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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. Just three days left! If you're just a bit interested in this game, don't hesitate about pledging now. You won't find a better deal later! And you don't want to wait until the last two days, because this thing might be so popular that the pressure breaks the connection to Amazon, as it has before. Even if the game might not necessarily be so much fun to play, I think just painting the figures in new and existing color schemes will be very fun. And the collector in me is thrilled that it will most likely be the most complete range of SDF Macross mecha figures ever released!
  2. As in Yamato's Display Stand for Valkyrie? Where did you find that many?
  3. I also started to panic when the VF-19P sold out at HLJ. As per the apparent general consensus before that event, I had intended to wait for it to become it a bit cheaper in one of HLJ’s regular Yamato sales. But with it sold out, that were of course not possible anymore… 15% off and the cheapest shipping at Nippon-Yasan wasn’t that bad, but it still hurt (when including my country’s 25% import tax as well as a potential extra import fee). Since then I’ve also bought the Defender and the Tomahawk (both weathered), but that was mostly because I found them at a really good price. Now I search for a VF-11C and a VF-1D with option parts, but they were tricky to find for a decent price long before this panic.
  4. Hi! I'm a newbie when it comes to modeling. I've only done some Gunpla and small pre-painted kits previously. I've now come across a Bandai 1/72 Super VF-1A kit and I can get it very cheap. For all of you with more experience, how is this kit? Is it suitable for beginners? And how does it hold up to the competition?
  5. So true! I started off with the 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J + Super Packs set and thought it was the ultimate Valkyrie toy and that I didn't need anyone else. Oh, was I naive...
  6. I was finally able to get the peg out on the Sound Booster. Used a part of my hobby tweezers; it was sufficiently thin and had a rough surface on one side that gave the needed friction to use as a leverage. Anyway, thanks for the advices, Renato and kamadoma! Now my VF-19 Kai looks absolutely amazing. Great toy! Though I still think of the Kai as something of “the Ronald McDonald valkyrie“ (not necessarily a bad thing), many friends I’ve shown it to thinks it looks very insect-like with the sound booster. It has also really hit me how much the VF-19 has in common with Shouji Kawamori’s Armored Core designs. Too bad about the cod piece though, but I guess I have to ask some of my female friends if they can give me some left-over nail polish.
  7. My VF-19 Kai and Sound Booster finally came in yesterday. The transformation to battloid was a bit tricky for me as a beginner. Just the first step to release the shoulders was a real pain! Anyway, now the cod piece is really loose in battloid… Is it supposed to click into position somehow? I also have a problem with the central peg under the trap doors on the Sound Booster. I just can’t flip it out. I’ve even tried using a needle for leverage, but it doesn’t help. Anyone who has had this problem too, and how did you solve it?
  8. With my VF-19 Kai coming in soon, I’m starting to get a bit worried about this ankle thing. Putting the ankles in this position that will make them loose, is it something you could do accidently? Or do you really have to force it?
  9. Got an old Arii 1/6 Lynn Minmay PVC figure (the green dotted dress version) for myself a couple of days ago. Absolutely love it! A Yamato VF-19 Kai and VF-1 Super and Strike parts are also incoming.
  10. Finally got the VF-19 Kai, and with this my Macross toy collection is complete... ...for now.
  11. Damn! Those are the first color schemes for the YF-29 that I actually like.
  12. Hasn’t it previously been on sale at HLJ? How much was it off then? In short, should I wait for the inevitable next HLJ Macross Sale?
  13. You know? That's quite offensive to some of us. Maybe you should not overgeneralize as much.
  14. Since I completed my Skull Squadron collection during the last HLJ sale, I now couldn’t resist proceeding into M7/MD7 territory. Gamlin’s VF-22S will be my first 1/60 valk that’s not a VF-1!
  15. Is it just me who thinks that the green on the nose is too dark as well?
  16. I'm not really the best person to help you since I don't have any of those toys, but I'd recommend reading the reviews at anymoon.com: Yamato 1/60 YF-19 - http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=1673 Yamato 1/60 Vf-0 - http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=1240 Dubble Nuts and Bird of Prey are non-canon alternative color schemes (blue and orange trims, respectively) for the YF-19, so the one you've seen should be an actual toy of the variable fighter, though not in the regular Macross Plus colors. Phoenix is the nickname of the VF-0, just like the VF-25 is called Messiah. A renewal version line for the VF-25:s has recently been released by Bandai, but the release has been a total mess. I'm certain that someone is willing to fill in on the details, because I haven't really followed the situation. But unless they are restocked in the future, I guess that they will be very hard to find and be very expensive. The toys should be quite good, though.
  17. Sweden Macross DYRL (Wendros, VHS, DVD, dubbed) Released as "Macross: Långfilmen om Robotech och Transformers" (which means "The Movie about Robotech and Transformers" ). Oddly enough it’s uncensored and it lack the extended ending. Oh, and it’s the most horrible Swedish dub I’ve ever heard - one guy does half of the voices!
  18. Maybe if you show your pianist it would help.And you know what? I've considered using Oboete imasu ka on my wedding too. So I could use the music sheet too. If you find it, could you please tell me?
