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Everything posted by takatoys

  1. One question. Is the movie from the hybrid pack exactly the same as the regular edition? I read that the the hybrid pack movie ends with the concert and Megaroad departure from Flashback. I assume the regular does too. One thing I noticed is that both come with different jacket covers.
  2. Thanks for the video. I was about to cancel my pre-order, but now I think I will buy it. I sold my Gold book a year ago and the mini booklet would be a nice replacement.
  3. Well, I live in South America and I am about to pay 13.120 JPY SAL registered. That if I don't cancel my order due to the blur edits and useless FB2012. If the regular version of DYRL includes the Flashback ending then I can buy that and be happy saving some bucks. But I am now realizing I got a descent price of the Hybrid from Amiami. I will wait for more pictures of the booklet and extras. Please guys, show us some more pictures.
  4. So, the FB2012 disc is pointless in blu-ray format. I am now considering canceling my order and buy the regualr version instead. I was expecting more of FB 2012, but I can better watch it in Youtube. I will read more reviews of the boxset and decide whether is worth it or not.
  5. Please, those of you who have it already give us a good and honest review. I pre-ordered from Amiami and got the payment request. I am a little bit dissapointed with the blur edits and sound glitches. If i am going to cancel my order, I need to give a reasonable explanation to Amiami to avoid any penalties.
  6. Someone tells Bandai that I was a potential buyer of all the renewals. But thanks to the absurd production shortage, my money is going to Hot Toys figures.
  7. If Amiami gets this one for US$200 including shipping, then I will go for it. Buying a valk beyond that price is out of my league now.
  8. Isopropilic alcohol will get rid of paint excess. Just put some on a toilet paper and rub gently.
  9. This valk was born to bend backwards. But I don't mind, it looks wonderful in fighter mode. The Yamato stand is a must. I will look for the black one. Also, if it does not not come with Skull or U.N SPACY stickers, I will go back to the old days and make some.
  10. Toy looks beautiful but will look better in cannon fodder colors. I hope Bandai releases it soon and fix any problems this version has, if any.
  11. I am confident these renewals will get a second run. The YF-29 did. I am just upset that it will take maybe another year to buy one.
  12. Crazy that a toy released only afew months ago can duplicate its value that fast. Not even a vintageTakatoku costs that much now.
  13. Yeap. Outside the US, Fed Ex, DHL and any other private mail service will take advantage of you and charge you stupid fees even for a little piece of plastic. I never choose Fed Ex, even if its free.
  14. These new valks are out of my league. That is why I am collecting Hot Toys 1/6 figures now. Although expensive too, these figures are easier to get and fun to pose too. I will still buy valks but will wait for HLJ deals that come every now and then.
  15. I remember that some of the prototype pictures had the legs painted wrong or something. By the time I was waiting for the final product being reviewed, it was sold out.
  16. Why did I let Ozma go? Ok, I remember. I was waiting for positive reviews. Now I don't care if its broken or loose, I WANT OZMA REISSUED.
  17. The only update on HLJ are some free snacks for every purchase. Come on fat man! open up the pre-order for christ sake.
  18. takatoys

    DX VF-25G

    3am in my country and nothing new at HLJ. I give up, good luck if you get one today.
  19. I am also trying to get the VF-25G to trade for Ozma. I already have Alto and don't want to have the whole gang, just the main characters.
  20. takatoys

    WTF iShop2go!!

    I am guessing currency exchange and paypal transaction fee. Ask the seller to compensate for those.
  21. The YF-29 shows up again as a restock item at Amiami, but again is sold out
  22. Actually, it is good that Bandai is releasing this one first. There will be some manufacture problems that can be fixed on the cannon fodder. We just have to be patient and wait.
  23. I did not like the movie and the YF-29 is not that amazing in my opinion. But because everybody wants it, I will also buy one. First time I buy a Valkyrie just for the stupid frenzy
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