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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I liked the YF-30 because it was toned down, not as excessively slim and streamlined as the Frontier valks. It looked more realistic. The VF-31 looks good, but it's mostly a step back in my opinion.
  2. You clearly have a different definition of slapstick humor than me and we can leave it at that. And I'm not defending the Zentradi spies. They are too silly for my taste and is by far the weakest and most dated element of the original series in my opinon. Thankfully, their shenanigans never got a third of an episode dedicated to them like the mercat chase got here.
  3. PrimumMobile: The Zentradi spies trio were comic relief, but never this level of slapstick. I thought I was watching Ranma 1/2 or something for a while.
  4. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If the VF-31A had a scheme with a bit more color, that would be my favorite too.
  5. Best episode so far, but that doesn't say much. The VF-1EX dogfight was actually quite good and it's the first time I've been able to say that about any element of Delta so far, except the Valk designs. And Freyja was less obnoxious than usual this time. The rest? No, thanks. Slapstick humor can be fun and all, but it's far from what I'm looking for in my Macross stories. And why is exactly every character still so damn stereotypical in every way? And I don't see what genetically crossing cats and fish would be good for.
  6. JB0: Possibly, but it should then show in the physique of Freyja and the Aerial Knights, but I can't say it does. Maybe they are all genetically altered in some way.
  7. anime52k8: I've thought about that too. Seems like cartoon physics to me, but I guess the gravity could be very low on that planet. Although, low gravity would show in other ways, like their way of walking. So either it's silly or sloppy direction.
  8. Einherjar: The two things are not mutually exclusive. It was a stretch goal and will likely not have a function in-game. But it can be made into a sweet show piece.
  9. That particular tidbit of info is actually taken directly from descriptions on the VF-X-4 in Macross. I'm not sure it's still retained in Robotech. The likeness to the VF-1's transformation I'd think more has to do with differentiating it from the VF-4 and make it believable as being developed in-between the VF-1 and the Alpha fighter (hence the Alpha-ish head).
  10. Nazareno2012, I'm not sure what you mean. The info on that site is not canon to Robotech.
  11. Yes, Robotech's YF-4 is based on the VF-X-4 seen briefly in the show. It has it's own, new transformation and has nothing to do with the VF-4.
  12. I'm conflicted about if I should order Olson's. Sure, the first Orguss was nice, but that price... And Olson's is not as iconic. Although, I would be able to have another mode on display at the same time, which is nice. As for the CF Orguss II... Well, I hope the Nikick or the Ishkick comes first. Then I'm likely so invested in the line that the completionist in me will make it a no-brainer.
  13. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I really liked the YF-30. While still looking very Frontier-ish, it was still a step towards something new. I think the VF-31 took a step back again, which IMO was unfortunate.
  14. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    I agree with Jenius.
  15. Finally got my VF-4 yesterday. I thought it would be slightly bigger from all the pics I've seen throughout the years, but it still looks great. Now I really want a FB2012 version!
  16. Yeah, I display my VF-25F with Tornado parts in GERWALK (because that's the best looking mode for it IMO), but the wings bow quite a lot.
  17. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my Regult today and I'm not impressed. I really don't like the visible metal in the knee joint and on other parts. The side boosters and the back cannons all spin by the slightest touch and make it difficult to pose everything just right. The stand arm is too short and the stand adapter comes off way too easily. No articulation in the lower guns is also disappointing. Overall, I like my Toynami battlepod more. It is bigger, was cheaper and even though it does not have as much articulation, it just looks better on display.
  18. I bought mine just a couple of months ago at NY, but now it's out of stock. It's a pretty good figure. I'm normally not that into human action figures with very visible joints, but the EX-Gear hides them well. Not the best articulation, but I still got a good pose out of it.
  19. I've got some second doubts about my Fairy VF-2SS. My plan was to put its SAP on my Sylvie and display the Fairy naked in GERWALK. With Sylvie in fighter mode and then Nexx in battroid, I could display one in each mode as well as having one naked and one of each armor variant. The problems are that so far, the pics I've seen of GERWALK is not looking that good... And the extra Squire Bits with the stand alone SAP would have been really nice and it could have been a better and more affordable choice if I just cancelled the Fairy and skipped on displaying GERWALK altogether. I have been able to cancel NY orders a few times before, but I know it's a risk... Decisions, decisions. :S It would help if someone showed some pics of really cool GERWALK poses. Then I might not mind keeping my Fairy preorder after all.
  20. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    ArchieNov: You may be right. It has also been more difficult to grab a preorder from NY as they don't seem to open up for new preorders that often any longer. I may be wrong, but I don't think that the Glaug has been back up at NY even once. Some DX's were up like five times the first few hours.
  21. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Fenrir72: From experience, it's strange when all others sell out in minutes. I may be paranoid because I've been burned before by HLJ with the VF-25S re-issue. But AmiAmi is also the shop that usually sells out fastest.
  22. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Man, almost forgot about this one. I would have saved a lot by ordering from NY, but I was too slow. Got it at Amiami. Not my preferred web shop, but at least I got it. I'm always worried when shops are able to have a Bandai product up so long, though... :/
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