  19. No, I've never seen a Cospa T unfortunatly. What's special about it? Is it good?
  20. Well, that picture is just an overview of the pattern; it's not of the real t-shirt. You can't see details like the texture of the fabric and print, or it's actual color and dimensions. And then I just assumed there could be some differences. But if you have the t-shirt, could you please take a picture of it and show me?
  21. From now on I'm hijacking this thread! You see, I have a question about a Macross t-shirt I'm interested in. Namely this one: http://www.toylet.net/4531894347316.html I just wonder if anyone has real pictures of it, as that's the only one I can find and I doubt it's accurate. I would be very happy if anyone could post some pictures.
  22. My dream would actually be a Megaroad show. But not the Megaroad-01, I’d rather have a some other low-numbered Megaroad fleet. Just think about it: all the old designs would return (as well as new ones and variants, so the toy incomes keep flowing...) and maybe some of the old minor characters could make an appearance. Claudia as the fleet’s captain, perhaps? Vrlitwhai could surely make a cameo. Why not the Zentradi spies? That little kid Yotchan, Minmay’s cousin? Heck, something to tie in to the original Macross. Why not depict the start of the journey, from the take off and onward, so that people have a hard time adapting to the life onboard a star ship and so on. Thus it differs from Macross 7 and Frontier where the voyage has lasted for years and everyone is accustomed and everything runs smoothly. Maybe more focus on the fleet’s role as pioneers in unknown space. Everything a bit more low-tech compared to Mac7/F and in that way more like the original. More about the Zolans would be nice; maybe one of the planets they discover on the journey is Zola? Maybe the real Supervision Army (not just some lame brainwashed humans) could have some screen time, even being the main threat (just imagine a battle against a fleet of "ASS-1 Class" ships...) Also, as I'm a gay man and all... a cute MALE pop idol would be a nice change. Some may hate me for even propose this, but maybe it's time to close the bag on this franchise. Or, well, they could perhaps wait until the 50th year anniversary or so... Anyway, if Macross were to come to an end it has to be with a bang. One big epic finale, where all lose strings comes together and the mysteries are solved. Maybe descendents of Protoculture are discovered on some remote planet and all their secrets are finally revealed. A galaxy wide Space War II would certainly fit as the backdrop conflict. The idea of setting a show in the far future and that humankind has become something like the new Protoculture is not bad at all. The fate of humankind could then be mirrored with the fall of Protoculture and so on... Oh well, that's my two cents.
  23. That's why I had all those problems while trying to join MW a couple of months back. I can't remember how many different e-mail accounts I had to register and then check if the address worked here. In the end, I thought that another American e-mail account could work, so I signed up for AOL e-mail. The problem was that I had to state a valid American (!) phone number. I think I filled in a number leading to some university in Florida. But it was worth all the trouble, since AOL was actually accepted. Good to know that I'm now able to change to my real mail address.
  24. It seems I quite don’t get through to you… I already explained that the problem not lies with being unable to find subs; it’s the inability of discussing them in a smooth way. I mean, a Gattai sub has apparently come out. How can I know if it’s a good one? It came out later than other ones; does that mean it’s of better quality? Or could it be that actually have flaws in translation, maybe call the VF-25 “Brief 25” or something other silly? The best way to know for sure is to ask those who know: the members of this site. Where? In the spoiler filled talkback thread, because that’s the only place with today’s rules where I’m allowed to discuss it. Okay, we do have a “pseudo-Computer Support thread”, weren’t aware of that. Still, such support questions, as well as translation notes, are really common in the talkback threads. If those where to be moved to a single, separate thread, the ones that want to discuss things more connected to the episode itself (such as plot) in the talkback thread wouldn’t be as interrupted.
  25. I first reached upon this topic in the Macross Frontier Episode 2 Talkback Thread. Here's how it is: I have a bit of a dilemma with the thread in question and any similar future thread devoted to subsequent episodes. I like to go in and check if there's a sub of the episode out yet. Sure, I actually just need to check the first post for that. But it's more into it. When a sub comes out I also like to know the public opinion of the sub's quality, to make up my mind if it's worth seeing or not. I could be some flaw in the translation, one have to need a special codec for it to work, or it could be okay, but another sub is far better. I want to know such things before I make my decision. What's holding me back with how things are now? It's just that the thread is literally filled with spoilers. And often it's major ones. The whole purpose behind finding the right sub before I watch a new episode is that I want my first viewing to be perfect. And spoilers... well, they spoil that. I believe many more people share this problem. (Am I right?) Here's my suggestion: Make a single discussion thread for pure technical discussions on all things surrounding the episodes (e.g. news about when subs are up, comparing different subs, debating which translation of names and terms is most accurate, questions and answers on which particular codec is needed and so on). As no plot should be discussed there's a lot smaller risk of spoilers. This way it'll be much easier to get some facts straightened out as well. That also means that plot discussions wouldn't be constantly interrupted with the question if there's a sub out or not. As a result I think the flow in both kinds of threads would be a lot more smoother. The counter argument is that it will mean another thread more for the mods to keep in check. But it's also just a single one. And after a while, a thread such as that would surely lose much of its activity. Subs would probably start coming out on regular basis and most major question marks regarding technical aspects and translation will gradually be straightened out, and so forth. But such a thread would certainly fill a purpose for now. So... What do people think about all this? What do you mods say?
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