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Everything posted by takatoys

  1. Anybody knows the opposite? I want to take out some decals that were out of place. What should I use in order not to affect the paint finish?
  2. I bought this Obi-wan saber in the early 90s. I am not sure how much it cost me but I know it was very expensive. Please, can anyone give more info about this saber? All I remember is that it was from those small advertisements from the sci-fi magazines. It said something like "the more realistic lightsaber blah blah blah". The saber holds 2AA batteries that turned on a small flashlight bulb that poorly iluminated a long transluscent blue stick. It was a good attempt of making a cool lightsaber at that time but I guess it is worthless now comparing to the master replicas.
  3. They are now ready for sale. Check the for sale forum with more pictures and information on how to order.
  4. I just got the stickers and they are excellent. I am very satisfied with the results. Colors are brilliant and the printing is sharp. I am applying them to my SDF-1. I'll post pictures later on. Pre-orders will start today.
  5. I will have a batch ready next week. The price of this sheet is US$12, shipping is included anywhere in the States. I won't be able to ship it until May 20th but pre-orders will take place as soon as I get the stickers.
  6. I upgraded the sheet. It will also include stickers for the conversion kit.
  7. Although the 1/3000 SDF-1 does not get much attention, I want to release this sticker sheet.
  8. Which one did you download, the quicktime movie one? It plays fine. Perrhaps you need the latest version or codec. This movie is the one we've been waiting for!!!. A lot of fighting and violence worth to watch.
  9. Excellent review Hurin. Any extras on the japanese DVD? I am still waiting for a remastered edition with DD5.1 and the flashback scene included. Will it ever be one?
  10. I personally like blue eyes, took the liberty of making the eyes blue and with a little more make up.
  11. Looks very nice, but aren't Minmay's eyes suppose to be blue?
  12. Would you guys be interested in stickers for the old Takatoku-Bandai big SDF-1? I have my SDF-1 with the stickers peeling off. I want to renovate them so, I can make new ones is there is some demand.
  13. takatoys

    CF VF-1A

    Hey, I never saw this Cf Vf-1A. You really painted so well that Yamato is probably considering making one. Looks unique, good job.
  14. These are stickers as usual. You can order directly from me, I accept paypal. email me for more info.
  15. Now you can leave your original sticker sheet intact. Here it is: This sheet can dress up the blue and red alpha. Price: US$7 I was not very impressed with the Alpha, until I applied the stickers.
  16. Since this topic is getting out of context, I am going to create a new one that says it all: WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY PRECIOUS MONSTER?
  17. Just be careful while playing with your monsters, it would difficult to find spare parts
  18. So, the extra emblems and UN SPACY on my 1/48 sheet will do it I can not make a custom sheet only to include the monster eyes but I will wait for the 1/48 GPB armor stickers to add the monster eyes as a bonus. I am still not sure about buying this toy. I bought the Q.rau and I was dissapointed, mostly for the lack of die-cast and the excessive price. This Monster is the same story. I prefer toys with diecast parts or else I consider them expensive pre-built model kits
  19. So, it is confirmed that there is a sticker sheet included. How are the size of the U.N SPACY and kite symbols? Same size as the 1/48 emblems?
  20. I miss the old box arts of the 80s. I can't stand a huge box with such horrible one-day photoshop presentation. Tenjin's illustration would've been so nice to use in this case. All the Macross Yamato boxes were meant to be displayed in the attic.
  21. I only see a pair of white strange symbols, the kite symbol and U.N SPACY stickers on both arms. Perhaps the 1/48 symbols and U.N SPACY would fit fine. That is why I always put extra of those main stickers in my custom 1/48 sheet We´ll see, if there are more strange symbols then I can make a custom sheet.
  22. Your pictures reminded me of this: IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING!
  23. I liked M0 until episode 3. I did not like the magical elements in episode 4. I thought the last two episodes would include more fight sequences and the original vf-1s that we all love. But instead, we get more of the super natural elements and confusing plot. Episode 5 finished with too many questions to answer. I hope kawamori someday remakes the original Macross series with CG animation. That would be so cool.
  24. For me the best place to buy toys in HK is Richmond Shopping Centre. It is in the corner of Argyle and Say Yee street in Mong kok. It has a big 111 number in front, you can't miss it. There are plenty of toy shops to look around with good prices. Most of them open in the afternoon and stay until 11pm. Don't forget to go to the basement of the building too and always ask for discount. For model kits you should go the the street behind the Standford hotel. The whole street is filled with model kits shops and there is a passage with shops showing beautiful built model kits The CMTA is also a must. Exit on E2. This is the map found on the back of the Superman Toys business card:
  25. For those who have seen ANH, how was the lightsaber duel? Did Lucas fix the scene where Obi Wan´s lightsaber looked like a huge needle?
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