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Everything posted by andrian

  1. Does it really have low ratings? This has actually been bothering me for quite a bit. None of my friends actually likes Macross in general and prefer Gundam, Naruto etc etc I was even surprised when Macross was named the 80th most popular anime which was conducted online here http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2005-...i-top-100-anime And its not even in the top 100 of the other one http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2005-...00-anime-part-2 I dont know how accurate this ranking is, but to think that macross is not even in the top 50 is really disturbing Either that, or the rest of us here are really just very bias towards macross
  2. I bought the toyname 1/100 version and i realised that the socket where the arms goes is slightly cracked. I checked thru all the models in the shop and most of them were slightly cracked too. Was yours cracked as well? There was like hairline cracks on the circle sockets... Does anyone have the same problem as me? Is it normal? Thanks
  3. Thanks alot, this has been really informative. I never knew such forums existed till the nostalgic triggered to find macross toys on ebay!! At the moment im looking for the smaller ones tht are ard 1/00 rather than the bigger ones. A funny incident happened to me once. A friend bought me one of the Yamato's quite awhile back and i left it at my grandma's house for the summer. When i came back looking for it, she told me she donated it to charity. I sure hope that kid tht received the yamato sure appreciates it!
  4. Was looking thru your website and on hindsight, since i was a kid, the macross was probably much smaller than 1/100... i think that i used to have the banpresto 1/144 version... this is really confusing man Anyway, in your opinion since u rate each of them, which is the best macross, or rather what are your top 3 macrosses out there?
  5. Hi YES!!! These are the ones, i also saw the Bandai 1/100. I found some on ebay and they cost roughly USD$140-$160. Are they worth that much? Thanks alot for identifying them. Now i cant remember whether i had the takatoku or bandai version...
  6. When i was young around 5-6 years old, i used to have a Macross transformable figure that is about 5-7inches - most probably VF-1A, although im not too sure. It actually looks very similar to the new Toyname figures 1/100 figures right now? I was wondering if anyone knows of any such brands and model of the figures that was that size and made before 1990? This is greatly appreciated cause my parents told me i never had such a toy while i vividly remember playing with it all the time. I've been trying to search for the exact same valkryie for years but to no avail. I really might been imagining i had the macross toy back then. Thank you!!
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