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Everything posted by Lorindor

  1. Yeah. For me the YF-29 Alto was announced for re-release like two days after I bought it from Mandarake. Thankfully, I was able to cancel the order and got it way cheaper later on.
  2. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yes, cancel it. Your account can be suspended. In worst case, you loose both orders.
  3. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, the hero we need, but don't deserve... Valkman!
  4. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yikes, I never got to the order complete page on HLJ, but I just noticed that I still got an order confirmation email. Sweet. But I will try to snag a slightly marked up one at EU-friendly NY, as it will still be cheaper.
  5. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    HLJ is not working for me and I got cart-jacked at NY...
  6. Lorindor

    Bandai DX VF-31

    David Hingtgen, I agree. The underuse of the VF-31 Super Parts in the show, coupled with it's disappointing looks gives me no reason to buy them. If they at least have done something cool with them... (And yeah, the show is not over yet and the Super Parts will likely be brought out in the finale again. But as usually is the case with that show, it's too little, too late.)
  7. The Rick Hunter figure was advertised at SDCC, so it's not abandoned yet at least. I wonder why no one has mentioned the hinted 1:55 Destroid Monster or the 1:9 VF-1? Now those are the most likely vaporware I've ever seen, but if any of them come to fruition... I will be so very poor.
  8. I assume Vár is meant to be a reference to the Norse goddess of the same name. She is associated to oaths, promises and marriage. If you broke a "Vár promise", you would be struck down be the wrath of the goddess, so you really had to keep that promise. Vár in the series is a form of mind control, so I can see the connection.
  9. Utilizing Newton's third law to move in one direction by throwing stuff in opposite direction is perfectly viable... in a vacuum. But they were likely within close to 1 atmosphere of air preassure. With drag taking in consideration, I really don't think this would be so practical. It would be easier to just "swim" to their destination by paddling air behind them with their arms or legs, like real astronauts do in e.g. the ISS when they can't push themselves from a fixed surface. So no, this scene wasn't very clever.
  10. First time I voted positive. Finally, the story is moving along. Yes, the episode was very melodramatic, but rather that than silly, cringe-worthy or bland. Not much Freyja and Remember 16 also helped A LOT.
  11. So... I just saw the first one-hour special. Will it improve from here or is this pretty much the level it will be on?
  12. Please excuse me butting in, but I feel I have to intervene with the manhandling of the Swedish language in this thread... The SV-262 is called Draken III. Draken, not Drakken nor Draaken. For information, it's also pronounced with a long A sound, like 'drah-ken'. Now carry on.
  13. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Just so you understand - the people here are making fun of you since you use the Robotech names for the characters. Since this is a Macross site, you should be using Macross names. Ben is Kakizaki.
  14. His children, Jehan and Ahmed Agrama, have already taken over management of the company. I'm pretty sure that they will take over ownership if Frank passes.
  15. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    Wrong chest pattern and I'm not convinced that Bandai will make it white this time. So yet another easy pass. My high anime accuracy standards make me save a lot of money.
  16. What are you talking about? Robotech was brought to China decades ago. HG has released several Robotech DVD sets and comics there - some which never even got released in the US. China is undoubtly one of HG's most important markets.
  17. Lorindor

    Hi-Metal R

    I can deal with some inaccuracies, but that's just too much. Easy pass.
  18. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CatFolk Uhm... Freyja? I did not call that a visual gag. Their helmets, however, are.
  19. No, it's not. Those creatures just bear a superficial similarity to life on Earth. That's perfectly possible. The catpeople on the other hand are implied to be similar to cats on a molecular level. There are other strange things in Delta. How come the culture and architecture of Windermere is exactly like that of medieval Europe (or rather a generic fantasy story)? Why does the planet share the name of England's largest lake? Is it all just a cosmic coincidence or could it perhaps be due to lazy story writing and art direction?
  20. Oh, it's just that cat people in itself is a HUGE cliché. And trying to pass quirks such as an obsession of a particular food stuff as proper personality traits is a common flaw in Japanese storytelling. Combining two clichés does NOT make it fresh somehow, it only makes it more cliché.As for your nitpick on the catpeople's diet... Scientifically speaking, there's no way whatsoever that there could have evolved animals on another planet that look like, act like and express the same allergens as cats evolved on Earth to begin with. The high occurance of humanoids in the galaxy is explained with the Protoculture seeding, but the occurance of cats everywhere has yet to get an explanation. Not that I expect to get one - Delta has clearly stopped to make any attempts to make the science fiction parts plausible. Pandering to the kawaii crowds, for example, has shown to be more important.
  21. I hope it doesn't mean Nexx will also be delayed. I have another items in the same order as him on NY and then I will have to wait on that item as well. :/
  22. What I'm actively (and sometimes foolishly) trying to find a good deal for (in other words - essential for feeling of completion): VF-1D with option parts VF-11C VF-171 CF YF-29 Isamu VF-1J 1:48 weathered What I would likely jump on if re-released (non-essential for feeling of completion but wouldn't mind having): VT-1 VE-1 SDF-1 DYRL (but I would much rather have a TV version) VF-1A CF TV version VF-X
  23. I'm aware that the nature of the puns is different in Japanese. Still, nothing in the world will make me rewatch this awful episode just to listen for "nyan" sounds. If you tell me Freyja actually stopped her cat noises when the other characters asked her to stop, I will admit my mistake. In the subs, she did do a few more and IINM, the apple seller did also make cat noises. You do mean stereotypical, right?
  24. If the subber did not add more puns to troll, it was not just one scene and not one character. But true, it was not just puns, it was also a whole lot of cat-related visual gags. And it spanned a considerable part of the episode.
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