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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. Thankfully, I found out that I had forgot to pay my Mandarake order, so I could still cancel it. Now I can get a brand new YF-29 for MSRP!
  2. And I just bought one used last week.
  3. Overall, me and my husband have liked Seven Deadly Sins. It's standard shounen with less filler than the normal long-runners, which is nice. The sexual "jokes", however, are just disturbing.
  4. I love your Spartas! Would you be able to make an instruction?
  5. Who poses the SDF-1 likes it's walking? o_O
  6. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not sure about the Glaug from the trailer, but the Regults in Delta are different from the classic ones (altered chin cannons). That wouldn't really be so interesting to me. But some settled with the VF-19 Advance as a proxy for the YF-19, so I guess it would sell anyway.
  7. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm only interested in a VF-1 from this line if they release that launch arm display stand. But I rather have Hikaru's Strike VF-1A then, since I don't have that version in any scale.
  8. I pre-ordered through NY, so I'm kinda stuck with it (it IS possible to cancel from NY if you're just very polite and apologetic, but I feel that I have used that card a few too many times to risk it now). I'm not happy about the very bright white and would have hoped for a few more surface details. It would have made it look better I tjink, even if the sculpt and engineering stinks. With all these cancelations, I assume this toy will reach the bargain bins quickly, which will sting. I'd rather have the one with the SAP, but I will likely not be able to sell this one to save my losses...
  9. Any chance of doing them in 1:285 or 1:300 scale as well?
  10. I agree with you Scilla, it would be cool with a new YF-24 based CF valk. It could of course be a new model of the VF-25. But in case we might get a whole new fighter was the reason I asked before if we know anything about the missing numbers: Y/VF-26 and Y/VF-28. Do anyone know if there's been an obscure mention of those projects anywhere in background materials?
  11. As for what toys the NUNS might be using... Could there be previously unseen YF-24 derivatives? Do we know if there ever were plans for the missing numbers, VF-26 and VF-28?
  12. About the Cheyenne... isn't it and the Cheyenne II different enough to have them belong to seperate licenses?
  13. Well, the Swedish word "draken" could mean "the dragon". But it's actually supposed to refer to kites, which are "flygande drake" in Swedish.
  14. Spanner76, it's Draken III.
  15. I wonder if we'll get a faithfull TV style canopy bubble this time. Usually, we get DYRL style or hybrids.
  16. I would definitely want some LGBTQ characters that's not tired stereotypes this time around.
  17. The Yamato one supposedly was great, so then this will likely be great too. The HMR one is still an unknown and far into the future, so I'll keep my Arcadia pre-order. If Arcadia is wise, they'll try to release a FB2012 re-color before Bandai to stay competetive. Then the HMR one will be highly redundant for me.
  18. Hopefully, it's not grey and has the lines in the right angles.
  19. Just two days ago, I said that I would only buy the VF-4 if it was the FB2012 version. Now I got this sudden idea that if they ever release the FB2012, I'd prefer it on display in fighter mode, but then the VFX version would look really good in battroid mode next beside it... Damn it, I might have to buy the reissue anyway! Though, it still depends on the price. My finances are way better these days, but it's still hard to justify it.
  20. Since your son likely found out about the König Monster through Frontier, I'd say choose the Bandai version since Yamoto's is the long-barrelled videogame version.
  21. If it's the VF-4, nothing has changed for me since it was released the last time. It got to be the FB 2012 colors for me to be able to justify the price.
  22. Do we really know if it's pronounced "Delta" yet?
  23. Very good work! So these are 3D printable? Any chance of making them available to the public?
  24. Is it still open for order?
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