is out. So, the reason I read this thread is to catch any news of if a subbed version is out yet (it is the fastest way) and the public opinion of its quality. I. Do. Not. Want. Any. Spoilers. I mean, I don't even watch the "next episode segment" of previous episodes to avoid any knowing of what's to come. Sure, most people use the spoiler tag function and hide the real important stuff, but many small details still come through. I grieve. And now there's no one to force you to hide spoilers. My eyes' gonna bleed! Not to mention the screenshots of all new, cool scenes that will make the new episode when I finally see it feel like déjà vu... Here's my proposal: Make two discussion threads for the next episode. One for plot discussions and spoiler orgies. One for pure technical discussions (e.g. news about when subs are up, comparing different subs, questions and answers on which codec is needed and so on). Complete spoiler free. That's not too much to ask for, is it? Or can it be that I'm just too sensitive and whiny?
  3. Please tell more about it. But I'm almost sure that I still can say that the Swedish dub is even worse. For example, one single person does almost half of the voices...
  4. Okay, now I have seen the whole Broadcast Edition (I waited till a sub came out). I can't agree with some of the earlier complains. The OP is just great. Really cool animation (I mean, Battle 25 rocks!) and the music is growing on me after a few listening. I think the lyrics of Triangular can be very suiting for the show. The pacing of the editing is faster, but not too fast I believe. You can still clearly understand what's going on. As previously said in this thread, some events that was previously shown (e.g. the Ghost fighter scene) as well as other things that might not have been understood in the raw is explained through dialogue. Even the paper plane is shown prior to when Alto pick it up high in the skies (though I know it was just far in the background and that it's still pretty confusing). The ending music was just MEH in comparison with the new "Oboete imasu ka". But I can't agree with those who say that it doesn't fit the feeling of the show. How can we know that for certain with just one episode behind us? And most important - the Nyan Nyan ad was hilarious! But there's also one more thing worth remembering when judging this new edit. When we saw the Deculture Edition last year it was totally fresh and thus left a bigger impression. It's not the same this time around and therefore we shouldn't judge it too hard. Still, I agree that the Deculture Edition was better. But this Broadcast Edition isn't too horrible and I can't imagine that the show will lose many viewers for any of its minor faults that mostly we hardcore fans can discover. Though, I actually do have the dilemma not knowing which version I should show my boyfriend when I'll be introducing him to the show. More in-depth character scenes that could be important as the show goes on or spectacular action scenes coordinated to music? It IS a tough choice. Oh, yeah, when it comes to Sharyl's birthmark that's get mentioned all the time... I just can't find it. I watched the concert scene once again (I thought, with so much skin that she's showing it gotta be there somewhere), but with no luck spotting it. Is there a clean shot of it, and where?
  5. Yeah, Gubaba, me too. Once every hour I go check if there's a sub. And I should really be concentrating on studying. What's taking so long? I mean, the broadcast edition is pretty much the same as the deculture edition. Something like 90% of the translation should already have been completed for several month.
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