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Everything posted by takatoys

  1. If you can, rent the first volume DVD from ADV films. The first two episodes are excellent, the opening and BGMs are outstanding. If you still like the series, buy the DVD box. And if you want to see Evangelion the way it should be, then buy the japanese remastered DVDs. I only have the first volume and it is INCREDIBLE!!!! Just by listening the opening theme in DD 5.1 you knew it was worth the price. The animation is flawless, colors are vivid, sound is in DD 5.1, the only problem is that there are no english subtitles ( I forgot to add that it is also Region 2)
  2. takatoys

    Q-Rau price

    For me its an expensive toy; but being a loyal fan, I will buy just one Q-Rau (assuming there will be a green one). The price would be right if the legs were diecast and the Millia figure poseable. Yamato needs some competition to lower the price, perhaps a US$20 bootleg Q-Rau
  3. takatoys


    Forgot to say that I still want it. I like new enemy figures and the Q-Rau looks impressive. I won't have problems with it coz I usually don't play with toys that cost me more than a hunfred bucks
  4. takatoys


    It seems that the Q-Rau is more a sculpture than a toy. From what I see Yamato has released....a beautifully painted completed plastic kit with some articulation
  5. That is a very nice custom Devin, really impressive. I think you should´ve used Minmey´s face instead of the grey kite on the fastpack. But overall it is one of the best customs, very unique.
  6. I have both versions and they are practically the same quality, the weathering on the Hasbro version does not look bad at all. The Hasbro smokestacks look awful but I found a way to fix them without paying extra: Die-cast smokestack You can even make smoke effects with the cotton of the Q-tip
  7. takatoys

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    Excelente mi amigo
  8. I want to know if there is a big difference in quality of the japanese remastered version and the ADV version. I know the japanese version now includes 5.1 sound but no english subtitles What I also hate about the japanese version is that the last volumes only include 2 episodes, but in two formats so you can watch them either in OA format or Video format. what is the difference of these two formats? I want to get at least one volume to check the picture quality and the 5.1 sound which should make a difference.
  9. The heatshield is from Roy's Vf-1S I applied the Blue Roses heatshield emblem (the one on the bottom right corner of the sheet) that covers the skull emblem perfectly.
  10. Here is one with all the stickers correctly applied: More pictures on this post: Custom 1/48 Blue Roses
  11. This is how the new vf-1 A/S/J sticker sheet will look: It will be in production tomorrow and will be ready in 10 days aprox.
  12. Yeap, I borrowed Roy's heatshield and applied the Blue roses symbol sticker with the black backgrund to cover the skull. I did not touch the tailfins since it will stay with the armor. If you have good skills with an exacto knive, you can get rid of the yellow seam on the fastpack where the armament HMMP-02 sticker goes.
  13. Hi It's been a while since I made a custom valkyrie. Fortunately, this one did not require any paint, only to apply my low vis option sticker. I finally finished this one with all the stickers necessary to look like a killer valk. I hope Yamato reissue the low vis valk coz it makes a perfect custom valkyrie. Here are the pictures I love my Blue Roses valk!!!
  14. I will try to take some pictures in battroid this week. Important tip: for the best adhesion, clean your valk and fastpacks with alcohol or similar. I got my fastpack set and it was all covered with grease, apparently a mold release agent. This diminishes the adhesion and the stickers could peel off easily. If you clean the surface before appliying the stickers you won't have any problems.
  15. Looks nice. You forgot to put some blood on the seat. I assume that's what the technnicians found when they looked at the cockpit.
  16. That yellow stick out slots should not be there. I don't know why Yamato made those little variations to the fast packs
  17. Good job. Looks amazing with all the weathering. One question, What is the proper position of the un. spacy on the gun? One thing I don't like is the un. spacy on the gun being upside down. I prefer to put it so it can be read in battroid mode. In fighter mode is hard to see the gun underneath so it does not affect the appereance.
  18. I still have not played the game much but my first impressions are: The graphics look really good, the intro is excellent, I wish I can understand japanese so I know what Lisa is saying. I don't understand why the game does not use the original Macross BGM like the Macross Plus game
  19. I got your email Wasabi, sorry for the delay.
  20. These are stickers, not decals; but they look just like decals: proffesionally printed, made of very thin high quality 3M sheets. Trust me, they are far superior than the Yamato stickers. Well, it is time to give a small preview of what the option stickers will have. Due to a busy schedule, they won't be ready until the end of october.
  21. Finally I have the low vis. stickers ready; trust me, they are the best low vis. stickers you can get!!! Quality is excellent, lots of stickers including the beautiful Red roses symbol squadron. Actually it's supposed to be Blue roses, but from the different pictures I saw, the rose comes in either red or blue. My first option was red so I named it Red roses. Don't worry, there will be a Low vis. option sheet that will have the Blue roses symbol with all the details and the other enigma symbol. Price for each sheet is US$10 The new fastpack stickers will be ready next week, price US$5 Now I gotta go to sleep... forgot the pictures, here they are:
  22. Production of my low vis. stickers will start tomorrow. It would take aprox. a week to have them ready. There was a final touch on it. Kakisaki skull has been replaced for a the svc- 113 symbol. I considered necessary to make a separate upgrade of sticker armor that will include the kakisaki skull and missiles marks. There will also be an exclusive optional low vis. sheet with extra symbols. The final low vis. sheet looks like this:
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